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Hi there! We are Logan and Bryan -Thank you for opening your heart to our family. We have always dreamed of a life that included a house full of children. We are so excited for adoption to become part of our story. We are a fun-loving family of 3, who enjoy being active, traveling anywhere, and spending time together. When we’re not exploring our city, visiting family at the beach, or making memories at Magic Kingdom, we enjoy the simple things like trips to our favorite ice cream spot, playdates with our cousins, watching Survivor, and snuggling on the couch with our dogs. We look forward to building a relationship with you and providing a safe, loving home for your baby. We are open to photos, letters, or even occasional visits, if that’s something you desire.
A Bit About Us
We have built a wonderful life together over the last 7 years. Fate brought us together from opposite sides of Pennsylvania. After college, we both settled in the same city and began pursuing our careers, which today provide us with great adoption benefits and the flexibility to work from home as needed. We met watching a Steelers game, bonded over good coffee, and a mutual love and respect for family. We have been happily married for 5 years, traveled, made some amazing lifelong friends, and welcomed our beautiful daughter, Sloane, in 2021.
The road to growing our family hasn’t been easy. Navigating the pain and loss together has made us a more compassionate couple, and helped to prepare us for this next chapter of parenting. We are excited about the prospect of expanding our family through adoption! We can’t wait to get to know you and write our adoption story together.
My Husband, Bryan
Logan says: Watching Bryan become a father has deepened my love and appreciation for him as a husband. He is a natural “kid magnet” who is adored by our daughter, and “the cousin crew”, who affectionately refer to him as “Uncle Bebo”! Bryan brings the fun to every situation. He is smart, hilarious, athletic and loves to be in the center of all the action. He is a loyal friend, a caring father, and a great provider for our family. In his free time, he enjoys playing golf, watching sporting events, grabbing wings with friends, and teaching Sloane to ride her scooter.
I love listening to him talk to Sloane and seeing the love reflected back in her eyes. Bryan looks forward to coaching our kids one day and helping them realize their dreams. He is an exceptional dad, who will nurture your child’s gifts and make them feel special. I am beyond thankful to have him leading our team.
My Wife, Logan
Bryan says: Logan brings out the best in me…she is an amazing wife, a phenomenal mother, and a true friend with a gift for cultivating deep relationships. She is a great listener and gives wise counsel. Logan makes people feel valued, by doing the little things like dropping by to spend time with her Grandmother and take her out to lunch.
Logan keeps our house afloat! She is the reason things run smoothly, how we stay connected to family, and why friends feel welcome in our home. She loves to read books, host book club, try new recipes, do yoga with friends, and plan family vacations. Logan is kind and incredibly resilient when difficult situations in life arise. She is patient with our daughter, even at the end of a long day, and brings order to our busy lives. She always makes sure we find time to eat dinner together as a family. She is my rock … I know she will be a warm and loving mother to your child, and she will cherish them as her own.
Our Home In Pennsylvania
We recently purchased our forever home with intentions of growing our family through adoption. It’s a lovely 4-bedroom home nestled in a friendly neighborhood close to family, and not far from the children’s museum, where we like to take Sloane on rainy days. Our home has plenty of room for hosting friends and large family gatherings. Our favorite place to unwind is the large, covered deck where we love to sit around the fire table and roast marshmallows. Off the family room is a dedicated playroom filled with books and toys, where Sloane has free reign to let her imagination go wild. Downstairs is a spacious finished basement perfect for family movie nights, or hosting Bryan’s friends during playoffs. The cozy nursery is located closest to our bedroom and ready to welcome a new baby when the time is right.
As an added bonus, we now live across the street from our cousins, Beckett and Eliza. When it comes time for Sloane to start school, she will be in the same grade as Eliza. They will be able to walk to their elementary school together, which is just up the street from us. We are so excited to grow our family and make amazing memories here!
Our Family and Traditions
When it comes to family… we love big, value staying connected, and help each other in times of need. We are blessed to live near many of Logan’s family, and fortunate to visit with Bryan’s family often. Christmas is our family’s favorite holiday!
