Our Profile

Aldrin & Kristine

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State We Live in: Texas
Our Religion: Catholic
Stay At Home Parent: Yes
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months, 3 Months – 12 Months, 1 and 2 Years, 3 and 4 Years
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, Hispanic, Native American
Sibling Group: Yes
Up to 4 years old
Open to Twins: Yes

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Hello! We’re a loving couple and we’d love to share our lives with a child. We’re active in our faith, love to explore nature and city attractions, and are set up to provide a stable family life as first-time parents. Going through infertility has brought us closer together and we believe God has called us on this path to adopt. We’re so excited to adopt our first child and hope to get to know you, as much as you are comfortable.

Our Story

We met online and got engaged after just 2 months! We knew quickly that we were meant to be together. It’s been an amazing journey together so far! We’ve been happily married 11 years and it’s exciting to picture our future as parents.

As a couple we enjoy:
• Playing arcades
• The zoo or aquarium
• State and national parks
• Museums
• Movies
• Traveling (anywhere!)
• The Texas State Fair (it’s a big deal here!)
• Going out to eat
• Attending church
• Road trips in the RV
• Home projects
• Anything to do with Christmas

About Kristine

According to Aldrin: Kristine is easy to make smile, understanding, and a good listener. My wife is all about family! She has a heart for children and will be a genuinely loving and attentive mom.

Kristine likes:
• Decorating (especially for Christmas!)
• Baking
• Cake decorating
• Reading non-fiction books about faith or to learn new things
• Couponing and shopping for deals

About Aldrin

According to Kristine: Aldrin loves to make others laugh! He doesn’t take life too seriously, is calm, and resourceful. I know he’ll be the kind of dad to teach our child lots of skills, from riding bikes or working on cars, to cooking or building things.

Aldrin likes:
• Weight lifting
• Cooking and barbecue
• Fixing cars
• Off road vehicles
• Swimming and Snorkeling
• Wood working
• Fix-it projects at home
• Fishing

Our Home in Texas

We live in a growing part of north Texas in a quiet, safe neighborhood. We’re good friends with some of our neighbors and we all look out for each other. There are many activities to do here, like the zoo, flea markets, shopping, historical sites, and local events. It’s easy to travel to other places from here too. Plus, there are great schools very close to our neighborhood.

Our 2-story home has 4 bedrooms, a fenced-in backyard with room for a swing set, and lots of living space to relax or play. We’ve already started a nursery in a room next to our bedroom, including furniture and a library of baby books.

Our Family

We have family around the U.S. and overseas! Aldrin has family in Guam, the Philippines, and Hawaii. In between visits, he keeps in touch with his family overseas with calls and video chats. Kristine comes from a big extended family (over 100 cousins!) and her parents and siblings live in the Midwest and we love traveling to visit them. We have close friends in Texas and Tennessee too. So far we have 8 nieces and nephews, so our child will have lots of cousins. Holidays are big for us and we love catching up with loved ones whenever we get together.

Adoption is also a part of our extended family! Kristine has 3 aunts and uncles on her mom’s side who adopted children. Everyone around us has been excited about our plans to adopt and can’t wait to meet the child who we’ll be chosen to adopt.

Our Promise

We promise your child will be our top priority and we will make sure he or she knows how loved and accepted they are as a part of our family. We will offer security and provide for anything he or she could ever need. It will be a priority to be available for and involved in our child’s interests and activities as he or she grows up. Our promise is to cherish this opportunity to be parents to your child daily.

As parents, we promise to teach responsibility, care for others, to make the most of education, show respect, and to find the joy in the big and little memories along the way. If you’d like, we welcome an open adoption with ongoing contact after the adoption. We will help your child understand and be proud of our family’s adoption story, from day one, always speaking of you out of love and great appreciation. You will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child! To contact us call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

Thinking of you, Aldrin & Kristine

More About Aldrin

Education: Associate's Degree
Profession: Retired Army and future stay-home dad
Stay-At-Home: Yes
Racial Background: Asian

His Favorites:

Old Movie: National Lampoon Christmas Vacation
Food: Barbecue
Hobby: Working on cars
Song: "Guns in the Ghetto" by UB40
Dessert: Chocolate Cake
Holiday: Christmas
Random Fact: My favorite color is red

More About Kristine

Education: Bachelor's Degree
Profession: Currently working for the government & have a background in Human Resources
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Old Movie: Blue Hawaii
Food: Mexican
Hobby: Reading
Song: "Fearless" by Jasmine Murray
Dessert: My homemade Chocolate Silk Pie
Holiday: CHRISTMAS!!
Random Fact: I love ANYTHING Christmas!

More About Our Family

What's Important to Us

• Our Catholic faith, love of our country, and traditional values
• Loved ones
• Respect, honesty, and teamwork
• Education
• Keeping a sense of humor

Favorite Childhood Memory

Aldrin: I watched my step-dad working on cars and by watching him I fell in love with working on vehicles (it's my passion!). When I was 16 I built my first engine and I would love to be able to share a project like that with my son or daughter one day.

Kristine: Growing up I remember we would always go back to South Dakota and visit my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. We have such a large family and I treasure all those memories, especially with my grandparents who taught me so much about life, value of family, love, and patience. I am looking forward to sharing and making memories like this with my child too!

A Typical Weekend for Us

We love to get out of the house. Normal weekends may include going to theme parks, zoos and aquariums, museums, going to church, and visiting or entertaining friends. On longer weekends we love to travel and explore other cities and/or states, or go visit family.

Plans for Childcare

After adopt, Kristine will get a long 3 months parental leave from work. Since she works for the government, she also gets a lot of holidays off and has good benefits that allow her to have lots of time for our family. Now that Aldrin is retired from the Army, we're planning on him being a full-time stay-home dad! We've talked a lot about how we want our child's upbringing to look and feel blessed that we won't need outside daycare while we both work.

In Closing

Thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child. We would be honored to get to know you more, to hear what you want for your child's future, and to answer any of your questions. If you want, we would love an ongoing relationship with you where we keep in touch at your comfort level and share updates throughout your child's life. We've both wanted to raise a child for a long time and we're happy to be on this path to adopt our first child! Family is a priority to us and we will always be there for your child. We hope to talk with you!

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