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Hello! Thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child. It would be a dream come true to welcome your child into our family, and to get to know you through this process. We consider ourselves a super fun couple with tons of love to offer a child. Time with each other and our loved ones matters most to us. We enjoy staying involved at our church, being part of small groups and serving the people in our community.
Our story began when we met online and now we’ve been married over 7 years. We have friends who have adopted children and we’ve always been open to the idea for our own family. After a few years of trying to have a baby without success, we both agreed adoption had been on our minds. We’re excited to be on this path to become adoptive parents and would love to talk with you about the hopes you have for your child’s future.
A Little About Us
What led us to adoption: When we got married we knew it might be challenging to get pregnant. A few years into our marriage we went on a mission trip to Ethiopia to help children in need. Soon after that trip our pastor spoke about family and right after church we turned to each other and said we should adopt. Now we’re here, sharing a little about ourselves with you!
Things we love to do together:
• Cookouts, fire pits, and roasting marshmallows
• Bike rides
• Trips to the beach (we go a lot!)
• Hiking to waterfalls or boating & fishing in the mountains
• Golfing
• Bowling
• Walking our dog, Lily
• Working out together
• Going to Nationals baseball games
• Seeing comedy shows, concerts, & museums in DC
About Jamie
I work from home for NASA Headquarters in Aerospace Engineering. It’s an exciting job and I’m always learning new things.
Bert says: Jamie is the most caring and compassionate person I’ve met. She’s giving and tries to let everyone in her life know how loved they are. Jamie sees every day as a gift! She will be an encouraging, nurturing, wise mother who will build confidence in our child, always there for him or her through everything.
Jamie enjoys:
• Gardening
• Games (board games, video games, any kind of game!)
• Playing with our dog at the park
About Bert
I am a middle school PE Teacher and I love it! I’m also working on my master’s degree in Sports Management.
Jamie says: Bert is kind, generous, smart, and funny. He’s strong and always cares about my feelings. Bert is kind and welcoming to everyone he meets, which is probably why he’s good at bringing different groups of people together. He will be a playful dad who will make sure our child always feels safe and able to talk about anything without judgment.
Bert enjoys:
• Playing basketball
• Researching and reading about music or sports
• Playing guitar and saxophone
Our Home in Virginia
We live in Northern Virginia in an older neighborhood near the city life of Washington D.C. and National Parks. We love this location because we’re right between the mountains and the beach!
Our home is a three-level townhouse with three bedrooms. There is a park beside our house where we can ride bikes, play volleyball, basketball, soccer, and tennis. The backyard is surrounded by trees and we have a deck where we enjoy a pool in the summer and the fire pit in the fall and winter.
Our Dog: We have a young dog, named Lily, who is a Silver Lab. She’s so good with kids and other dogs! She has tons of energy and loves attention from anyone she meets. We know Lily will be a fun, sweet, playful pup for our child to grow up with.
Family Life
Even though our families live out of town we see them pretty often. Bert comes from a large extended family (his family reunions have hundreds of aunts, uncles, and cousins!) and Jamie’s family is in the mountains of North Carolina. We have 2 nephews on Bert’s side who we love to spend time with. Our friends and families are excited about us adopting a child! We even have several friends who have adopted children.
What We Value: God, family, and caring for others. We try to show God’s love to anyone who crosses our path! We have continued our volunteer work to help moms and children in Ethiopia and hope to go back there again soon. As parents we hope to pass down our love for serving our communities near and far.
From Our Hearts...
We believe our job as parents will be to raise a happy, healthy child with a strong foundation so that they can handle anything in life. As adoptive parents, your child will always know how much you mean to us too. We want our child to grow up knowing how loved he or she is, by so many.
We promise to:
• Love your child without limits, to laugh and play, and to give them adventures and fun.
• Help them learn about the world & to love others.
• Support their education and build their confidence to go after their goals and dreams.
• Teach self-respect and Christian values.
• Be there for them through anything.
• Keep an open relationship with you, if you’d like to stay in touch after the adoption. We’d love to share updates and photos or plan visits too.
Thank you for considering us as a family for your child! We hope to get to know you and would be honored to answer any questions for you. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.
Lovingly, Bert & Jamie
More About Bert
Education: Bachelor's Degree in English and Philosophy, Currently working on Master's in Sports Management
Profession: Health & PE Teacher
Stay-At-Home: Part-time (summers)
Racial Background: Caucasian
His Favorites:
Food: Mexican
Sport to Play: Basketball
Thing About Christmas: Time with family
Vacation Spot: Hawaii
Way to Spend a Weekend: Visiting family at the beach
Recipe to Cook for Others: My homemade chicken wings!
Rainy Day Activity: Playing board games & reading
More About Jamie
Education: PhD (ABD) in Aerospace Engineering & Bachelor's Degree in Applied Math
Profession: Program Executive in Aerospace Engineering
Stay-At-Home: Part-time (I work from home)
Racial Background: Caucasian
Her Favorites:
Food: Italian
Sport to Play: Volleyball
Thing About Christmas: Christmas music and watching the lights twinkle on the tree at night
Vacation Spot: Hawaii (although I love being at any beach!)
Way to Spend a Weekend: Going camping
Recipe to Cook for Others: Special cupcakes for everyone's birthday!
Rainy Day Activity: Cooking new recipes for Bert
More About Our Family
Fun Facts About Us
Bert: My friends and family think I’m a bit of a grill master (they say my chicken wings are legendary at get-togethers!).
Jamie: I am pretty good at the video game, Fortnite, and I love numbers and spreadsheets.
Plans for Childcare
It's already important to us that we spend as much time with our future child as possible. Since Jamie works from home, she'll be able to spend a lot of time during the day caring for and being with our little one. After we adopt, Jamie will have 3 months of parental leave off from her job. When she does have to work, we will have an in-home nanny help care for the baby. Since Bert is a teacher with summers and holidays off, he'll be home to take care of our baby when school is out.
3 Places on Our Travel Bucket List
• Visit the Mauna Kea Mountain to see its shadow cast on the atmosphere at sunset in Hawaii
• Go to Bora Bora and stay in the bungalows over the water
• Walk on the Great Wall of China
Traditions we'd love to share with our future child
• Playing at the beach with our nephews
• Fall festival pig races at a local farm
• Fireworks on Fourth of July (they’re amazing here!)
• Swimming, camping, and fishing with our family (we love taking beach trips all together!)
• Big family reunions on Bert’s side
• Dinners & parties with our Bible study group
In Closing
Thank you for considering us as you decide what you want for your baby's future! We'd love to share our love and lives with your child, and would be open to growing a connection with you, at your comfort level. If you'd like to talk or video chat, it would be great to learn more about you and the hopes you have your baby's future. Our hope is that you have peace about the path you choose for your child, and that you would always know how special you'd be to our family. Hope to talk with you!