Heidi Keefer


Content Creator and Video Coordinator

Lifetime Adoption Content Creator and Video Coordinator Heidi Keefer and family
As Content Creator for Lifetime Adoption, Heidi helps manage the content presented on Lifetime’s websites, blogs, and on social media. An author of thousands of blog posts over the years, Heidi enjoys finding new ways to educate and captivate Lifetime’s ever-growing list of subscribers.
Heidi has a keen eye for misplaced apostrophes, comma splices, and well-turned sentences, which she has put to good use as a contributor to Lifetime’s award-winning blogs. She has written and published hundreds of adoption articles which explore the various facets of domestic infant adoption today.
As Video Coordinator, Heidi supports and guides Lifetime’s hopeful adoptive parents as they plan, record, and create their adoption video. Upon completion of their video, she performs video marketing services so that the adoptive family can be found across multiple media platforms. “It’s my goal to help adoptive couples create a video that not only feels true to themselves, but will also resonate with an expectant mother,” Heidi says. “It’s an honor to witness the enthusiasm and excitement of adoptive parents as they prepare to welcome a baby into their homes.”
Lifetime Adoption Content Creator and Video Coordinator Heidi Keefer working at her deskIn addition, Heidi provides support to Lifetime’s Web Team by editing and updating online content, reviewing new website designs, managing webinar recordings, enhancing content for SEO, and providing social media support.
With an educational background in Communication Studies, English, and Women’s Studies from Luther College, Heidi is well-equipped for the wide variety of work she performs for Lifetime Adoption.

Outside of work, Heidi cherishes being a mom and enjoys design, fashion, reading, shopping, yoga, and going to the gym.

When asked about working with Heidi, a fellow Lifetime staff member had these words of praise to share: “Heidi has a been a gift and a blessing since the day she joined us. Her willing spirit and cheerful presence truly exemplifies a servant’s heart. Heidi is thoughtful, kind, and always eager to help in any way she can. This exemplifies Lifetime’s commitment to our families and birth mothers, the commitment to the babies we help find their home, and the commitment to ultimately, let God’s hand lead these babies home.”

Fast Facts About Heidi

Favorite Color: Raspberry pink
Favorite Holiday: Halloween…I love seeing the costumes that everyone comes up with!
Favorite Indulgence: La Croix sparkling water (especially the grapefruit flavor!)
Favorite Music: Classic rock
On a day all to myself, I’d… Go shopping and get a mani/pedi

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We are a Safe Haven Approved Agency.

Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Florida. (License FL 100096562)
Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Arkansas. (License AR #00050809)
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