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Hello! We are Lizzy and Koleman from Southeast Virginia. We both have child-like hearts and enjoy having fun. Every day we are learning something new about each other and the world around us. Koleman works a 9-5 job as a civil engineer consultant in a nearby town, and Lizzy is a Kindergarten teacher at a local private school. When not working we love to enjoy the outdoors, play games, watch movies, spend time with family and friends, and our hobbies (Lizzy reading and baking, Koleman crafting and gaming).
About Us
We first met at a college conference through Lizzy’s college roommate. We’ve been together for about 5 years now. We enjoy anything outdoors – hiking, camping, making fires, swinging, climbing, and more. Koleman is known to climb trees. We also really enjoy cooking and baking, and Lizzy has been trying to master making sourdough bread. Koleman loves crafting and can often be found making something for others using wood, a 3D printer, and other items.
Life with each other has been full of adventures, laughter, and loads of patience and learning. We’ve desired to expand our family since before we were married, and are mostly excited to take our child on walks, share the outdoors with them, and share our love of baking, cooking, and crafting with them. Lizzy has always felt called to adoption, and with infertility in the picture, we felt God calling us to adopt a child. We are very excited to see what’s next in our journey and hope you will join us.
About Lizzy
Koleman says: Lizzy is the kindest and most supportive person I have ever met. She is one of the few people who can keep me grounded in one moment and in the next, come up with very silly plans (like pouring a juice box into a plastic wine glass for fancy picnicking). Her organization skills make sure we don’t forget anything important while still making time for fun.
Lizzy loves:
- Reading books
- Watching rom-com movies
- Baking (She often says “measuring the ingredients is too much effort”, so I’m impressed with the quality of baked goods coming out of our oven.)
- Caring for the garden and other parts of the house
- Singing-trained to be an opera singer when she was younger. You will often find her singing around the house.
She has a such a caring heart for children, which is seen most clearly as a teacher. When she talks about her kindergarten students, her passion shines through and it’s clear she wants the best for them. She is finishing a course in the Montessori style of theology that will allow her to teach the 3-6 year old children at our church.
About Koleman
Lizzy says: Koleman is one of the most caring, funny, and loving men I have ever met. I find such peace and comfort being around him. He provides a secure and safe place for our family. He has a wonderful listening ear, and great advice when needed. He is always making me laugh, especially when I’m upset. He cares so deeply about those around him. He genuinely wants others to be happy. He loves his job as a civil engineer as he feels he has a big role in the community he serves in designing water waste systems.
Koleman’s favorite things to do:
- Read fantasy books
- Play video games
- Gardening
- Hiking/Climbing trees
- Crafting: wood carving and 3D printing
He is a member of a community that serves the youth, helping them towards Christ. His big, tender heart is seen so clearly when he’s interacting with these kids. His young-loving heart makes every time with the youth full of laughter and adventure. He is always down to play games with them, and then sit down to chat about their life. He inspires me to have a more child-like heart. Koleman is always saying, “a day without laughter is a day wasted.” He really does live this to the full.
Our Family
We love routines! We try to start each day in prayer before getting ready for the day. We both leave for work around the same time, and Lizzy gets home before 4 pm. Lizzy hopes to be a stay-at-home mom once we have our child, and may work a part-time remote job. We eat dinner together most nights. We both currently help out with the high school ministry at our church, so on Sunday evenings you can find us there.
We spend a lot of time with Koleman’s parents. We often go to church and then share a meal with them every few weeks. And we typically have plans to visit his sister and brother-in-law, or for them to visit us, every other month. There are often family/friend functions that occur throughout the year as well where we see everyone. Koleman has an adopted cousin, so adoption is already a part of our family.
About once a month we get together with Lizzy’s siblings and parents. Lizzy’s mom loves to have tea parties or elaborate lunches. After lunch we either go on a walk or play a game. We feel blessed that three of Lizzy’s grandparents are still living and in our lives.
Everyone is eager to be a part of our adoption journey!
Our Home in Virginia
We live in a 3-bedroom house in a small, safe neighborhood in a bigger city. We live close to a few parks, a few museums, the public library (5-minute walk!), and not too far from a river. We enjoy taking walks to the river and looking at the sunset. We have a medium-sized fenced backyard that backs up to a pond, and we enjoy watching all the different types of birds that come to it. Our garden is our most recent project, and we have really enjoyed seeing what plants we can grow.
