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Herbert & Deb

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Herbert & Deb
Written by Lifetime Adoption

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State We Live in: California
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: No
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months, 3 Months – 12 Months
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Open to Twins: Yes

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Hello from California! We are Herbert and Deb, and we work in the film and television industry. We are so excited and ready to welcome a baby into our lives and we can’t wait to meet you.

We look forward to getting to know you and learning what you want for your baby.


A Little About Us

We fell in love on the set of the tv show “The Bachelor” about 10 years ago (no, we weren’t contestants). From that moment on, we have never been apart. Our work has taken us both all around the world; we have been lucky to visit over 50 countries! We love traveling and experiencing new cultures. This is something we want for our children.

Herbert is a native Los Angeleno, and Deb is from the Gold Coast in Australia. Herbert’s mom is from El Salvador, and he is fluent in Spanish. Deb is working on her Spanish on Duo Lingo – slowly.

We love being outdoors, whether it’s swimming in our pool, gardening, or hiking with our dogs. We have music playing all the time throughout the house; we listen to pretty much all music. Deb loves cooking, and Herbert enjoys it now too. We cook dinner together every night.

We have a 15-year-old son, Bodhi (from Herbert’s previous marriage). We have tried to grow our family for many years, but experienced miscarriages and infertility issues. We prayed on it and decided that adoption is our path. Having a child together is our greatest desire. Deb’s best friend is adopted and has been an incredible inspiration for us. She is very excited to be our child’s God Mother.

About Deb

Herbert says: Deb has an amazing spirit full of joy, humor, and so much warmth. She is the most incredible person I know and so nurturing to everyone and anyone in need. She will make an amazing mother to our baby and love him or her unconditionally. Deb is most excited about us sharing the experience of raising a child together. We love each other very much and want to share this together.

Deb is a very creative and brilliant television producer. She’s been producing TV for many years and really loves what she does because she enjoys working with people and helping them find love.

Outside of work, Deb loves to learn…anything and everything! She has such a thirst for exploring new things from books and recipes to art shows and new places to travel around the world. She loves sharing anything she has learned.

Some of her other interests include…

  • hiking
  • swimming
  • yoga/pilates
  • cooking
  • tennis
  • photography

About Herbert

Deb says: Herbert is the most wholehearted person you will ever meet. He makes you feel instantly comfortable and welcomed. He also approaches everything in life with a positive outlook, which makes tackling life so much more enjoyable.

Herbert is a great role model and teacher for Bodhi, his son. He is a wonderful dad, and beyond excited about having another child. He wants to teach our child Spanish and share all our blessings with them.

Herbert is also a really talented, creative person. He is currently working on several projects that he has created in addition to his regular tv clients he produces for. Herbert really loves making television. I am always inspired by him.

Some other things he enjoys …

  • the beach
  • boxing
  • documentaries
  • cars
  • Being a DJ

Our Family

Herbert’s mom lives 20 minutes away from us, as well as his grandmother who is 102! Deb’s family is in Australia, England and Canada. Deb’s mom comes to visit every year from Australia for Thanksgiving and Christmas. She has already decided she wants to be called Gigi instead of Grandma. We also go visit Australia when we can.

Bodhi (Herbert’s son) primarily lives with his mom and is with us on weekends. Bodhi is fluent in French and loves Brazilian jujitsu. Bodhi is very excited about having a little brother or sister. He is a very empathic person, incredibly smart, and loves to joke around. He has the best giggle. Bodhi has visited Australia, France, Mexico, Dominican Republic and Costa Rica with us.

Deb was raised by her grandparents and eventually was adopted by them. Her mom was very young when she was pregnant and wasn’t able to provide Deb a home. Deb now has a very close relationship with her mom.

Our Home in California

We live in a three-bedroom, one floor home. We are outside on the deck most of the time – day or night. We can work, have dinner, or relax in that space. We have converted the garage into a gym which we all love using, Bodhi particularly as he is training for a jujitsu tournament.

