Our Profile

Michael & Andrea

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State We Live in: Colorado
Our Religion: Catholic
Stay At Home Parent: No
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months, 3 Months – 12 Months
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Caucasian, Caucasian/Hispanic, Hispanic
Sibling Group: Yes
With oldest up to 2 years old
Open to Twins: Yes

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Thank you for taking the time to learn about us. As you explore our profile, you’ll have a glimpse into our lives and the experience we have with adoption and raising a family.  You’ll find out that we love to explore our local communities as well as travel abroad. We have a goal to visit every national park in the country and we’re excited to bring another child into our adventure.

Our Story

Our story began right after college when we met at a volunteer event. We instantly hit it off, were engaged within 9 months, and married in 2011. We are genuinely best friends and love to experience everything in life together. 

You can find us outside on the weekends hiking, camping or gathering with our daughter’s friends. Together, we have experienced about half of the US National Parks and plan to finish out the rest as a family.

In 2020, we welcomed a sweet little girl into our family through adoption. To this day, we have a consistent, open, and loving relationship with Lu’s (Lucia’s) biological mother and father. We share photos and videos, text each other, and meet up regularly.

We’re excited to expand our family and want to continue a relationship with you at your level of openness, if you desire.

Meet Michael (by Andrea)

When I think of Michael, I think of joy, honesty, commitment, love, and all things goofy.  Showing our nieces, nephews, and friends’ children how he has a “bicycle horn” stuck in his throat is hysterical and an instant crowd winner. Michael also has an incredible ability to find a common interest with everyone he meets and is truly loved by all. He’ll befriend anyone, whether that be someone on a plane sitting next to him or while running a marathon, one of his true joys in life. He also enjoys more quiet activities such as listening to podcasts and reading books.

Seeing Michael become a father to our daughter and the care and pure love he has for her has been a true joy to witness. Michael’s favorite time of day is in the mornings when he and Lucía have one-on-one time reading books and eating breakfast. One of Michael’s greatest hopes and prayer is to continue to grow our family through adoption.  He is truly looking forward to welcoming another child into our home and cannot wait to run around the house with them and fill our house with laughter and giggles as they play together.

Meet Andrea (by Michael)

Andrea has the best laugh in the world! It is instantly recognized by anyone that knows her, and completely sincere. Our nieces and nephews love when she comes to visit. Her favorite activities with them include home run derby and coloring. What I most admire about Andrea is her loyalty. She will stand by her family and friends in hard times and support them in times of joy.

One of her biggest loves is tennis. She has played from a young age, in college, and continues to play today. She always has a big smile when on the tennis court! You can also find her getting muddy at one of many fun adventure races such as Spartan or Tough Mudder.

Andrea has warmly embraced motherhood and enjoys every moment of it. Lu absolutely adores her. She is patient, kind, and fun to be around. This has only been magnified since becoming a mother. Andrea is truly looking forward to welcoming another child with open arms and will cherish and protect him/her always. She cannot wait to help your child find their passion in life, whether that be within academics, athletics or the arts, and will nurture those interests at each phase of life.

Meet Lucía, our daughter

Lu has two big loves: books and music. From a very young age, she could tell if a book was upside down and made sure it was flipped correctly. She will also dance to almost any song.

She is a sweet little girl with an adventurous heart, enjoys learning new things and exploring new places. If you sit behind her on an airplane, she’ll play an enthusiastic game of peek-a-boo or sing a song to you, with a massive smile on her face the entire time.

In the fall of 2021, Lu started attending an incredible inclusive preschool where she adores her teachers and enjoys learning alongside her friends with and without disabilities.  Lu has Down syndrome and is one of the most fun little girls you will ever meet.  

Our Home & Community in Colorado

Our home is a quaint two story, 5-bedroom house with a fantastic basement that we use as a play area. We have large mature trees and plenty of open space for kids to be kids.

Our neighborhood is very safe with sounds of children playing outside all the time, thanks to Colorado’s gorgeous weather. Our neighborhood has two amazing pools and a playground just a short walk away that we use often.

There are also many great parks nearby with access to hiking and biking trails for miles.

When our daughter was sick during Halloween, our neighborhood kids came together a couple days later and dressed up again so that she could trick or treat and not miss out. That spoke volumes to us seeing our neighbors recognize a special childhood moment was missed and the thoughtfulness to bring that special moment back for their neighbor. 

Our local community is genuinely wonderful and full of children that will welcome our next child instantly.

Our Promise

We promise to provide your child with a loving, joyful, and respectful home. They will be raised in a Catholic home and a vibrant, faithful community. We will honor you by sharing their story of adoption with them and how loved they are by many.

We will provide your child with opportunities to explore and experience their interests academically, athletically, and spiritually and support them through every stage of life.

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Michael

Education: Bachelor of Science
Profession: Director of Training
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

His Favorites:

Outdoor activity: Trail running in the mountains
Season: Love the Colorado fall color change!
Holiday tradition: Watching the Detroit Lions on Thanksgiving with family
Quirk about each other: Andrea has 12 unique laughs depending on the situation!
Color: Forest green
Food: Stuffed mushroom pizza
Place we traveled to: New Zealand and Ireland

More About Andrea

Education: Bachelor of Arts
Profession: Production Data Manager
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Hispanic

Her Favorites:

Outdoor activity: Adventure races (obstable courses)
Season: Waking up to the crisp air and birds chirping in the spring!
Holiday tradition: Making tamales with my cousins and family at my grandma's house
Quirk about each other: Michael's never ending supply of goofy dad jokes
Color: Turquoise
Food: French toast with powder sugar
Place we traveled to: Argentina and Slovenia

More About Our Family

Our Extended Family

Our families are very loving and completely supportive of our desire to adopt again. Both sides of our families visit several times a year, in addition to all the holiday get-togethers.

Michael grew up with three siblings and remains close with all of them. All of his siblings have children within a close age-range and it's a joy to watch them grow up together.

Andrea comes from a big extended family. She has a brother and "millions" of cousins on both sides of the family. We love getting together several times a year to ski/snowboard, make tamales, play cards, and laugh the entire time. Our whole family is excited to welcome more children into the fun!

Our Faith

We are a practicing Roman Catholic family and attend Mass every Sunday. We have a large community of friends with young families and love getting together!

Interesting Facts

Michael can recall the lyrics to any song (even the background lyrics) while Andrea can't remember a lyric to save her life ;)

Our Special Interests

Michael loves to golf with friends and Andrea loves to volunteer at school events.

In Closing

We are hopeful and excited to have the opportunity to expand our family. If we are given the privilege to adopt your baby, always know that we will love and cherish your child, and they will always know their adoption story.

We look forward to a continued relationship with you through letters, pictures, and occasional visits as your child grows.

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