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Todd & Hannah

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We've Been Chosen
State We Live in: Ohio
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: No
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months, 3 Months – 12 Months, 1 and 2 Years, 3 and 4 Years
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Sibling Group: Yes
Up to 4 years old
Open to Twins: Yes

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Hi! Our family of three loves doing things together and we’re all excited about adding a child to our lives. We enjoy the little things, like ice cream runs, going out for breakfast, snuggly movie nights at home, or last-minute game night fun. We have a strong support system of family and friends, and a loving church family. Along the way to growing our family, we’ve been through years of infertility and three miscarriages, before and after having our daughter. Even before we were married, adoption was on our minds. It seems like this is the path our family’s story was meant to take all along! We’re excited about adopting a child and hope to get to know you through this process too.

Our Story

How we met, as told by Hannah: Over 13 years ago we connected through mutual friends on social media! We first met in person at a basketball game where I went to school. As we got to know each other, we realized that our paths crossed years before when we both attended the production of a local play. (We were there at the same time and my mom and I actually sat in the row behind Todd and his family!) Now we’ve been married over 9 years and have been inseparable ever since that first meet-up.

Together we enjoy:
• Cooking (we’re always looking for new recipes to try!)
• Baking (especially Oreo-stuffed chocolate chip cookies!)
• Movie nights
• Taking family walks with our daughter and our dog
• Getting outside
• Sorting through packs of Pokémon cards to add to Todd’s collection
• Board games and cookouts with our extended family
• Playing pickleball

About Hannah

Todd says: Hannah is very caring and always looking out for others, especially children. She’s uniquely wired for her work as a foster care consultant, where she loves getting to help the kids who come through her agency. At home, Hannah helps hold everything together when we have many things happening at once. She is organized and creative; she loves to craft or come up with clever ways to help make our house more functional. Hannah’s a loving mom with a huge heart for our children’s best interests.

Hannah is into:
• Crafts and making special things for others
• Reading
• Planning and decorating for our daughter’s birthday parties or holidays around our home
• Volunteering at church (and helping the teens with their formal-wear fashion!)
• Hosting get-togethers with loved ones

Fun Fact: Hannah loves cows! They are one of her favorite animals and she always announces when she sees a cow. Our friends and family often send her pictures or memes about fluffy cows because they know how happy cows make her.

About Todd

Hannah says: Todd is a hardworking, caring man who has a strong faith and a heart for those around him. He truly cares about others and is always there for us, whether we need advice or a great big hug. Todd is quick to offer help or words of support or encouragement. He loves to find solutions to problems, which is an asset in his work as an IT Director at a non-profit organization. As a dad, Todd loves playing games (he’s very strategic on game night!) and having fun with our daughter. He always finds time to play, help with homework, and make sure we both know how much he loves us.

Todd’s interests:
• Golfing or the driving range
• Playing video games
• Watching sports
• Campfires with s’mores
• Electronics and building or fixing computers

Fun Fact: Todd enjoys collecting cards. His favorites are Pokémon, baseball, football, and Dragon Ball Z.

Life in Our Family

Our Daughter: Aubree is our 5-year-old little girl who is spunky, caring, and adventurous. She likes to draw, color, do crafts with Hannah, and play board games when we’re inside. Being outside is Aubree’s favorite though! She loves drawing with sidewalk chalk, riding her bike or scooter, or running through the yard. We know she’ll be a loving, nurturing big sister who will want to teach her little sibling everything she knows.

As a family we like:
• Family movie nights with popcorn and snacks
• Going to basketball games at the local school
• Doing projects around the house
• Relaxing conversations on the front porch
• Taking our dog for a walk while Aubree rides her bike
• Local festivals or events

Our Home in Ohio

We live in a small town in a cozy little neighborhood. We love the parks nearby and everyone is so friendly! Our neighbors make a point to say hello when they are outside or walking around town. We have a single-story brick home with three bedrooms, one of which is already set up as the nursery. There are decent sized yards in the front and back that are perfect to play in or host family cookouts. We’re located close to a school, soccer field, baseball diamonds, pickleball and basketball courts, track, and the community park. This is a great place to raise a family and enjoy the outdoors!