We have a large pool that is amazing in the summertime when it’s really hot. There are lots of Cyprus trees, palms and a giant jacaranda tree that has the most beautiful purple flowers. Our yard is completely private and a fenced-in little oasis.

We also have two very sweet mini huskies (Hugo & Mick) that LOVE everyone who walks in the door.

We collect pieces of art and mementos from our travels. So, our house is very eclectic–every piece has a memory. We like our home to be a story of us.

We live on a cul-de-sac with many families who have kids. Our neighborhood is very friendly and there are lots of block parties in the summer. Our city is so big, and we feel very lucky to have such a great neighborhood. We live one block from a school that includes preschool to high school, which is wonderful when school time comes.

We Promise You

We will raise our baby with love, honesty and openness. We are open to discussing the level of involvement you want in your child’s life, and will honor whatever we decide together. We will always instill in our child that adoption is a beautiful gift.

We will provide unconditional love and support, and a home that is safe. Feeling safe and stable is so important. We promise to always provide a rock-solid foundation for your child to grow.

Education is very important to us, while also being able to follow your dreams. Our responsibility is to provide every opportunity we can to our children, while raising each of them to be a righteous person, someone who cares for others, always helping those in need, and also honors who they are–an emotionally stable and confident person.

We will prioritize their health and well-being both physically and emotionally, surrounding them with family and community where they have a sense of belonging and connection.

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Herbert

Education: Some college
Profession: TV Producer
Stay-At-Home: Part-time
Racial Background: White/Latino (El Salvador)

His Favorites:

Food: Indian & Mexican
Game: Heads up
Dream Vacation: Tibet
Time of Day: Early morning
Breakfast Food: Chorizo con huevos
Body of Water: Ocean-sailing
Things To Do on the Weekend: Make Breakfast

More About Deb

Education: BA in Journalism
Profession: TV Executive Producer
Stay-At-Home: Part-time
Racial Background: White/Australian

Her Favorites:

Food: Italian & Greek
Game: Monopoly
Dream Vacation: Greece
Time of Day: Sunset
Breakfast Food: Pancakes :)
Body of Water: Ocean-swimming
Things To Do on the Weekend: Hike

More About Our Family

Our Family Traditions

*We always celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve to honor Herbert's Latin heritage...we stay up until midnight and then open presents. Herbert's mom makes panes con pollo, which are yummy.

*Christmas day we always get up early and go to the beach with the dogs. Then we get home and cook all day for our Christmas dinner.

*Birthdays are always two days long in our home--one for your Australian birthday. All of Deb's family calls you on the day before your birthday and then again on your American birthday.

*Bodhi and Deb always cook together--each weekend they make something new together. He loves cooking and Deb thinks she might want to be a chef one day.

Typical Weekend for Us

We always go to the farmers market to get fruit and vegetables, and the most amazing fresh eggs for the week. Saturday afternoon is a hike with the dogs to one of the many canyon hikes that are close to where we live.

We make breakfast on Saturdays. We also like to watch a movie on Saturday night. Sundays we have an awesome yoga class we like to do in the morning. We cook something special on Sundays, like a roast or homemade tacos.

Fun Facts

- Herbert used to DJ on a local radio station when he was 16 years old
- Deb has lived in 6 different countries
- Herbert is fluent in Spanish
- Deb won a kids tv game show when she was 12 years old
- Herbert can skateboard

Three Things We Love About Where We Live

*We love the weather and being able to be outside all the time.
*We are close to so many fun things, that activities are always easy to find. Also, there are so many food options to try!
*We also love the beach.

In Closing

We are completely committed to providing a child a loving, safe and stable home. We are dedicated to supporting the dreams and needs of this child and providing all the opportunities we can.

Our dream is to welcome a precious child into our hearts, offering them not just a home, but a forever family built on love, understanding and complete acceptance.

We have seen the positives from open adoption, and we welcome that with you. We thank you for considering us to join this journey with you.

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