Our Profile

Logan & Kegan

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State We Live in: Alabama
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: Yes
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Open to Twins: Yes

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Hello from Alabama! We’re Kegan and Logan, and our sweet daughter, Andie. After 3 long years of infertility, miscarriages, and the passing of our first baby boy, we’re finally getting to experience how amazing it is to be parents with the birth of our daughter this year. Adoption has always been on our hearts and was a desire we discussed early in our relationship. We would love to complete our family through adoption and look forward to having our children close in age. We hope you’ll take the time to learn more about us. We look forward to sharing more of ourselves with you!  We are open to letters, pictures, and a visit if that’s what you’re comfortable with!

Who We Are

We met during Logan’s second year of Army flight school. On our first date, we hit it off immediately and spent three hours talking over lunch. We have experienced new places together and have good friends from all over, thanks to the Army. After spending two years away, we are stationed back close to family. Our evenings now revolve around our daughter, Andie, and we wouldn’t have it any other way! We love going on our daily walks, playing fetch with our dogs, making dinner, and ending the night doing Andie’s bedtime routine. We are thrilled to be going through the adoption process and hope to share the passion we have for traveling, family, and faith with our children!!

All about Kegan

A little more about me – I have an older sister and a younger brother. We grew up in such a fun household with a lot of laughter and love. My favorite part of the day is morning time. Our daughter wakes up very smiley, so I never miss the opportunity to hangout in bed with her. I also enjoy spending time outside, taking trips to the beach, going to the gym, and meeting my sister and nieces for plenty of lunch dates.

According to Logan:

Kegan is deeply loyal, extremely kind, and loving. She initially comes off as shy and reserved, but after getting to know her, she turns into this warm, social, and sometimes entertainingly funny woman. Kegan is the best mom! I have seen her capacity to love and nurture our nieces, and recently become an amazing mom to our daughter.

All about Logan

A little about me – I was born and raised in a suburb of Ohio with my younger brother, playing football and traveling with my family. I graduated from college with a degree in Computer Science and a commission in the United States Army as a Medical Service Corps officer, following my passion to become a Medical Evacuation pilot. For fun, I enjoy watching football, working out, grilling for family and friends, and I’ve just started golfing!

According to Kegan:

Logan is outgoing, smart, kind, and the life of any party. He is extremely passionate about everything he sets his mind to and never afraid to try something new. Above all else, he is an amazing dad and partner. I look forward to watching Logan share everything he knows with our children!

Our Family

As we already shared, we have a beautiful daughter named Andie. We look forward to raising her with a sibling close in age.

We both have large extended families sprinkled throughout Ohio, Florida, and Alabama. We were both raised by stay-at-home moms and look forward to giving our children that same opportunity. We’re thankful to live just down the road from most of Kegan’s family. We get together a couple times a week including Sunday lunches after church.  Your baby will have a sister, so many cousins, and a huge support system!

Home Sweet Home in Alabama

We live in a very safe and quiet neighborhood just ten minutes from town. Our home has three bedrooms and a large backyard with plenty of space for our children to grow. We look forward to all the crumbs, toys, and messes we know multiple children will bring! Our favorite thing about where we live is the short hour and a half drive to the beach. During the summer we go as much as possible!

Our Promise to You

We look forward to loving, caring for, and keeping your baby safe. They will know every day how much they are loved. We promise always to give them the space to feel comfortable confiding in us about anything. We promise to teach them about the Lord and always surround them with people and family that care. We promise to be open with them about where they come from and answer any questions they might have. We are praying for you and feel honored that you’ve been willing to take this time to get to know us!

If you would like to learn more about us, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Logan

Education: Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science
Profession: Army Officer/Aeromedical Evacuation Pilot
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

His Favorites:

Food: Homemade Steak
Movie: Interstellar
Vacation Spot: Disney World
Hobby: Sports, especially football
Holiday: Thanksgiving
Places you have visited: Mexico, Canada, California, Florida, Tennessee, Texas
Dessert: Reese's anything

More About Kegan

Education: Some college
Profession: Homemaker
Stay-At-Home: Yes
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Food: Pasta
Movie: The Proposal
Vacation Spot: The beach (Anywhere!)
Hobby: Gardening
Holiday: Christmas
Places you have visited: New York, Honduras, Philadelphia, Florida, Texas
Dessert: Chocolate

More About Our Family

Our Favorite Holiday Traditions

As adults, getting extended family together becomes increasingly more difficult. Because of this, we try and plan one big vacation a year! So far, we have been to Disney World, a cabin in the mountains, and we just sailed to the Bahamas on a cruise. We hope to continue this tradition for many years and can't wait to visit even more amazing places.

Our favorite tradition with immediate family is staying up until midnight playing cards, wearing pajamas, and eating breakfast on New Year's!!!

Our Faith

We are both dedicated to our faith and plan on raising our children in church. We believe keeping God at the center of our marriage is a priority, and hope to lead by example in loving others the way God loves us. By encouraging them to have a relationship with the Lord, we hope this gives them a sense of identity and a friend.

Kegan's favorite scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take."
-My grandfather was a pastor. This was his favorite scripture, and it quickly became my favorite too.

Logan's favorite scripture: 2nd Corinthians 4:16
"Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day."

Our Pets

We have three dogs named Watson, Della, and Penny. They all love children. Our three-year-old niece is especially fascinated with our dogs and enjoys giving them kisses and hugs and trying to feed them her toys! They are always so gentle with her and love keeping her company.

More About Our Home and Community

We live in a very safe neighborhood and community. Our city has a large percentage of military families so it's the perfect mix of small town but also plenty of diversity, which we love. Our house has quickly become the gathering place for get-togethers and holidays so far. The kitchen, dining, living room, and screened in patio all open up to one another which we think makes the space more inviting and cozier. We especially love planting a garden in the spring and growing herbs and flowers on our patio.

In Closing

We promise to give your child a home where they can feel loved, safe, and encouraged. We look forward to fostering any and all of their creative, athletic, and academic curiosities to the fullest extent possible. Family is a huge cornerstone of our life, and we feel extremely excited to expand our family through adoption. We would love to get to know you and share more of ourselves with you! We would love to keep in touch with you at your comfort level.

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