Our Profile

Blake & Maggie

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State We Live in: North Carolina
Our Religion: Catholic
Stay At Home Parent: Yes
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Sibling Group: Yes
With oldest up to 2 years old
Open to Twins: Yes

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Hi! Blake and Maggie here–just us for now, but we are very much looking forward to pouring our hearts into a little life through adoption. We would love to get to know you and learn what you are seeking for your child. Keep reading to see if God is calling you to us :).

¡Hola! Aquí Blake y Maggie, solo nosotros por ahora, pero tenemos muchas ganas de volcar nuestro corazón en una pequeña vida a través de la adopción. Nos encantaría conocerte y saber qué estás buscando para tu hijo. Sigue leyendo para ver si Dios te está llamando a nosotros :).

About Us

Searching far and wide for our family is not foreign to us. After meeting “happen-stance” in Georgia, Blake, a native North Carolinian, boldly traveled to Michigan to visit Maggie and pursue a relationship. We just had way too much in common–our love for Avatar the Last Airbender, a nerdy podcast called Pints with Aquinas, and, of course, our love for Jesus! We were married soon after, and our love for each other has only continued to grow and grow. We can’t wait to be able to share that love with our little one.

Together we enjoy:

  • Gardening our flowers, fruit orchard, and fresh veggies
  • Reading books aloud (and giving characters different voices)
  • Intense philosophical discussions
  • Cooking new recipes to impress each other
  • Praying and going to mass together
  • Volunteering at our church and singing in the choir
  • Excessively quoting Disney movies

About Maggie

Maggie stopped teaching this past year to prepare to welcome home our child. She will be a wonderful, joyful stay-at-home mom.

Through the eyes of Blake: Maggie will make an amazing mother because she is an amazing wife. She is loving, intelligent, and devoted. She loves children and teaches faith formation to English and Spanish-speaking children (yes, she can speak Spanish!). I can see her now taking a little buddy on walks, singing to them, teaching them, and visiting friends and family for playdates.

Maggie enjoys:

  • Writing short stories, poetry, and letters with real wax stamps
  • Reading–especially Anne of Green Gables
  • Raising chickens
  • Baking
  • Volunteering at our church
  • Special ninja skill: Making homemade birthday/anniversary cards

About Blake

Blake is a quality control analyst at a pharmaceutical company. Basically, he wears a lab coat and goggles and makes sure that the fancy medicine is being produced correctly.

Through the eyes of Maggie: As a perfectionist, it means a lot to say that I know Blake will be an amazing father. I was first attracted to Blake for his devotion to Christ, but also the way he instantly connected with my younger siblings. I cannot wait to see him become a dad and share his witty sense of humor and humble, servant heart with our child.

Blake enjoys:

  • CrossFit
  • Brewing fancy coffee
  • Cooking from YouTube videos
  • Playing ultimate frisbee with our church group
  • Gardening
  • Fixing stuff around the house
  • Special ninja skill: makes homemade kombucha 🙂

Our Family and Traditions

Maggie’s side: Maggie is the oldest of nine children, the youngest being seven years old. She comes from a large extended family too with over 50 first cousins! Though they live in Michigan, we make it a priority to visit them frequently, about 3-4 times a year.

Blake’s side: Blake has two younger sisters, one who has a little one ready to be best cousins with our child and one who is ready to be the aunt that spoils them! Blake’s parents live on a lake nearby and we visit them often on weekends for boat rides, water sports, and barbeque.

Both of our families and extended families are SO excited we are adopting. We have a whole village ready to support us and our baby! See below for special words from our parents :).

Our Home in North Carolina

Things we love about our home:

  • We live on a quiet, spacious backroad in rural North Carolina. 
  • We have three acres of land where we have a blueberry patch, a vegetable garden, various fruit trees (apple, pear, peach, and fig!), and other beautiful plants peppered on our deck and porch where we love to enjoy morning coffee and good books. 
  • We have a chicken coop with five hens, so there are always fresh eggs on the counter. 
  • We have a sauna for relaxation, and our garage is an at-home gym.
  • We have a chalkboard wall in the kitchen and a playground with a swing set.
  • We know all our neighbors and they are warm, friendly, and generous. We always pitch in to help each other out when someone is in need!
  • We absolutely love our nest, and can’t wait to fill it :).

