5 Fun Facts About Jonathan and Allison, Hopeful Adoptive Parents

by | Feb 17, 2021 | Birth Parent Blog

Waiting adoptive couple Jonathan and Allison relaxing their their dog and cat on the front porchI recently had the chance to chat with hopeful adoptive parents Jonathan and Allison from Tennessee. Before making a decision, you can speak with several hopeful adoptive parents. Sometimes, it’s nice to just get a bit more info to understand who they are and what they’re about. I asked Jonathan and Allison some fun questions that you won’t find in their adoption profile. I learned that they’re a family-oriented couple who are so excited to become parents through adoption!

1. What Disney character are you most like?

Beauty and the Beast. Cliché, right? But seriously, that’s us. Allison is sweet and gentle, always thinking of others, and Jonathan is a self-described “bull in a china cabinet” and is the life of the party.
We’re a classic case of “opposites attract,” and it makes us stronger as a team. In fact, our favorite motto is “Teamwork makes the dream work.” We’re far from perfect but have found a great rhythm and balance in our life together. We really feel this will be beneficial raising children, so they see their parents working as a team in life.
Jonathan and Allison on a bike ride together

2. What is something from your childhood that you want to make sure your child has or gets to experience?

Traveling was such a formative experience for each of us, and we can’t wait to share that opportunity with a child.
Our families would take road trips in the summers, and we both carry those fond memories still to this day. When we were a little older, we each got to take special trips with our grandparents or aunt and uncle, giving us a sense of independence.
We love to take several road trips a year and a bigger trip each summer. Traveling helped shape us in many ways, and we look forward to empowering our children with this same experience.

3. When you were a kid, what did you absolutely love to do?

As children, we both enjoyed building things. Jonathan’s favorite was Lego sets, and for Allison, it was Lincoln Logs.
It turned out these were very formative activities leading to Allison becoming an architect and Jonathan becoming a computer engineer. We loved expressing ourselves this way and sharing our creations with our families. We can’t wait to introduce our child to these and so many other toys and see their creativity and imaginations flourish.

4. If you could go back in time, what year or time period would you travel to?

Hopeful adoptive parents Allison and Jonathan playing a board game called SequenceWe love the style and music of the 50s and 60s and at times dream about experiencing it firsthand. Our home represents our shared love of midcentury furniture and colorful artwork. Even though Allison prefers yoga pants, she loves to sew and is so inspired by the beautiful dresses in historical movies and TV shows.
We love the idea that there was more of a universal emphasis on family and community back then. However, we’re incredibly thankful for how far the world has come socially since that era and pray we continue to be more kind as a society.

5. As parents, what is something specific you want to teach your child?

Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows or even fair. Even when, on the surface, someone looks like their life is perfect, they’re dealing with stuff. We all have stuff.
Not only does this apply to how life has shaped us, but we also want to make sure we raise children to be kind and love everyone. We will teach them that you never know what someone is going through. Love God and love people is how we live our lives and how we plan to teach our children to live.
If you’re interested in talking to them as potential adoptive parents to your baby, just text or call Lifetime at
and we can connect you with them.


Written by Heidi Keefer

Heidi Keefer is a Content Creator for Lifetime Adoption and has over 15 years of experience in the field of adoption. An author of thousands of articles and social media posts over the years, Heidi enjoys finding new ways to educate and captivate Lifetime’s ever-growing list of subscribers.

Heidi has a keen eye for misplaced apostrophes, comma splices, and well-turned sentences, which she has put to good use as a contributor to Lifetime’s award-winning blogs. She has written and published hundreds of adoption articles which explore the various facets of domestic infant adoption today.

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