Our Profile

Greg & Michele

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State We Live in: Maryland
Our Religion: Catholic
Stay At Home Parent: No
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months, 3 Months – 12 Months, 1 and 2 Years, 3 and 4 Years
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Sibling Group: Yes
Oldest up to 4 years old
Open to Twins: Yes

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Greetings from Maryland! Thanks for taking the time to view our profile to learn more about us and the life your child would have with us. We are excited to become parents for the first time through adoption! We enjoy spending as much time outdoors as possible, especially to take in the fresh countryside air where our home is located. We also love taking weekend trips to the beach and spending a lot of quality time with family and friends, who are all located close to us.

Before we married, we discussed our desire to adopt one day, and we feel that the time has come. We are excited for this next chapter of our lives and look forward to having you be a part of it, at your comfort level, throughout your child’s life.

About Us

We met in high school. While we didn’t start dating until 3 years after we met, that gave us plenty of time to become best friends first, which is what we still are today. We have been married for almost 7 years, and count each and every day with each other as a blessing. Faith, family, and friends are at the forefront of our values and everyday lives.

We value family so much that almost all of our closest family members (including parents, grandparents, and siblings) are within a 1-hour drive of our home, and we always enjoy regular visits. We enjoy annual beach trips with our families and short weekend getaways to different places near our home. Both of us enjoy an active lifestyle, including walks, running, tennis, and golf.  However, we also enjoy taking time to enjoy what we have at home, which is the peaceful and quiet countryside – right outside our front door. We enjoy serving others and serving in our community in any way possible – including devoting time to a youth tennis camp Greg founded in 2018.

Meet Greg (by Michele)

Greg has always been a laid-back, easy-going, and kind-hearted man. He loves to hang out with family and friends. Greg is always up to play a game of golf or tennis. He enjoys going for a run or a walk with our dog, Bella. Greg is a huge Orioles fan and enjoys watching the games either on TV or at a game. Greg enjoys grilling or cooking a new recipe he saw on a cooking show and maintaining our yard by mowing, trimming, or cleaning up. Greg also enjoys reading the newspaper or catching up on the news/weather channel, sudoku puzzles, or just listening to country music. Greg is looking forward to teaching our child how to play baseball/softball, tennis, and golf, and becoming their coach on sports teams.

Greg is an enthusiastic and supportive person, which I know will make him a great father. He loves our nieces and nephew and enjoys teaching them new things or reading them a book. Greg is kind and patient and always makes you laugh. He is looking forward to becoming a father.

Meet Michele (by Greg)

Michele is a loving, compassionate, and gentle person who will be an amazing mother. One of the things I admire most about Michele is her compassion for others. She takes pride in making a difference in others’ lives through her work as a Respiratory Therapist at the local hospital. It is evident that she is not only compassionate at work, but also at home towards our friends and family. Michele’s determined and motivated personality means she is always able to find a solution to a problem in a caring and compassionate way.

She enjoys long walks/runs with our 8-year-old dog, Bella. Michele enjoys crafting and is looking forward to doing tons of crafts with our child. She is also an avid reader and looks forward to reading bedtime stories to them. She grew up watching all of the classic Disney shows and movies and can’t wait to share those Disney memories with our son/daughter. Michele loves to spend time playing with our nieces and nephew whenever we have time to visit, or when she is watching them for a day. She can’t wait to become a mom!

Our Family

We value family as one of the most important aspects of our lives – so we spend as much time as possible with our close family and friends.

Michele has one older sister, and they grew up together being very close, which they still are today. Michele’s sister and our brother-in-law have 2 young daughters and 1 son who can’t wait for a new cousin. They will have so much fun playing together at our frequent family get-togethers. Michele’s mother and father love being grandparents and are excited about another grandchild!

Greg is an only child, but has a large extended family of cousins, aunts, uncles, and many close family friends who we see often. Greg’s mother and father look forward to becoming first-time grandparents!

Both sets of our parents live within 5 minutes of each other, so it makes visiting both families easy. It also is convenient to have both sets of parents less than an hour from home as an extra resource when needed.

Our Home in Maryland

To us, home has always been a place where we want to feel safe at the beginning and end of each day, and a place to wind down. We live on a quiet street with a farm field across the street from our front yard. We have a large fenced-in backyard for our child to grow up and play with friends and family for years to come. Our ranch-style home has multiple large rooms where our child will be able to let their imagination run wild and play! Michele enjoys decorating the interior of our home for each holiday/season, while Greg always looks forward to decorating the outside of the house for Christmas.

