Our Profile

Adam & JoLynn

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State We Live in: Wisconsin
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: Yes
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months, 3 Months – 12 Months, 1 and 2 Years
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Sibling Group: Yes
With the oldest up to 4 years old
Open to Twins: Yes

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We are eagerly waiting and excited to add another child, twins, or sibling group to our family! We will unconditionally love them and give them our best. We would be so honored to meet you and get to know you and stay in touch if you are open to that, and value you, as family. We can send pictures, videos, and would love to plan visits throughout the years! We feel it is important to talk positively to our children about their birth families. Family time is a priority for us! We are excited to nurture a baby with love, snuggles, and laughter every day, which is a goal in our home. We will provide opportunities for our children. We do this by finding out their interests, such as cooking, music or sports, and then helping them spend more time doing the things they love. We are a bubbly and fun couple who love to laugh and help others in our community.

About Us

We met in middle school and have been together since. We are best friends and love to make each other laugh. We love to kayak, swim, watch our daughter play sports, and hang out on our hobby farm around the house jumping on the trampoline, playing in the sandbox, and watching our animals. We are so excited to help our children grow into the best version of themselves.

As a family, we try to see where each person thrives, such as art, music, education, sports, or other talents, and then encourage and make opportunities to grow in those areas. And as our family grows, we will focus on what our next child/children love to do and look for opportunities they are excited about.

Adam is a Pastor, and JoLynn leads music at our church on Sundays. We feel it is important to show Christ’s love to others and be kind. JoLynn is a full-time stay at home mom during the week and focuses on taking care of our daughter; she will have plenty of time to rock our baby and focus on anything they need. She photographs on occasion, however that is very part-time as she really just wants to focus on being at home with our family and children.

About JoLynn

Adam says: JoLynn has more love and compassion in a single finger than most people possess. She truly demonstrates the heart of God by the way she cares for others no matter her relationship with them. JoLynn loves to take our daughter to the park, to sports, and out swimming with her friends. Her creativity can also be seen in everything she does from her music at church, her photography, painting, puzzles, and the silly voices she makes as she reads stories to Jasmine (our daughter) at bedtime. JoLynn is an amazing mother!

JoLynn says: I think about the beautiful opportunity and honor it will be to raise more children; there is nothing more important than loving children and raising them in a safe home where they can feel comfortable to be their silly and lovable selves! I truly look forward to the day when we can welcome more children into our lives and shower them with the forever love they deserve. As their birthmother, you will always be so important, valued, and loved by us as well. We will always talk positively about you.

About Adam

JoLynn says: Adam is loved by many and knows how to make everyone feel special by listening to them, as he is the Pastor of our small-town church. He is patient, truly cares for others, and sets aside time to help others in need. He understands hardship and is very down-to-earth, reliable, and easy to relate to. He loves to hunt; however, he spends more time making sure the deer have food and a nice home on our land. He loves to read, take care of our cows and goats, and explore our land. Adam is the best dad; he is like a gentle teddy bear, one who keeps everyone he loves safe and secure. He is focused when spending time with our daughter and she just loves her daddy so much! He is game for being the alligator or tiger, whatever Jasmine wants him to be while they play. He is looking forward to taking our future child(ren) on hikes through the woods and teaching them to feed apples to our cows and goats.


Our Home in Wisconsin

We moved into our home about 9 years ago and LOVE living here. Our yard is full of fun with a playset, fenced in play area, goats, a few cows, and a stunning view that connects to a beautiful walking trail. We live just south of town where we can access anything we need, for parks, schools, there are fun events, however we live in a quiet and relaxing country home. The people in our small town are friendly, excepting, and we have everything at our fingertips.

We have a Goldendoodle named Ivy who loves to snuggle and is a loving dog with the sweetest personality. We live within 30 -45 minutes of both of our parents, they both are very involved in our life, and are really excited to add more grandchildren.

Our Daughter and Family

We adopted Jasmine when she was just 1 1/2 days old. She has truly been a joy in our lives. Jasmine is energetic, intelligent, and certainly in the “big sister” preparation mode. She is already discussing what she will share with her sibling(s) and that she wants to buy them things, and to help take care of them. She enjoys getting her dolls dressed, rocking them and caring for them.

