Our Profile

Ezra & Beth

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State We Live in: Ohio
Our Religion: Catholic
Stay At Home Parent: Yes
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: African American, African American/Hispanic, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Hispanic, Hispanic, Native American
Sibling Group: Yes
With the oldest up to 4 years old
Open to Twins: Yes

Learn More About Us

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Call or text Lifetime Adoption at 1-800-923-6784.

Hello & Welcome!

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us and our family. We have been together for 20 years, married for 18 of those years. Our decision to pursue adoption was something we talked about prior to getting married. Adoption has always been a part of the fabric that makes up Beth’s extended family (cousins). After many years of unexplained infertility and two pregnancy losses, our lives were forever changed in 2018 with the adoption of our son, Samuel. We cannot wait to add another sweet baby to our family and watch our son become a big brother. We hope you get a glimpse of who we are and how we do life during our family time, holiday celebrations, and family travel adventures.

About Us

We met at a Halloween party in 2000, but didn’t start dating until 2004. Our first date was on Beth’s birthday in 2004, and we got engaged on Ezra’s birthday in 2005! Our beautiful wedding followed in 2006.

We always knew we would adopt children, as a lot of Beth’s family members grew their families through adoption. It was actually one of the things that Beth asked Ezra about while we were dating.  She wanted to make sure that Ezra knew this was extremely important to her. Thankfully, he was very open to the idea and the rest is history!

As a family, some of our favorite activities include:

-Traveling with Ezra when he goes on work trips

-Visiting extended family in Arizona and Mexico City

-Swimming (our son LOVES to swim)

-Going off-roading in our Bronco!

-Spending time with our families

-Playing outside with our son

-Having playdates with our friends

Who Is Ezra? (written by Beth)

Ezra is one of the kindest, most servant-hearted men I have ever met. He’s incredibly thoughtful, one of the hardest working men I know, skillful with technology, and cooks delicious food. When I first met him, what I loved most was his smile and authenticity with words. He has a way of making people feel comfortable and brings a smile to your face. He leads our family with faith, courage, integrity, and gentleness. He loves his friends and family intentionally and deeply. He will always stand up for what is right and do it with maturity. He has been known to “nerd out” with his friends. He also introduced me to Star Trek, and I have to admit that it’s one of my favorite shows!

When he is not spending time with our son and I, you can find him cooking/grilling, working on his Bronco, reading (his office looks like a library) and planning our next family vacation.

Ezra’s gift to another child will be endless patience, a love of Jesus, respect for all people and lots of laughter. He takes his job as a father seriously and devotes special time for just him and our son to do fun things together. I know that with our next child, he will continue these special times.

Ezra is truly the man I prayed for. I knew from the first few dates we had that I wanted to marry him and raise a family with him. He is an amazing father to our son, and I can’t imagine my life without him.

Who Is Beth? (written by Ezra)

Beth is a devoted, faithful, hardworking woman and one of the most gentle/fierce Mama Bears I have ever known. She will not hesitate to offer a lending hand and tend to the needs of the people she loves the most. Beth is a loud, boisterous, and fun-loving friend who can tell stories all day long. She loves to sing, dance, and eat Italian carbs. Her curiosity has opened many doors for her, learning different languages, cultures, and traditions. Beth always treats others with dignity, wearing her heart on her sleeve, and as a result of her sincerity she has earned the respect of colleagues, rivals, family, friends, foes, and loved ones from all over the world.

When she is not spending time with our son and I, you can find her photographing our son, starting (and really trying to finish) home projects, making t-shirts on her Cricut, and trying out new hairstyles and makeup.

Beth’s gift to another child will be unwavering support, a love of Jesus, lots of time playing and baking, and a deep love for family.  She takes her job as a mother seriously and devotes herself to our son, and I know that will grow even deeper with our next child.

Beth is a doting mother and daughter, and the best wife and friend I could possibly imagine.

Our Son, Samuel

Samuel, our son, has brought so much joy to our family! In fact, every night, we tell him “You are our greatest joy” as we tuck him in bed. He is your typical boy and full of energy all day long!

His favorite things to do:

  • Playing outside, especially in the dirt or with the neighborhood kids
  • Playing with our two cats
  • Helping Daddy with the yard work
  • Swimming and anything water related!
  • Going off-roading in the Bronco
  • Trains (he is obsessed with them!)
  • Watching Curious George and telling us all about his favorite episodes
  • Reading books and writing his letters
  • Spending time with his family, especially his grandparents
  • Going to Sunday school

We have always wanted to adopt another child for our family, and the fact that Samuel LOVES babies makes us even more excited.  Since starting the journey to adopt again, we speak very openly about adoption and our plans as a family for a baby brother and/or sister. As he gets older and has more questions about his own adoption, and his future sibling’s adoption, we are prepared to answer honestly and age-appropriately.

We cannot wait to see him as a big brother and know that he will be so in love with his new sibling!