We love watching movies on our couch, playing games on our dining table (the most recent addition being ping pong), and we love baking and cooking in the kitchen. We have set aside one of our bedrooms for a future nursery, with the other set up as a guest room.
Our Promise
We both have desired to be parents since we were kids. We would be so blessed to guide a child through the ups and downs of life, teaching them to love God, and help them become the best that they can be. We promise to care for your child with all of our heart and to the best of our abilities. We promise to give your child a good education, helping them in areas they need assistance, and offer ample opportunities for them to find their passions (like gymnastic, soccer, art classes, music lessons, etc.). We plan to encourage our child to try different hobbies and activities until they find some they really enjoy. We want to instill in them that hard work and responsibility are important.
We envision our life with a baby filled with some hard moments, but mostly ones full of fun and joy. We are looking forward to teaching them how to crawl, walk, ride a bike, solve multiplication facts and many other life skills. We also look forward to sharing fun adventures with them. We hope to share our love of God to them, and instill good Christian values. We plan to stay in communication with you in whatever way seems best.
Thank you so much for taking the time to consider us as future parents for your child. Our hearts go out to you while making this decision. Please know we are praying for you and your little one.
As we raise a child to love God and others, you will be an amazing example of putting others first and loving with a deep heart. Hopefully we can journey with you through this process.
We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.
More About Koleman
Education: Civil Engineering, B.S.
Profession: Civil Engineering Consultant
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian
His Favorites:
Food: Anything with white rice/shrimp
Color: Green
Activity: Crafting, gaming, & the outdoors
Christmas Tradition: Making presents for family, and opening them
Book Series: The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon)
Movie: Transformers
Dessert: Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
More About Lizzy
Education: Business Administration, B.S.
Profession: Educator
Stay-At-Home: No, but has summers off to be at home
Racial Background: Caucasian
Her Favorites:
Food: Curry
Color: Green
Activity: Baking, reading, & the outdoors
Christmas Tradition: Putting baby Jesus in the manger & singing happy birthday on Christmas morning
Book Series: The Gallagher Girls
Movie: Tangled
Dessert: Dairy free ice cream
More About Our Family
Our Dreams
- Build a pond that has a waterfall, filtration system, and a stone path through the middle
- Visit all of the US national parks
- Build a tree house with a zip line for all to enjoy
- Visit all US states
Our Faith
We take our faith very seriously and incorporate prayer into our day. We start our morning in prayer together and try to end our day in prayer as well. You will find us at church every weekend, and during the week as well. We also enjoy helping out with different ministries at our church. Koleman loves helping out with our churches high school ministry. Lizzy is finishing up her time with high school ministry and will be swapping to help with the 3-6 year olds. Both sets of our parents also take their faith seriously, and we go with them to church sometimes as well.
Lived in Japan
Koleman's dad was in the air force and was stationed in Japan. Koleman lived there from age 3-5. He does not remember much, but we have fun pictures of his time there.
Lizzy lived in Japan 8th grade through high school. Her dad worked on the base there. She and her family lived off base in a Japanese neighborhood. She was honored to learn Japanese while there, although she doesn't remember it much anymore. Her time in Japan opened her eyes to the different cultures around the world.
Family Traditions
-Birthdays are always a big deal with cake, dinner, and lots of fun.
-Fall is Lizzy's favorite season, so we always go to a pumpkin patch and complete some fall bucket list items.
-Around Christmas there are many traditions with each side of the family. Christmas dinner with Lizzy's family is always fish in honor of the Italian 7 fishes feast. Koleman's family has lasagna for Christmas dinner. Both families love to use the Christmas crackers, so there's always lots of paper crowns to be had! We also enjoy puzzles - usually around Christmas we will pull one out to work on.
-During the summer, Koleman's family always takes a vacation. We've started doing a human pyramid once a year also. It's always a bit of a challenge to get it, but fun in the process.
We love family, and love making memories within our traditions. We are excited to share these traditions with our child!
In Closing
We greatly appreciate the time you spent getting to know us a little more. Our greatest desire is for this child to know they are loved, cared for deeply, that they know we honor you, and that they know their adoption story is beautiful - because it brought them into the world.
We hope you find ease and comfort, and look forward to getting to know you!