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Aaron & Madelyn

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We've Been Chosen
State We Live in: Minnesota
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: No
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Sibling Group: Yes
With oldest up to 2 years old
Open to Twins: Yes

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Hello from the Midwest! We’re Aaron and Madelyn!

We are a young, adventurous, family-centered couple that is super excited to begin our family through adoption! We enjoy hiking by the lakes, playing board games, bonfires, and a cozy movie night with cheddar popcorn! As parents, we are looking forward to starting new family traditions and watching our child grow into the person that God designed them to be!

Our Story

Growing up only 2 miles away from each other, we met in kindergarten and began dating in high school. Through our 5 years of dating, we traveled to 10+ states and 2 countries, went to countless concerts, and found a new love for rock climbing. After those 5 years of dating, we finally got married! Over the last 3 years, we have built a strong, God-centered marriage that is still full of adventure and new experiences. Some of those adventures include trying new coffee shops, checking out various walking trails nearby, and playing pickle ball. Our desire to be parents stems from our wish to experience the joys of parenthood alongside our children, as we journey through life’s prime years together. After Madelyn getting diagnosed with PCOS and endometriosis and Aaron experiencing his own infertility, we are excited to grow our family through adoption!

Meet Madelyn (by Aaron)

Aaron says: Madelyn is the most compassionate person I have ever met and has the biggest heart for everyone she encounters! She is a part-time social worker working with older adults and runs our own wedding coordinating business! I love watching her use her God-given gifts to help people in both of these roles. Deep down, Madelyn is a grandma at heart as she enjoys crocheting, baking, and snuggling up under a warm blanket to read a good thriller book (shout out to Freida McFadden). She will make the most amazing mother as she is loving, wise, patient, and does an incredible job showing the love of God. She has a deep desire to become a mother and is looking forward to baby snuggles and laughing with our child!

Meet Aaron (by Madelyn)

Madelyn says: Aaron is the most hardworking and selfless man. Being a medical device engineer, he is not only providing for our family, but he is also using his God-given talents to help the lives of those in need. He loves to tell dad jokes, do anything outdoors (hiking, fishing, long-boarding), and play/write music. Aaron’s love for the Lord and his passion to share that with everyone is what is going to make him an incredible dad. He is looking forward to teaching our child how to fish and play music.

Our Family

We are currently a little family of 3 – Aaron, Madelyn, & Kona (our pup)! Kona is a Treeing Tennessee Brindle and is a little over a year old. She loves playing fetch, snuggling on the couch, and chasing squirrels outside. We are very family-oriented and often see our family multiple times per week! When we are all together, we enjoy going on walks, having cookouts, and playing all kinds of games. We are fortunate that while we were dating, our parents became best friends, enough so that our families do holiday celebrations all together. Our family is so excited and supportive of our adoption! They cannot wait to welcome our child into our family and spoil them with love!

Our Home in Minnesota

We live in a 4-bedroom house that is tucked away in a suburb of Minneapolis. We are currently working on putting together the nursery and have been enjoying picking out different children’s books! Our city is safe and family-friendly with the many perks of living nearby the city (zoos, parks, children’s museum). Minnesota is also known to have one of the best educational systems in the country, with our city having one of the highest ranked school districts. There are tons of trails that surround our beautiful community that we take evening family walks on. Nearby there are playgrounds and local lakeside beaches that are perfect for our child to play outside!

Our Promise

We promise to raise our child to know the love of God. We promise that our home will be a place that they will feel unconditionally loved, seen, and safe. We promise to encourage them to pursue their dreams and to challenge them to grow in their own confidence.

We believe that open adoption is a beautiful opportunity for two families to become one. We have been praying for you and for your child. We are committed to having open communication with you, always at your comfort level. Thank you for taking the time to learn about us and we look forward to learning about you!

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

~Aaron and Madelyn

More About Aaron

Education: Bachelors of Science - Mechanical Engineering
Profession: Product Development Engineer
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: White/Caucasian

His Favorites:

Food: Sausage pizza
Road trip snack: Beef jerky
Game: Ticket to Ride or Mysterium
Type of Ice Cream: Butterfinger milkshake
Season (and why): Summer--it's fishing season and there's lots of boat time
Kind of potato: Waffles fries with seasoned sour cream
Concert: Twenty-One Pilots

More About Madelyn

Education: Bachelors of Social Work
Profession: Social Worker
Stay-At-Home: Part-time
Racial Background: White/Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Food: Any cheesy pasta
Road trip snack: Trail mix
Game: Code Names
Type of Ice Cream: Chocolate peanut butter
Season (and why): Fall--it is finally sweater season and also the changing leaves
Kind of potato: Curly fries
Concert: Judah and the Lion

More About Our Family

What's Important to Us

- Raising our children to feel loved, supported by us, and safe in their home
- Making sure our foundation as a family is on God and His word and sharing that with everyone
- Supporting each other to pursue our passions and dreams
- Spending time with family/friends
- Being honest and respecting others

Our Faith

Our faith is more than just something we do, it is who we are! We live our lives to be and love like Jesus. We are very involved in our church and serve in a few areas: kids ministry and special events. It is our goal to share the love of Jesus with our child to allow them to grow into the person that He designed them to become!

Our Community

We are a part of an incredible church community that is just as excited as we are to share the love of Jesus with our child. We both volunteer in the kids ministry on Sundays and attend a small group each week.

We gather each week with a group of close friends for food and games. During these times, we share our highs and lows of the previous week and get to do life together.

Our Favorite Traditions

We have a lot of family traditions, but there are definitely a few favorites that we are excited to share with our child:
- Whenever we visit somewhere new, we always play a round of mini golf
- Every Christmas season, our family goes up North to Duluth, MN to visit Bentleyville, which is a huge Christmas light show
- Strawberry picking every 4th of July and making homemade jam
- Decorating Christmas cookies and delivering them to local fire stations and emergency rooms on Christmas Eve

In Closing

Thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child! We are so excited to begin growing our family through adoption. We would love to learn more about you and the life you dream for your child. We promise to raise them in a faith-filled, loving, fun, and adventurous family. We would love to talk or answer any questions!

We hope to speak with you soon!

To learn more about us, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784