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Hi there! Greetings from Pennsylvania. Spending time with the people who mean the most to us is very important to both of us. We look forward to time with our family, both immediate and extended, as well as our friends. We both hold in high regard our relationships with our families and hope to instill this value with our daughter and any child we are blessed to bring into our family unit. We hope to get to know you and we’d love to learn about what you want for your child.
About Us
We met through a mutual friend about 20 years ago and have now been married for five years. Over the years, we have been fortunate enough to travel overseas for vacations and to visit some of Heather’s family that live in Ireland and England. We have had great experiences living in downtown Philly, Conshohocken, and now in another town in Pennsylvania. We have had a host of memorable moments and experiences with our friends. We LOVE going out to eat and spending time with family. Family time is a mutual shared value between us. We also enjoy watching movies, whether they be rom-coms or the occasional scary movie!
Earlier this year, we had a miscarriage. Being pregnant for a short time made us both realize how much we want another baby. We have so much more love in our hearts to give. We are so looking forward to sharing our traditions and making memories with a new member of our household.
About Heather
Gene says: Heather is a bubbly, fun-loving individual. She always sees the brighter side of life. She is committed to her family and cherishes that above all else. Heather has a charming, care-free attitude but never loses sight of what is truly important.
Heather is currently a stay-at-home parent, and nothing gives her more joy. She also has a passion for engaging with children and just recently took on a new role as a substitute teacher.
Heather is a voracious reader. She also likes to binge watch her favorite shows. She loves chatting with her sisters, and enjoys anything Irish–dancing, food, family, etc.
Heather wants to share all of the things that she enjoys sharing with our daughter, Norah, with our next child:
- Holidays
- Family Occasions
- Swim school
- Library Storytimes
- Going to the park
- Answering their questions
About Gene
Heather says: Gene makes everyone he talks to feel better. He is a safe, strong, loving presence. Gene always puts Norah and me first and makes sure we are taken care of. He makes everyone laugh and jumps in to help friends and family without question. He is very knowledgeable and asks the important questions.
Gene is the Director of Procurement at a major food company. We love that he brings home Goldfish and Milanos. He is a very good leader and guides his team to reach their full potential.
Gene likes tinkering around in his “shop” which is our converted shed. He especially loves fixing things such as old/antique clocks. He usually has a project he is working on in the house, some sort of DIY improvement. He enjoys watching football with his longtime friend. He also watches documentaries and is always learning. I’ve never seen him so happy as when he is playing with Norah; they are both so silly.
He looks forward to doing anything that makes our next child laugh–silly noises, peek-a-boo, chasing them around. He wants to find something special for them to bond over.
Our Family
We have one daughter, Norah, who is three years old. Norah enjoys singing and storytelling. Outside, she loves running and swimming. She recently started an Irish dancing class as well.
In our family, a typical weekend looks like this:
- Saturday morning starts out with breakfast, playing, and Saturday morning TV.
- Then we try to spend the day outside, whether out on the patio, playing soccer in the yard, or heading to the park near our house.
- We all look forward to dinner on a Saturday night at one of our regular spots (wherever we go, there needs to be a soft pretzel on the menu for Norah).
- On Sunday we go to church with Nana and then have dinner with Grandmom, Grandpop, and Uncle Denny in the evening.
Adoption is a part of our family as Heather was adopted by the man she considers her dad. He has been in her life since she was one year old, and he adopted Heather when he married her mom. He has loved Heather as his own for as long as she can remember. Gene’s father was also adopted by his stepfather when he was 12.
Our family is very supportive and excited for our plans to adopt. After adopting, we look forward to sharing dinners with our families, spending time by the pool, going to the beach, watching movies, attending Phillies games, and sitting by the firepit listening to music and making smores.
Our Home in Pennsylvania
We live in a single-family home in a beautiful suburb of Philadelphia. We have a 4-bedroom house on approximately 1/2 acre of land. It’s a quiet and neighborly community with many families. We chose this home and its location based on its proximity to parks, amenities, great schools and most importantly, its near our most cherished family and friends. We have a fully finished basement where our daughter plays for hours on end. We also have a great backyard with plenty of room to run and play. We also just added a large patio with a fireplace which is great for entertaining with family and friends, or a quiet night with just us. We have a bedroom on the second floor that is nursery-ready.
After living in 3 different homes in the last 12 years, we truly feel like we’ve found our “forever-home”. It will be made all the more perfect if we can add another child to our loving home.
Our Promise
We promise to love, respect, nurture, support, and give every opportunity to our children. We promise a diverse and well-rounded education, grounded in faith. We will foster their talents and interests whether they be sports, arts, or science. We will be attentive, listening, and supportive parents. We are happy to keep in contact and share growth and progress with you.
If you are willing to consider us as adoptive parents for your child, please know we will be absolutely committed to the growth, development, and spiritual upbringing of this child as if it was our own biological child.
We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.
More About Gene
Education: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Profession: Director of Procurement
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian
His Favorites:
Color: Blue
Holiday: Thanksgiving
Vacation Spot: Ocean City, NJ
Movie: Jaws
Food: Chicken Parmesan
Season: Summer
Dessert: Canolli
More About Heather
Education: Bachelor of Science in Kindergarten and Elementary Education
Profession: Substitute Teacher
Stay-At-Home: Yes
Racial Background: Caucasian
Her Favorites:
Color: Purple
Holiday: Christmas
Vacation Spot: Ireland
Movie: Love Actually
Food: Shepherd’s Pie
Season: Fall
Dessert: Tiramisu
More About Our Family
Our Special Interests
Heather's family has been Irish Dancing since she can remember. When she was little, her Nana and other extended family would gather at an Irish club to listen to Irish music and dance. Heather's little sisters grew up taking Irish dancing classes and she loved attending their "dance outs" and recitals every year. Now, Heather takes an adult Irish dancing class with her mom every Monday evening. Every November they attend a ceili where everyone gets together and dances all of the dances they've been practicing. It's a great way to stay in touch with her heritage and also get some exercise!
Our Faith
Our Catholic faith is a key component of our lives, both spiritually and culturally. We've both been brought up in the Catholic tradition and it has formed our way of life and our family environment. We believe in regular attendance in Sunday mass and firmly believe that both faith and good works are central to a fulfilled spiritual life. We fully intend to raise our children within this tradition and ensure faith is an integral piece of their upbringing.
Our Musical Interest
We have an eclectic taste in music that spans many styles and genres. When we were dating and living in Philadelphia, we took advantage of many live music venues and saw some of our favorite musicians, whether it be rock, R&B, or jazz. Now, we often have music playing in our home. We have a music room with a baby grand piano and guitar. We also play music over the outdoor speakers when we're out on the patio. Gene learned to play the piano when he was little. At Christmastime, he would play holiday favorites at mass. Our daughter Norah has already shown a keen interest in song, dance, and music. We hope our next child does too.
Our Extended Family
Our extended family is quite large. Gene's entire extended family lives nearby and we see them often for dinners, birthday, holidays, and random get-togethers. Heather's family is a bit more spread out, but we always make the effort and plan trips to go see everyone. They all come to us as well. Family time, immediate and extended, is a priority for us all.
In Closing
Our hearts are ready to accept another child into our family. We look forward to sharing our traditions and making new ones. We promise to give every opportunity to this child in order to maximize their potential, while providing a loving and caring environment to thrive, grounded in faith. If you’d like, we’re happy to share future contact.