Our Dog: We have a small dog, named Tebow. He loves to cuddle, be outside with us, or play fetch with his toys. Tebow is great with our daughter and a sweet pet for our family.

From Our Hearts...

We promise to love your child with our whole hearts, and to raise him or her to be kind, caring, compassionate, and respectful. We will make sure your child knows their story and how much you love them. We look forward to helping this little one grow into the person he or she will become and promise to give them the best life we possibly can. As parents, we’ll provide structure with plenty of room to have fun and let our children’s personalities flourish. We want our kids to enjoy life and know that it’s okay to learn from mistakes and try again. We will teach them to be accepting, loving, and caring individuals. We will encourage and support our kids in whatever educational path they choose for their future as well.

Your child will always know they are a cherished, special part of our family. He or she will also grow up hearing how much you mean to us. We’d look forward to having an open adoption, if you want to share photos, video calls, texting, or annual visits. Thank you for considering us as an adoptive family for your child! We’d love to hear from you: call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

Thoughtfully, Todd & Hannah

More About Todd

Education: Associates of Information Technology
Profession: I.T. Director
Stay-At-Home: No, but I have a flexible work schedule
Racial Background: Caucasian

His Favorites:

Food: Spaghetti
Hobby: Golfing
Color: Blue
Thing About Autumn: Having campfires
Vacation Spot: Outer Banks
Board Game: Clue
Ice Cream: Vanilla

More About Hannah

Education: Bachelors of Social Work
Profession: Foster Care Consultant
Stay-At-Home: No, but I have a flexible work schedule
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

Food: Buffalo Chicken Dip
Hobby: Crafting
Color: Purple
Thing About Autumn: Going to the pumpkin patch
Vacation Spot: Lake Michigan
Board Game: Ticket to Ride
Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

More About Our Family

What's Important to Us

Family, fun, and faith! We would not be the people we are today without our faith. We love being involved in our church! Todd helps with the video feed during worship services and Hannah enjoys the biannual “dress events,” that happen during prom or homecoming seasons. They have great programs for children too; our daughter goes to Sunday School, Vacation Bible School in the summer, and Wednesday night children’s church. We also stay connected with our families and are so happy they live close-by so we can spend a lot of time with them. As parents, our hope is that our children will make wonderful memories from the fun we have together and with our loved ones, whether we’re playing a new game, exploring a place we visit, or learning new activities.

Plans for Childcare

After we adopt we will take some time off to bond as a family and settle in with our new little one. We have close family members who will watch our children when we go back to work. We also have some flexibility with our work schedules, which means we can occasionally work from home if needed as well.

Extended Family

Our families all live within an hour of us, some as close as 5 minutes away. We love it! We have close relationships with our loved ones and get together for all of the holidays and big life events, as well as family cookouts or fun vacations too. We have three nephews and five nieces, so it's fun to see all of the young cousins together. We also have amazing friends, who are like family. Each of us comes from families of five, so we love the thought of having a bigger family. Everyone in our life is excited about our plans to adopt! Adoption is already a part of our extended family on both sides, including cousins and aunts who were adopted.

Favorite Traditions

• Summer trips to our favorite little camp
• Big extended family vacations to the beach
• Weekly family dinners with Hannah’s family
• Celebrating birthdays and holidays with our relatives
• Doing Escape Rooms with Hannah's siblings

In Closing

Thank you for your time to consider us as adoptive parents for your child. We'd love to share our lives with your little one and get to know you through this process. Our hearts are ready for an open adoption, if you'd like a connection with us. Raising children together has been a dream of ours and we're excited to add a child to our little family this way. We love being parents! To get to know us more or set up a call or video chat, just ask Lifetime. We'd love to hear from you!