We would love to share some of our Christmas traditions with another child:
– Decorating sugar cookies at Gogo’s house
– Searching for the perfect Christmas tree
– Singing ‘Silent Night’ by candlelight at Christmas Eve service
– Eating Uncle Billy’s homemade pepperoni rolls with the cousins
– Dressing in matching Christmas pj’s
– Making Nana’s French pancakes and sipping Grammie’s hot cocoa
– Opening our Hand-knit stockings, and reading the Christmas story together
Our families are thrilled we are adopting and are ready to welcome another child with open arms! We both have sisters who we share a special bond with. We hope our daughter, Sloane, will get to experience that same kind of relationship with her new brother or sister. At 3 years-old, she is at such a fun age. She is kind, curious, affectionate, imaginative, and a ball of endless energy… who can’t wait to be promoted to big sister!
Our Promise
As parents our promise is to be there for your child always…
– to surround them with a loving family, to teach them to be good listeners who value the opinions of others, and help them grow into compassionate adults who love the Lord.
We promise to provide them access to a quality education…
– give them opportunities to travel and to learn about their culture, and encourage them to pursue their passions.
We promise to share their adoption story with them…
– so they grow up knowing how much they are loved, to speak kindly of you in our home, and remind them of the important role you played in bringing our families together.
We promise to love your child fearlessly…
– to provide them with a safe, peaceful, forever-home filled with laughter, where your hopes and dreams of their future are honored, and your level of involvement is respected
We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.
More About Bryan
Education: BA in Kinesiology
Profession: Director of Solutions Engineering
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian
His Favorites:
Food: Philly Cheesesteak
Movie: Remember The Titans
Vacation Spot: The Beach
Hobbies: Anything to do with sports or technology
Holiday: Thanksgiving
Places You Have Visited: Barcelona, Portugal, Paris, and Bali
Dessert: Apple Pie
More About Logan
Education: BA in Merchandising, Apparel, and Textiles
Profession: Senior Coordinator- Account Marketing
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian
Her Favorites:
Food: Italian and Caprese Salad
Movie: Almost Famous
Vacation Spot: Sanibel Island
Hobbies: Reading, Cooking, Concerts
Holiday: Christmas
Places You Have Visited: Barcelona, London, and the Bahamas
Dessert: Tiramisu
More About Our Family
Our Thoughts on Parenting and Adoption
Becoming parents has been the most exhilarating and exhausting experience all at the same time. It has brought us closer as a couple and stretched us in ways we never imagined. We entered into this adoption journey prayerfully, with open hearts. We feel called to adopt, and equipped to provide a safe and loving home for your child.
We have seen first-hand the blessing adoption can be, in our extended family and close circle of friends. It is something so much bigger than us… a part of God’s plan to grow our family. This child will be…“Born not from our flesh, but born into our hearts. And you can know with certainty that they were longed for, wanted, and loved from the start.”
Our Faith and Values
We believe in the importance of keeping God at the center of our marriage and surrounding our children with people, who will encourage them to love others, to know their worth, and to grow in their faith. We will love your child unconditionally and give them the freedom to become who God has created them to be. We strive to live our lives guided by faith, positivity, acceptance and love - all things we hope to pass on to our children.
Our Pets
We are lucky to share our home with two of the sweetest rescue pups! Frannie is 11, Klem is 3, both are Pointers, and they are literally our daughter’s best friends. They are so patient and loving with her, even when she smothers them with hugs and tries to include them in her pretend tea parties.
Together We Enjoy...
• Traveling and exploring new places (Greece and Italy are on our bucket list)
• Attending concerts and sporting events
• Reading bedtime stories and saying nighttime prayers with our daughter
• Working out and being active (We’d love to hike the National Parks with our kids)
• Binge watching HGTV home renovation and cooking shows
In Closing
Thank you for taking the time to read through our profile. We hope you have caught a glimpse of what life might look like for your child in our family. No matter where your heart leads you, we are grateful for your courage to explore an adoption plan. We wish you and your baby the very best and brightest future. Thank you again for opening your heart to our family. We know you have many wonderful choices when it comes to families, and we would be honored to be considered. We hope to be hearing from you soon!
Bryan & Logan