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Grayson & Chloie

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State We Live in: Oregon
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: Yes
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months, 3 Months – 12 Months, 1 and 2 Years
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Sibling Group: Yes
With oldest up to 2 years old
Open to Twins: Yes

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Hi! We are a young, Oregon family who loves spending quality time together. We live about 1.5 hours away from the coast, 45 minutes from the mountains, and 30 minutes from the Oregon zoo, so we have many options when we want to go on outdoor adventures. We love having family game nights, which right now include a lot of rounds of “Sorry”, “Chutes and Ladders”, “Candy Land” and “Twister”. We also try to do family movie night once a week. Being parents has been such a joy! It’s been our hope to raise more children together and we’ve been through a lot trying to grow our family. Our story has led us to adopt our next child and we’re excited! We’d love to talk with you and hear more about what you picture for your child’s life.

Our Story

We have been happily married for 7 years. We met at church when we were very young, became middle school sweethearts, and then got married right out of high school. We knew that we loved each other and wanted a future together, and didn’t want to waste any time! We also knew we wanted children right away, so we had our son, Easton, right after our 2nd wedding anniversary. Since then we’ve had multiple miscarriages and unexplained secondary infertility, which is the main reason we’re on the path to adopt. Although, even before we even started having kids we always said how cool it would be to adopt someday. We can’t wait to see where this journey will lead us!

We consider ourselves pretty outdoorsy. We love going to the beach whenever the weather is nice. We have a travel trailer and love to go camping in it. We also enjoy simply spending time outside at our house and at local parks.

About Grayson

I’m a foreman union electrician and love what I do. It’s been the best career decision I’ve made and it provides well for my family.

A few favorite activities:
-Trout fishing & fly fishing
-Golfing (especially with Chloie and Easton!)

Something I want to share with my kids: Fishing and exploring the outdoors are my favorite childhood memories. I hope to give my kids the same fun, adventurous memories, along with teaching them basic life skills that come with being outside or camping.

Hi, this is Chloie now. I’d like to share a few of Grayson’s wonderful qualities. First a foremost, he is the definition of a family man. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for our family and that he is always watching out for us. I also admire his strong faith, which inspires me every day. He will set such a good example for our son and future child.

About Chloie

I am a homemaker and stay-at-home mom, which has always been my dream, especially after we had Easton.

A few favorite activities:
-Learning about food & nourishing ingredients (so we can really enjoy an occasional Chick-fil-a or ice cream run!)
-Cooking from scratch
-Paddle boarding on the river

Things I want to share with my kids: I want my kids to have good memories of things they learned about life through activities together, like outdoor sports (something I’ve done since childhood!), board games, gardening, and baking desserts, as well as their ABC’s and all about the love of Jesus. I want them to remember homecooked meals, with occasional runs for Chick-fil-a or ice cream treats.

Hi, Grayson here. Some things I love and admire about Chloie are that she is loving, nurturing and very self motivated. And I love that she always goes the extra step for our family to make our experiences, and just everyday life, fun and memorable.

Our Family

Our Son: We have a 4 year old son named Easton. He’s so kind and respectful and has such a tender heart. He’s also a typical boy who loves monster trucks, dirt bikes, cars and mud. Easton’s current love is riding his bike and pretending that he’s a dirt bike racer. Our little boy also adores his new baby cousin. We cannot wait to give him a sibling and watch their relationship bloom. He’ll be a great big brother!

Extended Family: We live within 5-10 minutes from both sets of our parents and from all of our siblings. We have such a strong relationship with our parents; we know we always have their support. We want our kids to grow up knowing we will love and support them no matter what as well.

Our Home in Oregon

We live in a 3-bedroom house on a 1/2 acre that we recently completely remodeled. We built our prior home, so we had experience with construction and interior design going into the remodel. We really wanted some land to have a “mini homestead,” as we like to call it, with a garden, chickens, and goats. So we bought a fixer-upper and truly made it the perfect home to raise our family in.

We live in a really awesome area, near the beach, the “Oregon desert” (tons of great campgrounds), and by the mountains. We definitely take advantage of living close to all those areas. We visit the beach too many times to count per year, we camp in the “desert” several weekends in the spring and summer, and we love visiting the mountains to sled and ski when there is snow.

Our Promise

We promise to love our children unconditionally. We want to support them in whatever they’re passionate about. Our hope is that our children will have confidence to follow whatever path they feel they are meant to go down. We will teach our children about God and Jesus and raise them with Christian values. We also promise to love and respect you, and always talk highly about you in our home.

If you want an open adoption, we’d love to honor a connection with you throughout your child’s life. Even if you’re not sure what kind of contact you want right away, we will always be open to sharing updates or keeping that door open to have a relationship with you. It would be great to talk with you! Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Grayson

Education: Trade School
Profession: Electrical Foreman
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

His Favorites:

Food: Steak
Animal : Dog
Color: Red
Sport: Golf
Movie: The Green Mile
Song: Panama by Van Halen
Pizza : Combination

More About Chloie

Education: High school
Profession: Homemaker
Stay-At-Home: Yes
Racial Background: Caucasain

Her Favorites:

Food: Quesadillas
Animal : Cat
Color: Black
Sport: Softball
Movie: Shutter Island
Song: Bucket-list by Mitchell Tenpenny
Pizza : Plain old pepperoni

More About Our Family

Our Love for Travel

We love traveling! We've mostly traveled in the States. We visit Idaho every summer (our favorite spot is Lake Coeur D'Alene) and go to California every 2 years (mostly for Disneyland!). We’ve also been to Hawaii and Washington, and we’re planning to go to Florida and Arizona in the next couple of years. We’ve been out of the country once, for our honeymoon in Mexico, and we really want to explore more places outside of the U.S. soon. We love picturing the memories our kids will have from family vacations and travel adventures we take together!

Our Faith

We try every day to live according to the Bible. Of course we fall short, but we know that Jesus still loves us. We also believe God’s plan and timing is best. We put our trust in Him daily. We’ve really watched the pieces fall together in order for us to be able to adopt, and it’s truly been amazing to watch.

Favorite Family Traditions

-Wearing matching pajamas on Christmas Eve

-Having Chloie's homemade cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning

-On birthdays the day is all about that person. They get to make basically every decision that day, such as each meal, activities we do, and more!

-Summer trips to Silverwood, Idaho (summer wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t go!)

-In the fall, we head to central Oregon for a week or so to play golf, hike, and catch up with extended family.

Our Pets

Our family loves animals! We have 1 dog, Nelly, and she is a Shitzu/Maltese mix. We rescued her when she was 1.5 years old. We also have a cat, Millie. She is a very friendly, loving cat who likes spending time with her humans. We have 2 goats, Yeti and Bigfoot (our son named them). They are babies right now, but our plan is to breed them and then be able to have goats milk. We also have 12 chickens, but we’ll spare you all their names--they are all named after spices or seasonings.

In Closing

We are a loving, adventurous family who is certain that adoption has been God’s plan for us all along. We will love our children unconditionally, support them with every step in life, and will help them with whatever they are passionate about. We are open to discussing your comfort level and wishes for contact with us after the adoption. We'd love an open adoption if that's what you want, but we will also respect your space if you need it. Just know that we want to offer love and support to you as well. From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child. God bless you.

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