Creating Your Adoption Hospital Plan

A pregnant woman looks out a window with her hands on her belly
Giving birth can be a physically and emotionally challenging event! You might be nervous as you get ready for delivery. When you add an adoption plan into the mix, things can become even more overwhelming.

That’s why Lifetime encourages you to create an adoption hospital plan ahead of time. This plan will say what role you’d like the adoptive couple to have, and how you want the delivery to take place. Here’s some info so that you can make an adoption hospital plan that works for you!

To get started, ask yourself these three questions:

  • Do you want the adoptive family to be part of the birthing process?
  • Do you want the adoptive couple to be at the hospital with you?
  • Is it OK if they’re both in the delivery room? Or just the adoptive mom, or neither?

Some women choose to bring the adoptive couple into the process so that they can experience the birth themselves. For example, she might ask the adoptive couple to cut the umbilical cord. Or, the birth mother could even let them be the first to hold the baby so they can begin bonding right away.

Other birth mothers choose to spend as much time as possible with their baby. It’s hard to say goodbye to someone if you haven’t first said hello. Taking the time to hold your baby and talk to her may help with your healing process.

The choices are yours in your adoption hospital plan. To make sure you create an adoption plan that works for you, please connect with an Adoption Coordinator at Lifetime. She’ll help you work out the details, so you end up with a plan you’re truly comfortable with.

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