Our Promise

  • We promise your child will grow up knowing they are worthy, accepted and unconditionally loved–by God, us, and you.
  • We promise to provide your child with a safe, secure, and joyful home environment–full of laughter, after-dinner dance parties, good books, and meals from their own garden.
  • We promise your child will have all the best opportunities to learn and thrive in mind, body, and spirit–an excellent school, access to various sports, arts, music, dance, outdoor activities (if they choose), and a church community that nurtures a sincere love of God and people.
  • We promise to remain open to the level of contact you are comfortable with (letters, pictures, occasional visits, or anything else), and to teach your child from the very beginning about their adoption story.

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Blake

Education: B.S. Biochemistry
Profession: Quality Control Senior Analyst
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

His Favorites:

Breakfast Food: Bacon
2000s Hit: Unwell by Matchbox Twenty
Farm Animal: Cow
Bible Book: Tobit
Toy to Play With Kids: Catch with a ball
Disney Character: Rafiki
Thing to Teach: How to fix or build things

More About Maggie

Education: B.A. Philosophy and Latin American Civilization
Profession: Teacher/Homemaker
Stay-At-Home: Yes
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Breakfast Food: Biscuits
2000s Hit: Hey Ya! by OutKast
Farm Animal: Chicken
Bible Book: Job
Toy to Play With Kids: Legos
Disney Character: Belle from Beauty and the Beast
Thing to Teach: Anything about Jesus

More About Our Family

Words From Our Parents

Maggie’s Dad: “I have no doubt your child will be loved deeply by Blake and Maggie as God intended.”
Blake’s Dad: “I am so happy and excited that a new and precious life will become a part of our family.”
Blake’s Mom: “I can’t wait to be blessed with my new grandchild, who is already loved and valued, no matter what!”
Maggie’s Mom: “When I think of adoption, the words of Mother Teresa always come to mind. “What I can do, you cannot. What you can do, I cannot. But together, we can do something beautiful for God.” I cannot wait to share in the blessing of your child as grandma!”

Why We Are Adopting

We have both always dreamed of raising a BIG Catholic family with ten kids or more. Knowing of our infertility before getting married, adoption has always been a part of realizing this dream.

Our Faith

We believe all people, but especially children, have a natural thirst for Truth, Beauty, and Goodness that can be quenched by God alone. One of our primary goals as parents is to make sure this need is filled to the full. To do this, you can rest assured that your child will be raised in a family that:
--Praises and thanks God together every night
--Worships in a strong faith community every Sunday (and often on weekdays too)
--Visits our Lord truly present in the Eucharist at the local adoration chapel
--Serves our Lord when He is in the disguise of a neighbor in need
--Strives to model the unconditional love God has for every person

"The Tribe"

Blake has a tight-knit friend group from his high school self-named ‘The Tribe.’ The Tribe continues to be some of our best friends to this day, sharing similar values in faith and family life. We live just six minutes from one family, and most live similarly close by. We enjoy getting together with them on weekends for grill-outs, ladder ball, and letting the kids run around. All of them have young children and will provide a great community of playmates for our child.

In Closing

We are so grateful for the opportunity to share a little about our family with you. We already have a special place in our hearts reserved just for your child. The day we bring him/her home will be one of the happiest of our lives! We cannot wait to share meal-time laughter, our love for learning new things, and our passion for serving our neighbors with our child. Our primary goal as parents is to model to our child the deep, abiding, unconditional love God has for them no matter what. With His grace, we will do just that. We would love to welcome you into our lives, and we are open to the level of future contact you are comfortable with. Contact Lifetime to connect with us!

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