Our Home and Community in Ohio

We live in a beautiful suburb in Ohio and with it being in the middle of the state, that leaves us with lots of opportunities to travel around. Our home has four-bedrooms with plenty of space for our family. We have 2 cats (Stickers and Fufu), and they are brother and sister.  They love playing with Samuel and act more like dogs! We live on a kid friendly cul-de-sac and have a private fenced in backyard. We are within walking distance to a few parks and there is a ton to do in our city.

We have an amazing community and have been blessed with a wonderful group of people who love us, support us, and challenge us. We are better people because of the impact they’ve had in our lives, and they are all overjoyed to welcome another child into our group.  Our community is not just our family and friends, but we are very involved with our parish, and they are very excited for us to welcome another child into our family.

Our Promise to You

We promise to give your child a life full of happiness, love, and faith! We will love your child with all of our hearts and promise to be their biggest supporters. We will encourage their interests and hobbies, and they will always be given the tools they need to excel in life. As parents, we will make sure our children know they can come to us about anything and that we will always be there for them.

We will help our future son or daughter to understand how the gift of adoption made us a family. Your child will know how special you are to us all. We would love for you to always be a part of our lives, if you choose. We will raise your child with an understanding of who they are, where they came from, and that they are incredibly loved.

Thank you for taking time to consider us as adoptive parents for your baby. We are praying for you both and hope get to know you!

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Ezra

Education: Masters in Theology
Profession: Director of Coalitions
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Mexican-American

His Favorites:

Food: Anything homecooked
Places to visit: Mexico
Family activity: Meal time and special activities together
Season: Summer & Fall
Animal: Other people's pets
Childhood Memory: Thanksgiving time with family & good food
Sports Team: Ohio State

More About Beth

Education: B.A. in Spanish
Profession: Stay-at-home mom/Professional Photographer
Stay-At-Home: Yes
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Food: Pizza/Tacos
Places to visit: Rome & Mexico
Family activity: Going on adventures in our Bronco with the top off!
Season: Fall-I love the colors and smells
Animal: Cats-thankfully Ezra tolerates my love of them
Childhood Memory: Christmas-baking with my mom & spending time with my cousins
Sports Team: Ohio State Buckeyes

More About Our Family

Family is everything to us!

We adore our families and strive to spend as much time with them as possible. That includes our family that is out of state/country. Prior to the pandemic, we visited Ezra's family in Mexico City at least once a year. We were honored to take our son there to meet his 100-year-old grandmother and all of his aunts, uncles and cousins on both sides of the family.

Ezra's Family - Ezra's parents immigrated to the US from Mexico and Ezra is the oldest of three siblings (two younger sisters). He was born and raised in Ohio. Both of Ezra's parents have large families and the majority of his family still live in Mexico. Ezra's middle sister recently moved to Arizona, and his youngest sister lives in Ohio. Both of Ezra's sisters are married and have children (a total of 3 nephews and 1 niece).

Beth's Family - Beth's parents are both from Ohio. Beth is the youngest of two siblings, (one older brother) and was raised in Ohio. Beth's older brother is not married and does not have any children. Beth was fortunate enough to grow up with a lot of her cousins and they remain close to this day.

Family is super important to us, and we are thrilled to share our fun-loving family with our children. We typically spend Sundays with Ezra's family after church, and then head to see Beth's family. Both of our families are excited to be welcoming another sweet babe into the family and have been incredibly supportive of our decision to adopt again! Our child will not be lacking in love from our family and incredible community.

Our Faith

We strive to be a faithful Catholic family. We know our shortcomings and faults, we know from Whom we receive blessings and mercy, and we try to share the same blessings and mercy we have received in abundance with others.

We are active volunteers at our parish, and we have a great support system there. Ezra is a sacristan (helps set up for mass) and Lector. Beth assists during communion and is very active with the children's ministry that our son attends. She also volunteers her photography to important events at the parish.

Things we love to do each season:

-In the winter, we love to play in the snow (if we get some). We also like to bake cookies and make hot cocoa with LOTS of marshmallows.
-In the spring, we love to be outside! Going for walks, playing in the park and opening all the windows in the house.
-In the summer, you will definitely find us in the pool. We are lucky to live in a neighborhood where we have access to a few pools. We also love to catch lightning bugs in our hands when it gets dark!
-In the fall, we love watching college football (Go Buckeyes!) and hanging with our friends outside. Lots of bonfires and playing outside!

Our Cats - Stickers and Fufu

We were gifted our two cats (siblings) 3 years ago, and they have been such a fun pair to raise. We let our son name them and to say he is obsessed with them is an understatement.

-Stickers is the male and he is more like a dog than a cat. He comes when you call him, will try to take your food if you leave it unattended, and is the biggest cuddler. Samuel and he are inseparable.

-Fufu is the female, and we believe the runt of the litter. She is a tad smaller than her brother and her tail has a crick in it (but works just fine!). She loves Samuel as well, but more from a distance or when he is sleeping. She has the personality of a mama cat and is always with us if we are sick or if she hears Samuel cry.

In Closing

We are excited to once again expand our family through adoption and just as we have kept our promise to our son's amazing birth mother, we promise the same to you. Your child will only know a home full of unconditional love, faith and support. We are fully committed to having an open relationship with you and would love to send photos, videos and of course planned visits based on your wishes.

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