Our Profile

Orlando & Lauren

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State We Live in: Pennsylvania
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: No
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months, 3 Months – 12 Months
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Sibling Group: Yes
Yes with the oldest up to 3 years old.
Open to Twins: Yes

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Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to introduce ourselves and tell you about our family. We are a fun-loving and adventurous family of four from Pennsylvania. We are thrilled to adopt again and are excited to welcome your child into our family. We live near plenty of fun places to explore, from hiking trails to zoos and parks, and we look forward to sharing those experiences with your child. We look forward to getting to know you and your hopes for your child’s future. We would be honored to be chosen by you.

A Little About Us

We met 14 years ago in Philadelphia while Lauren was finishing up medical school and Orlando was working full time in sales. We got married 3 years later and have continued to grow closer ever since. Since moving back to Pennsylvania, after a short stint in the midwest, we have been a lot closer to our extended family and found a church we feel at home in.

After years of trying to start our family, we were blessed with our daughter, Madison, and shortly after that were again blessed with the opportunity to adopt our son, Lamar. Having two kindergarteners, our home is filled with lots of energy and laughter. Family time is a priority for us- whether it’s going on a road trip, an adventure around town or just being silly at home- we like having a good time together. We know we have more love to give and feel drawn towards adopting again as a way to continue to grow our family. 

About My Wife,  Lauren

Lauren is truly a dynamic woman. She is a fun-loving and compassionate individual and mom. Lauren is a big sports fan and we enjoy rooting for Philly sports teams, especially the Eagles! In her career as a doctor, Lauren is extremely hard working and loves helping the patients as well as the residents she supervises.  As a mother, Lauren is the most nurturing person I have ever met. She is loving, energetic, and patient. I feel extremely lucky to call her my wife.

Lauren enjoys going on road trips, whether it be to a new stadium or to visit a zoo. She enjoys hiking and anything else that takes her outdoors. Lauren also loves to scrapbook and is currently working on a memory book for each of the kids. She is excited about putting another one together for our next child.

About My Husband,  Orlando 

Orlando is a kind and loyal family man.  He works part-time delivering groceries for people who are unable to leave their homes to shop. He is also a part-time stay-at-home dad!  He is very handy around the house and has taught himself how to do many different things,  even building an enclosed porch onto our house. For fun, he enjoys being active- especially playing soccer and running.  Orlando is creative and energetic and is continuously coming up with new games and activities for our kids to enjoy. He coaches the kids soccer team and makes a point to include all of us in his various projects like the vegetable (and fruit) garden he is working on outside. He is such a loving father to our children.  He is incredibly supportive of us all and I know he is excited to share his passion for projects and fun with our next child. 

Our Children and Our Extended Family

Our daughter, Madison, is playful and affectionate while our son, Lamar is silly and energetic! They enjoy playing together; whether it’s creating make believe worlds in our playroom, reading books, doing art projects or playing games outside.  They love running around in our yard or at one of the local parks. 

We both have a deep passion for being with our extended family. We are blessed to have a tremendous support system on both sides! Lauren’s parents live in the next town over and we get to hang out with them regularly. Though the rest of the family lives a little farther away, we still see them several times throughout the year. Everyone is very excited about welcoming another member to the family. 

Our Home in Pennsylvania

We live in a two-story, 5-bedroom home on 1.5 acres of unfenced land. We have a dedicated room for a nursery and another as a playroom. Our yard is spacious with plenty of room to run and play in- something we always enjoy doing! We have a playset in the front yard, soccer goals in the backyard, and a long driveway for riding bikes or playing basketball. We even have a hill to go sledding right in our backyard.

We live in a small town and are close to the river and multiple local parks. We love the area where we live because our street is fairly quiet with friendly neighbors.  It gives us a nice balance of space to spread out while still being close to town.

Our Promise

We promise to love your child unconditionally. We will provide a loving and supportive environment where they can grow, learn and explore.  We will introduce them to a wide variety of different experiences and ultimately help them discover their own path in life.  We will encourage hard work and dedication in pursuit of their dreams as well as kindness and caring toward everyone they meet.

We look forward to shared laughter and making memories together as a family. We are open to keeping in touch with you through letters and pictures and if you are interested, visits. You will always be spoken of in love and respect and will be considered an important part of our family

If you would like to learn more about us, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Orlando

Education: Bachelors in Marketing
Profession: Delivery Driver
Stay-At-Home: Part-time
Racial Background: African American

His Favorites:

Food: Monte Cristo or Club sandwich
Disney Movie : Mulan
Smell : After the rain or ocean breeze
Hobby : Outdoor adventures finding new trails or places to take photos
Part of the day: Sunrise or sunset
Ice cream flavor : Peanut butter moose tracks
Season : Spring - I love the feeling of newness

More About Lauren

Education: Medical Doctor
Profession: Pediatrician and General Medicine Doctor
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Food: Fondue or anything Orlando makes on the grill
Disney Movie : Lion king and Moana
Smell : Fresh brewed coffee and warm chocolate chip cookies
Hobby : Exploring new places outside together as a family, watching all kinds of sports
Part of the day: Reading stories and snuggling with our kids before bed
Ice cream flavor : Chocolate with chunks of chocolate brownie (and maybe some chocolate sauce on top)
Season : Spring - When the weather starts getting warm and the trees start blooming

More About Our Family

How Adoption has Touched Our Family

About 2 year ago now we adopted our son, Lamar, through Lifetime. He was one and a half when we adopted him and he has been such an incredible addition to our family. The process of getting to know his birth mom leading up to the adoption was special and we have enjoyed being able to keep in touch with her since. We frequently share updates via text, video chat from time to time, and had a chance for an in person visit this past summer. (We plan to continue with yearly in person visits.) We talk openly about his adoption journey and welcome his questions. It is important to us that he always knows not only how much we love him, but how much his birth mom loves him and how much we love and respect her.

4 Things We Love About Where We Live

* We love the chance to experience 4 seasons: we can play in the leaves in the fall, go sledding and build snowmen in the winter, splash around in nearby creek in the spring, and head to the beach in the summer
* We love that we live in a quiet and safe neighborhood. We are only minutes from an expansive town park, several quality hiking trails and close to lots of fun family entertainment spots.
* We love that our home is on the far end of a quiet street. There is plenty of space for the kids to safely run around and explore or watch the birds, deer and turkeys that frequent our back yard.
* We love that we live centrally to both sides of our family which makes it convenient to visit them or host them at our house. Lauren's parents live in the next town over and we get to see them regularly.

Our Faith

Both Lauren and Orlando grew up in the church and feel it’s important to continue to make our faith an important part of our family. We are committed to helping teach our children about what we believe and encourage them to ask questions. We attend a church locally and feel that our church “family” has been a tremendous source of support.

Things We Enjoy as a Family

- Making breakfast together on weekend mornings
- Loading up the car to visit a local park - maybe try a hike, go fishing, or take a bike ride
- Play board games together
- Watching sports either on TV or at the stadium
- Taking a road trip to visit our extended family

In Closing

Thank you for taking the time to view our profile and consider us in your adoption plan! Our hearts and our home are ready to welcome your child! We promise to love your child unconditionally and help them discover their own path in life. It would be great to get to know you, understand what you want your adoption to look like, and learn what you want for your child’s future. We hope to speak with you soon.

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