As a childless single woman in your thirties, you may start to reflect on the significance of motherhood in your life....
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Our Favorite Adoption Books for Kids
Experts recommend talking about adoption with your child early on so they feel confident in their identity and proud...
Adoption Symbol
Although it's still relatively unknown, there's a growing awareness of an unofficial adoption symbol. It's lovely — a...
What if There Are Two Types of Adoption in One Family?
Open adoption arrangements vary from situation to situation. They can range from sharing little information to having...
Ohio Adoption Grant Explained
At Lifetime, we understand that the expenses of adoption can be a barrier for many couples in Ohio who are called to...
All I Want for Christmas Is a Baby
The holidays often emphasize the longing to add a child to a family. You may even hold back every time someone close...
What is a Birth Mother Like?
Many hopeful adoptive parents wonder what typical birth mothers are like. They worry about speaking with a...
10 Tips for Your First Conversation with a Birth Mother
Once a birth mother decides she’d like to chat with you for the first time, you might be both ecstatic and...
Can You Breastfeed An Adopted Baby?
Many hopeful adoptive mothers wonder, "Can you breastfeed an adopted baby>?" and "Can a woman produce milk without...