Foster Care Adoption

My Child Has Been Removed From My Home and is in Foster Care. My Rights Have Not Been Terminated. Can I Still Work With Your Program and Find Adoptive Parents to Adopt My Child?

woman worried about her child in foster care

Yes, of course! In fact, we can help find parents who want to adopt children who may have been placed in foster care.

If your child is currently in foster care, we will work with you and one of our attorneys — at no cost to you. Together, we will determine the appropriate steps that will need to be taken in order to have your child legally adopted into a permanent adoptive home.

While Lifetime is not a foster care adoption agency, we can assist moms with kids currently in foster care who can still make a choice about their child’s future.

In some cases and in some states, you may be able to remove your child from foster care and work with an adoption agency to place the child into a forever family instead.

In other words, you choose the family. You meet them, talk to them, and become acquainted before making a decision.

Foster Care Adoption Process

We understand how much families go through when hoping to adopt children. We also know how much work and planning birth parents must do when searching for an adoptive family and a permanent home for their child.

One of the first orders of business is deciding the best path forward. Nationwide and/or in-state adoptions — whether private adoption agencies or a public agency — deal with the foster care system all the time. But from the outside looking in, adopting a child from foster care can seem confusing and intimidating.

Government agencies, such as the Child Welfare Information Gateway, can provide a lot of valuable resources. Their website covers such diverse but related topics as adoption and foster parents, the foster child adoption process itself, and child welfare systems in general.

But even helpful resources about child care, adoptions, finding loving homes and permanent families to adopt the child can become overwhelming.

Lifetime Adoption: A Domestic Adoption Agency

Lifetime makes it easy. Our adoption specialists have a collection of pooled resources built over time. Those resources plus our extensive experience and our expert and caring adoption specialists will simplify the process for you.

We’ll cut through all the noise and uncertainty and put you and you on a path to finding a loving home for your child or children in foster care.

It’s important that you not delay, however. Birth mothers can sometimes lose rights and end up having no say in the adoption process.

Please contact us as soon as possible to allow us to work with you and for you in a timely manner. Otherwise, your rights and wishes may not be considered.

Most of the older children we place with adoptive families are not in foster care. Instead, they’re typically living with relatives or their birth parents. This allows for a more simple procedure and a shorter time frame once birth moms and dads have chosen a family.


Remember though: Lifetime Adoption is here for you. You won’t be alone during the process. We provide not just resources specifically geared toward adoption but we also provide counseling services and access to a wide range of helpful information and support.

For example, you can access our extensive peer support network. This service connects you with moms who made the loving choice to place their child into an adoptive family. You can use this service as often or as little as you like.

Contact Lifetime Adoption today for a no-pressure consultation.  Lifetime can advise you of your rights. You may be able to choose adoption prior to any rights being terminated, if at all.

We look forward to speaking with you, whether you’re a birth parent or a family looking to adopt.

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We are a Safe Haven Approved Agency.

Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Florida. (License FL 100096562)
Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Arkansas. (License AR #00050809)
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