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Clayton & Sarah

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State We Live in: Michigan
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: Yes
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Open to Twins: Yes

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Hello, we’re Sarah and Clayton.

We live in the beautiful state of Michigan, where we get to enjoy all four seasons and embrace life’s simple joys. Sarah is a stay-at-home mom, and Clayton is a senior pastor. Seven years ago, we were blessed to become parents through adoption, and now we’re ready and excited to grow our family again. With more love, time, and energy to share, we look forward to welcoming another child into our hearts and home and creating lasting memories together.

We want you to know we are keeping you in our prayers as you consider adoption. We’d love the chance to connect, hear your story, and share more about ours!

A Little About Us

A guy from Texas and a girl from Ohio: We met in Virginia during our second year of college and have been inseparable ever since. Now we’ve been married for 11 years!

We became parents to our daughter, Aubrey, through open adoption seven years ago. Being parents is one of the greatest joys of our life! Our days are now filled with living room dance parties, splash pads, Legos and playdates, and we wouldn’t change a thing. As we look ahead to becoming a family of four, we’re so excited for all the sweet milestone moments that come with a new baby as well as getting to see their unique personality and interests develop over the years.

Meet Clayton (by Sarah)

Sarah says: Clayton is a fun, caring, involved dad and a natural protector and provider for our family. He is kind, smart, and really funny. He can make me laugh until I cry and finds ways to make me feel loved every day. He’s a hard worker who always does his absolute best. Whether he’s teaching at our church, cooking, mowing the grass, or helping out a friend, he gives his all in everything he does.

Clayton shares a sweet bond with our daughter and I know he’s excited to find new ways to connect with our next child. He can’t wait to have another helper in the kitchen, with projects around the house, and to play at parks with!

Clayton’s hobbies include:

– Singing and playing the guitar
– Working in our yard & garden
– Working out
– Baking (cinnamon rolls, scones, and Detroit-style pizza recently)
– Hiking, camping, all things in nature

Meet Sarah (by Clayton)

Clayton says: Sarah is an incredible mom who amazes me daily by the love, fun, and intentionality she puts into life. She loves making memories with our daughter and finding places to explore together around our city.

On top of being a great mom, Sarah is an amazing wife. She knows just what to say to encourage me and reminds me of truth when I need it most. She makes me laugh like no one else can (we have a lot of random, inside jokes after so many years together!). She is my morning coffee date and best friend. I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it.

Sarah’s favorite things to do as a stay-at-home-mom:

– Cuddle on the couch and read a good book
– Paint, color, play-doh.. anything crafty!
– Go on nature walks & picnic
– Bake together (muffins, banana bread, cookies)
– Be there for the fun conversations & questions of childhood

Our Family & Friends

Our daughter, Aubrey,  is pure joy. She’s funny, generous, compassionate, has a huge imagination, and loves her friends and family deeply. She’s in first grade at a local hybrid school and loves being involved with kids activities and events at our church. She is so ready to become a big sister and is excited to teach a sibling everything she knows, like how to ride a scooter, her silly dance moves, and how to ice skate.

Extended Family: We love to be with family as often as we can! We’re very close to Clayton’s parents; they make regular trips up to visit us and we fly down to see them in Texas each year. Sarah has a brother who lives with his wife and daughter in Puerto Rico, and two younger sisters: one who lives with her parents in Ohio, and another who is married and lives near us. We get together with family often and are thankful to have great relationships.

Friends: We have an amazing church community full of families and young children that we are friends with. We enjoy get togethers, dinners, play dates, outings and holiday celebrations together and enjoy getting to be part of each other’s lives as we raise kids and do life together.

Our Home & Pup

We live in a 3 bedroom brick home in a Michigan suburb. We have a 10-pound Yorkie, named Piper, who is a little buddy to our daughter. Our home is close to shops and great, local restaurants and only ~20 minutes from downtown sports arenas, theaters, museums, the zoo, and other fun places.

Things we LOVE about our home:

  • Fenced yard with play set
  • Full basement for working out, storage & play
  • Our neighbors who are also our friends
  • Neighborhood park and walking paths

Our Promise

We promise that your child will grow up provided for, loved, & fully accepted by us.

As we have with our daughter, we will support and encourage our next child as they develop their own unique personality and interests. We will also raise him or her to know and treasure their adoption story and will work to maintain a connection with you throughout the child’s life, if that is your desire. We can promise you that life growing up in our family will be filled with love, game nights, laughter, good books, Christian community, great food, and travel!

We’d love to talk with you! Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Clayton

Education: Master's Degree
Profession: Senior Pastor
Stay-At-Home: No (but has Fridays off!)
Racial Background: Caucasian

His Favorites:

Late night snack: Popcorn
Hot drink: All coffee, especially pour-over coffee
Childhood movie: Jurassic Park
Candy: Skittles, gummy bears, peach rings
Thing to bake: Homemade cinnamon rolls
Childhood memory: The first (and last!) time I saw it snow in my hometown in south Texas
Travel memory: Going to Bosnia with Sarah

More About Sarah

Education: Bachelor's Degree
Profession: Stay-at-home mom, freelance copywriter (remote)
Stay-At-Home: Yes (I'm so thankful to get to!)
Racial Background: Caucasian, Middle Eastern

Her Favorites:

Late night snack: Ice cream
Hot drink: Spicy chai tea or coffee
Childhood movie: Pocahontas
Candy: Chocolate covered anything
Thing to bake: Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies
Childhood memory: Canada vacations, irish dancing with my sister, Christmas traditions
Travel memory: Visiting my brother and his family in Puerto Rico

More About Our Family

In our family...

- We have "Family Friday's" each week (Clayton and Aubrey's day off from work/school)
- We travel regularly to Texas, Ohio and Puerto Rico to visit family
- We take an interest in whatever our kids are into (currently: swimming, ice skating, and Lottie Dolls)
- We value education and cultivating a love of learning
- We love to have friends over regularly to share life and meals together

As parents we will...

- Encourage our kids to pursue their unique dreams and interests
- Talk about you with love and respect
- Raise our kids to be kind, confident, and generous
- Model faith in Jesus and a love for the church
- Instill a love of learning and cultural diversity
- Prioritize fun and laughter!

Favorite Traditions

- Yearly trips to the beach (Texas/Puerto Rico)
- Big, family get togethers for Christmas and Thanksgiving
- First day of school: special breakfast, photos, outfit, accessories (we go all out!)
- "Jammie drives": we put on pjs and go out for ice cream instead of going right to bed :)
- Candlelight Christmas Eve service at our church
- Everyone opens one present on Christmas Eve night
- Hikes to see the changing leaves, apple cider & donuts every fall (Cider Mills are a big thing in Michigan!)

Our Faith

Our relationship with Jesus means everything to us. We gather with our church, read the Bible, love unconditionally, pray, invite people to share meals around our table, and seek to be generous. We do all of these things because we have experienced the love of God and we want to share that love with everyone around us. Our faith leads us to parent with gentleness, joy, and love at the center of all that we do!

In Closing

Thank you for getting to know us! Adoption has already changed our lives for the better in so many ways. As parents, we will give your child an amazing life full of love, security, support, and travel. We will share our faith in Jesus with him or her and would love to stay in touch with you, if you're open to it.