Birth Parent Blogs
If you’ve just found out you’re pregnant and you weren’t planning it, you’re probably wondering what you should do and looking things up online like “giving baby up for adoption”. Maybe you’re thinking about giving your baby up for adoption, and that’s a very loving choice to make. The language we use to describe adoption is important. This is especially true when it comes to phrases like “giving baby up for adoption.” You might wonder what it is like to do this, and you’re not alone.
Lifetime Adoption has been helping women just like you find adoptive parents for their children for over 35 years. In that time, we’ve seen the language of adoption change as much as the process itself. One of the many things we’ve learned over the years is that you are not “giving up!”
Why Choosing Adoption is Not ‘Giving a Baby Up For Adoption’
When you choose adoption, you have chosen to make a new life for your baby — and for yourself! So instead of saying “giving the baby up for adoption,” we say “placing a baby for adoption.”
While the adoption decision can feel overwhelming, the actual adoption process doesn’t need to be. At Lifetime Adoption, our caring professionals understand the anxiety that comes with your adoption choice. We are committed to providing expectant mothers with support throughout the entire adoption process. Your Adoption Coordinator is here to offer you non-judgmental support and guidance during each step.
Choosing adoption is a positive, selfless decision. Plus, a modern open adoption plan, in which the baby is born with the adoptive family already chosen and waiting at the hospital, is a beautiful and special thing.
When you use Lifetime’s adoption services — whether you’re just a few months pregnant or thinking of adoption for your child — we’ll help you set up an adoption plan. Lifetime also helps you select the right adoptive parents for your baby or child. All of our hopeful adoptive parents go through a lengthy, detailed process before they can adopt. In-depth screening, interviews, and background checks are done on every hopeful parent, as well as a home study.
By reading this blog, you’ll learn more about how adoption works, from when you discover you are pregnant, all the way to maintaining a future relationship with your baby’s adoptive family. Stay informed, get tips on pregnancy and adoption, and hear stories from other birth parents on modern open adoption with Lifetime Adoption’s blog.
Lifetime Adoption’s dedicated, caring professionals work nationwide to connect birth mothers with loving adoptive families. If you have any questions about adoption, get in touch with us today by calling or texting Lifetime at 1-800-923-6784.
How to Write a Letter of Love to Your Child
This Valentine’s Day, we’re reminded that love comes in many forms—the love between partners, friends, family, and, most powerfully, the love of a mother for her child. For most women, their reasons for choosing adoption include the ability to provide their child with...
Your Adoption Plan [the Complete Guide]
Finding out you are pregnant can be exciting...unless it isn't. Maybe you feel like you're too young to be a mom, are in the middle of college, or already have kids and just can't handle another mouth to feed. Whatever is stressing you out about pregnancy and raising...
Teen Pregnancy Help
Being a teenager is hard, but being a pregnant teen can be even harder. Many pregnant teens struggle to find the help and care they need for a healthy pregnancy, like healthcare, education, and a strong support system. They need resources for pregnant teens more than...
Foster Care vs Adoption: How Are They Different?
Question: "I have a three-and-a-half year old daughter and I'm 30 weeks pregnant with another girl. I've really been struggling to pay bills and make ends meet. As hard as it is to admit, I'm thinking it might be best to adopt out my baby. My friend told me that it's...
Can I Place My Baby for Adoption With a Catholic Family?
"I've just found out I'm pregnant. I'm scared and ashamed! I don't believe in abortion, and I'm not ready to become a mom right now. So, I'm thinking about adoption. Can I place my baby for adoption with a Catholic family?" Yes! Lifetime has hopeful adoptive...
Grief and Loss in Adoption
If you are an expectant mother considering placing your baby for adoption, you will likely be processing many different feelings along the way. It is normal to feel a combination of grief and sadness, denial, and even bouts of depression. Working through these...