We have many friends with adopted children, so Jasmine and our next child(ren) will thrive in a very understanding and supportive environment. Our families are both very involved and supportive. JoLynn comes from a large, very close family and Adam is from a small, tight-knit family. We see them all often. Adam’s parents attend our church and JoLynn works with her mom. Both sets of grandparents babysit when needed and have an amazing relationship with Jasmine. We love to have family game nights, go shopping together, and hang out with cousins. All of the cousins like to rollerblade, so the skating rink is a fun place to meet!

Our Hearts' Promise

All three of us are thrilled and ready to welcome another child, twins, or sibling group into our family. We promise to always put our children’s needs before ours. We promise to love them fully and unconditionally. We will provide them with the best education path and schooling that fits their personal needs. We will give them a safe environment, both physically and emotionally, and allow them to grow into the best version of themselves. We look forward to spending time together at home eating popcorn and snuggles during movie nights, playground visits, fishing, adventures with family and friends, going to church, and traveling during vacations with them! We will fill their life with a balance of downtime and adventures on a daily basis. We promise to maintain contact with you in the future, so you are secure that your baby/children are doing well with us and are thriving. We are praying for you and your child/children.

We would love to talk to you! If you would like to learn more about us, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Adam

Education: Bachelor
Profession: Pastor
Stay-At-Home: Part-time
Racial Background: Caucasian

His Favorites:

Vacation: Florida-swimming in the ocean
Dessert: Ice Cream with coffee/peanut butter
Mini day/overnight trip: Swimming & grilling out
Thing about your spouse: She is thoughtful & bubbly
More about us: Known for being playful & jokes around with everyone
Outdoor sight-seeing: Looking at the deer off the deck with binoculars
Song: So Will I - Hillsong

More About JoLynn

Education: Associate of Arts
Profession: Church Music Leader, Photographer
Stay-At-Home: Yes
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Vacation: Florida-watching Adam & Jasmine fishing by the ocean with the sea gulls!
Dessert: Danish Pastry-a tradition for my mother to make for us
Mini day/overnight trip: Mini resort with jumping pillow, kids train & pool
Thing about your spouse: He is very patient & giving
More about us: Maintains friendships for a lifetime
Outdoor sight-seeing: Hot chocolate & driving to see the fall tree colors
Song: Peace Be Still

More About Our Family

Our Passions

Our passion is really to serve God and others, and honestly find that we are better versions of ourselves when we focus on other people and serve them. We balance that with things that we love ourselves, which is outdoor life and hunting for Adam and taking time to do creative things for JoLynn.

Our Faith

Our relationship with God is what keeps us grounded at our home, and we both serve in our church regularly. There is nothing more important to us than the Lord. And by loving Jesus more deeply, experiencing His love and mercy we are able to be more loving to each other and those around us.

Our Home Environment

We try our best to provide a safe environment at home, where we all can relax and unwind. So we have a no yelling rule, and we do not raise our voice if angry to each other. As Adam is the youth pastor at church, he hears stories of kids not having a home they feel safe in, or they are anxious at home, so a home where we all feel secure and find peaceful is important. We also researched a dog that is a good therapy and emotional support dog, and so she cuddles us when we are sick if needed. She is playful yet relaxed based on what we are doing.

More About our Daughter and Adoption

We adopted Jasmine when she was 1 1/2 days old. We have been blessed to have her amazing birth parents in our lives. We send them photos every holiday and have a very positive relationship with them. We are open with Jasmine about her adoption and birth family, it has been a very positive, loving experience. We have traveled to visit with them before and are open to discussing whatever level of contact you are comfortable with. Jasmine is Hispanic Caucasian, and her birthfather is from Ecuador. She loves to watch Curious George in Spanish, and we support her learning about her heritage.

In Closing

Thank you so much for considering us to raise your precious child. We have been so blessed by our first adoption and are beyond excited for the next to grow our family in this way once more. We promise to show your child the love of God and raise them to flourish into all that God designed them to be. We understand that by caring for our family, we are also caring for your family as we commit to raise your child.

We both look forward to pouring our time, love, and affection into your child and our family. We are actively praying for you and your children or child and are excited to meet you both and to stay in contact, at your comfort level.