About Heather Featherston

Vice President

Heather Featherston Vice President Lifetime AdoptionAs an adoption specialist and the Vice President (VP) of Lifetime Adoption, Heather Featherston holds an MBA and is passionate about working with those facing adoption, pregnancy, and parenting issues. Heather has conducted adoption training for birth parent advocates, spoken to professional groups, and has appeared on television and radio to discuss the multiple aspects of adoption. She has provided one-on-one support to women and hopeful adoptive parents working through adoption decisions.

Since 2002, she has been helping pregnant women and others in crisis to learn more about adoption. Heather also trains and speaks nationwide to pregnancy clinics to effectively meet the needs of women who want to explore adoption for their child. Today, as an adoption specialist, she continues to address the concerns women have about adoption and supports the needs of women who choose adoption for their child.

As a published author of the book Called to Adoption, Featherston loves to see God’s hand at work every day as she helps children and families come together through adoption.

Heather and her husband are proud parents to two boys, and as a family they love the outdoors, especially fishing. “I’ve gotten to see some amazing places as I travel for my boys’ fishing tournaments! Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, and many more. It’s not so much the states, but it is going to the small towns and meeting the people putting the tournaments on for the kids. Seeing places like Bethel College, Land Between the Lakes, and Patti’s 1880’s Settlement… or driving literally all over Louisiana from Avery Island to New Orleans to Monroe and stopping at every wide spot along the way – we never would have gone to these places!”

Heather Featherston with her familyLifetime families will often hear Heather on private webinars, sharing her faith as well as her experience both in adoption and as a mother. “As a Christian, I see God’s hand at work in every adoption. There are times that I think I may know what’s best but when I can be still and let God lead, His plan is always greater than mine,” she shares. “One of the great things I love talking about is the topic of surrender. When we can be in a place of surrender, we are ready to receive blessings, but we have to open our hands, which often are clinging tightly to our own expectations or desire to control everything.” One of her favorite verses is Psalm 16:8

What advice would you give to families who want to adopt?

I would tell prospective adoptive parents to be flexible and to know what they are ready to say yes to. I would also want them to understand that with the many tools Lifetime gives them, they may never know where they will find the woman who will choose them as parents. Lifetime’s program is so rich, it really gives parents so many options to be discovered by potential birth parents!

As an adoption specialist, what advice would you give to expectant parents considering adoption?

I would tell these sweet pregnant moms to learn about all of the choices in modern, open adoption. It is so much more than just picking a family and deciding to have future content. The relationship can be so much more if you desire. I would also encourage them to get in touch with one of our peer counselors. This amazing women have such wonderful insight and wisdom, they can truly answer the questions that no one else may be able to.

Can you share one of your most memorable adoptions?

Years ago, when live chat was new, I worked with a young woman who came on the chat late one evening. It was after hours, but I would just have it on in case anyone needed help. She was late in her pregnancy and she, along with her husband and two young children, were living with her father. She could only talk or chat in the evening because both men worked overnight shifts, so she and the kids would also sleep during the day and were up at night. We chatted every night for a week about what open adoption could be. She picked the most amazing family who had previously adopted through Lifetime, and she delivered soon after. I still have a picture of her baby in my office. I think it was memorable because of the late night chats. Again, the technology was all new and she had such a sweet spirit and heart, but was lonely too. I appreciated that I could be there for her and that she trusted me to help her.

What is one thing you are most proud of?

I am really proud of the adoption training program we have created to help medical professionals share what modern adoption is. It still amazes me that people think adoption is like it was in the 1950’s! It couldn’t be more different! I think our training program is excellent and that the materials and help we provide make it easy for anyone to share with a pregnant mom what her options are in open adoption.


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Called To Adoption



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Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in both Florida and Arkansas. (License FL#100084254 AR#00050809)

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