While our home is in a rural area of Maryland, we are a short 10-minute drive to the nearest downtown area with tons of parks, playgrounds, pools, schools, sports fields, and camps – there is no shortage of things to do in our area! We also live close to multiple state parks and a national park, perfect for a family hike. At the end of each day, on a clear and nice evening, we enjoy watching the sunset over the mountains (visible from our backyard).

Our Promise to You

Our promise to you is to provide a home that is safe and filled with love and joy every single day of your child’s life. We vow to walk alongside your child every step of their life and be their biggest cheerleaders. We will follow God’s word and integrate faith in our child’s daily life. We promise to teach your child values we live by, such as respect for others, lending a helping hand, and always showing compassion when faced with adversity. We look forward to many fun-filled moments with our child, such as morning/evening walks, time at the beach, reading books, family movie nights, and time spent with family and friends. We promise to talk about their adoption story as often as they would like, so they know who their birth parents are and that they are loved by so many. We promise to keep in touch with you at your comfort level.

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. If you’d like to learn more about us, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Greg

Education: Masters of Science - Environmental Planning and Management
Profession: Sr. Environmental Project Manager
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

His Favorites:

Vacation Spot: Florida Beaches
Thing about Christmas: The season of giving
Food: Steak
Movie: The Pursuit of Happiness
Color: Yellow
Thing about my Spouse: Michele being adventurous!
Season: Summer

More About Michele

Education: Bachelors of Science - Respiratory Therapy
Profession: Respiratory Therapist
Stay-At-Home: Part-Time
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Vacation Spot: Anywhere that has a beach!
Thing about Christmas: All the fun Christmas movies with hot chocolate!
Food: Seafood
Movie: All of the Harry Potter Movies!
Color: Blue
Thing about my Spouse: Greg's sense of humor!
Season: early Fall

More About Our Family

Our Faith

We both grew up in Christian families. Michele has grown up in the Catholic church all her life. Greg was raised Catholic until he was 13 years old, and then went to a local Lutheran church for a while. Greg went back to the Catholic church and was confirmed Catholic before we got married.

We attend church on Sundays and love to go to church brunches or fish lent Fridays to be with the community.

We want to share our faith with our child by going to church, attending Sunday school, and hopefully attending the local Catholic school close to our home.

Family Traditions

-Our biggest family tradition is Christmas! We have always loved the holiday to spend with family and friends. Michele’s family used to celebrate on Christmas Eve by going to Mass and then having dinner in the family room with the fireplace going and each family member opening up one Christmas present. And then on the morning of Christmas, opening up stockings, having breakfast, and then opening all the presents. Greg would always go to Christmas Eve mass with family before a seafood dinner at his grandparents'. On Christmas morning, breakfast consisted of banana bread and homemade chocolate chip cookies - it was the only time of the year cookies were allowed for breakfast.

-On Easter, we go to early morning mass and celebrate by having brunch or dinner with our parents and extended family.

-On the 4th of July, we enjoy going to the local park and enjoying a concert, food, and fireworks.

-Crab feasts! We love to pick steamed crabs. Crab season is one of our favorite times of the year. We spend hours with family and friends, enjoying good food and each other's company.

-Thanksgiving is much like Christmas, where we enjoy getting together with family and having dinner with each other.

-On birthdays, we try to get together with family and friends either on the weekend before or after and enjoy dinner and dessert.

Since we got married, we have split up our time to celebrate the holidays with both our families. Our parents live close by, so it is easy to be able to see everyone on the same day, which can be hectic but so much fun at the same time!

As Parents We Are Excited For:

-Creating new family traditions
-Watching our children grow into their own personalities
-Watching them play with their cousins and friends
-Teaching them how to ride a bike, play sports, cook/bake, or anything they want to learn
-All the chaos that comes with raising kids
-Family holidays and vacations
-Reading bedtime stories
-Their first day of school

Our Pets (Bella & S'mores)

Michele has always grown up with dogs, cats, rabbits, and guinea pigs. When we got married, she had a cat and wanted us to get our own dog. That’s when we got our dog, Bella, from a rescue. Bella is a greyhound/lab mix and has always kept us on our toes. She’s very fast and has lots of energy. However, she also loves to take long naps. We call her 100-0 because she’s always on the go and then likes to crash on the sofa.

We now have a cat named S’mores. We named her this because of her markings, and we had been making s’mores on our bonfire when we found her, so the name just stuck. Greg says he’s not a cat person, but that little kitty has captured his heart.

S’mores and Bella get along well. You will catch them taking a nap together or looking out the door into our front lawn. They both love adults and children.

In Closing

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We look forward to this journey of adoption and learning more about you. We will love and cherish your child forever. We will show them a life of love, laughter, and support. We would love the opportunity to share updates with you in whatever way you feel comfortable.