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Tymmothy & Emily

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State We Live in: Massachusetts
Our Religion: Christian
Stay At Home Parent: Yes
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months, 3 Months – 12 Months, 1 and 2 Years, 3 and 4 Years
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Sibling Group: Yes
With oldest up to 3 years old
Open to Twins: Yes

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Hi from Massachusetts!

We have been happily married for 12 years and have welcomed 3 children into our family. Our desire to grow our family has brought us to adoption, and we are so excited to welcome a child into our family and share in the fun and adventurous life we live. We value family time, whether it is a family vacation or playing memory snap on the living room floor. We make sure to have dinner as a family every night, talking through our days and playing silly games.

Our next child will be loved unconditionally, encouraged in all things, and given any opportunity needed for their happiness and success, just like our 3 children are. Thank you for considering us as adoptive parents! We look forward to meeting you and learning all about you and the life you have pictured for your child.

Our Story

We met just 4 months before Tymmothy left for basic training for the Marine Corps. When Tymmothy left for his military training, we were only able to communicate through letters for 3 months. This is when our relationship became serious, and we fell in love through our letters.

We spend our days together with our three children, who Emily stays home with while Tymmothy works. On weekends we spend time as a family on our small farm where we play sports in the yard and take care of our animals together. We are an active family that enjoys watching our children during their sporting events that vary with the seasons.

We have both seen the love and happiness that adoption can bring to a family and are so happy that our lives have moved in this direction. We have talked about adoption as a way to grow our family since the moment we started talking about our future children, and we are so excited that the time to adopt has finally come.

As a couple we enjoy:

  • Hiking
  • Taking care of our yard & home together
  • Coffee/dinner dates
  • Evenings on the patio or by the fire talking
  • Watching comedy shows or sitcoms together

As a family we enjoy:

  • Board games
  • Reading together
  • Playing in the yard
  • Caring for our animals together
  • Hiking as a family
  • Road trips

Meet Tymmothy

Emily says: Tymmothy is the best person I have ever known! He is a hard worker who puts his family first in all things. He has a calming but strong presence that is a comfort to everyone who knows him. I enjoy watching him with our children, in his patient and loving way. He is always the first person to get in the pool with the kids, and he volunteers his time as coach for our children’s sports teams. I know that Tymmothy will welcome a child into our home and love and care for that child just as much as he does for their future siblings. I am proud to call him mine.

Tymmothy looks forward to passing along his love for sports, teaching our next child about hockey and baseball.

Tymmothy enjoys:

  • Hockey – Having grown up playing, he continues to play on a men’s league
  • Fishing – Tymmothy has shared his love for fishing with our son Henry
  • Going to the gym – he wakes up at 5:30 every morning to get to the gym before having breakfast with the kids
  • Experimenting in the kitchen – he makes the BEST fried rice!
  • Grilling in the summer – Spending time with family is important to Tymmothy, and grilling is one of his ways to show this

Meet Emily

Tymmothy says: Emily is the most dedicated person I have ever met. She is the rock of our family, always available for whatever the kids or our family needs. She spends her days shuttling kids to practice, grooming our two ponies or slow cooking her world-famous tomato sauce for that night’s dinner. She is loving, fair and truly enjoys being home with our children. She is also always the second person to get in the pool to play with the kids, and sometimes gets in before me.  Emily will welcome any child(ren) into our family with the warmth, comfort and dedication every child deserves.

Emily looks forward to passing along her love for horses, teaching our next child how to care for them and ride.

Her relentless nature is evident by the hobbies she enjoys:

  • Running – Emily ran a half marathon this spring and is on track for a full marathon in the fall
  • Her ponies – she and the girls are out there every day tending to them
  • A good Netflix series set during colonial times
  • Anything with her kids; she is skilled at tying a hook when Henry fishes, is happy to push herself on the trampoline with Evelyn, and will watch Grace for hours as she does loops up and down the driveway on her bike

Our Big Family

We have 3 kids…

Our Son, Henry: Henry is a compassionate and loving 8-year-old boy. He has a passion for hockey and baseball and loves helping his younger sisters learn new things. He loves tinkering and building things. Creating new “toys” for him and his sisters to play with.

Our Daughter, Grace: Grace is a caring and outgoing 6-year-old girl. She has a passion for horses and drawing. She loves her ponies in the back yard and helping with their daily care. She has a quiet presence that is calming to her siblings and loves playing “mother” to her younger sister.

Our Daughter, Evelyn: Evelyn is a mighty 4-year-old who has a heart as big as her personality. She has a passion for gymnastics and spends her days showing off her cartwheels to anyone she can find. She wishes to be a big sister, and practices with her younger cousins.

We come from a close-knit family, Tymmothy having 4 siblings and Emily with 3. Our siblings are some of our closest friends, and we see them on a monthly basis, if not more. Our parents all live close by and enjoy being grandparents to our 3 children. We go on family vacations with our siblings and parents and enjoy spending as much time as we can with our 15 nieces and nephews!

Family traditions we share with our children:

  • Family vacations to the beach/lake
  • Our family’s love of sports
  • Matching pj’s for cousins at Christmas
  • Monthly family brunches

Our Home in Massachusetts

We live in an open concept 3-bedroom home nestled on a 2-acre lot. We have a small barn in the back with an attached paddock for our horses. In the summer months we enjoy grilling on the patio and playing kickball games in the yard. In the winter we put up a small ice-skating rink for the kids to skate on and enjoy board games. We love having our family and friends over for dinner. Play dates are fun in our playroom set right off the kitchen, allowing the kids to play with friends in an independent way while also being supervised. Our children attend the public schools in town and are involved in clubs and sports teams. We are actively involved in our welcoming small town.

Our Promise to You

We promise to care for your child as we have our children, in a loving home with a welcoming extended family. Your child will be joining a family with strong values and a family first mentality. We would feel blessed to get to know you and learn as much as we can about the life you wish for your child. We are open to staying in contact with you and sharing photos and letters.

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Tymmothy

Education: Bachelors in Economics
Profession: Sales
Stay-At-Home: No
Racial Background: Caucasian

His Favorites:

TV Show: The Office
Sport: Hockey
Flavor of Ice Cream: Peanut Butter Cup
Place Traveled : South Dakota
Family Activity: Playing Kickball Togther
Music: Country
Meal of the Day : Dinner

More About Emily

Education: Bachelors in Science
Profession: Stay-at-home Mom
Stay-At-Home: Yes
Racial Background: Caucasian

Her Favorites:

TV Show: Friends
Sport: Horseback Riding
Flavor of Ice Cream: Moose Tracks
Place Traveled : Bari and Gaeta, Italy
Family Activity: Playing Memory Snap Together
Music: Country
Meal of the Day : Breakfast

More About Our Family

What Adoption Means to Us

Adoption has been in our lives since we were young children. Tymmothy's parents fostered multiple children and young adults with both physical and mental disabilities. Tymmothy has happy memories of helping his brothers get ready in the mornings before school. He feels that these relationships he had as a young child has helped shape the way he views family today.

Emily has two cousins who were adopted, both at the age of 2 years. She was able to watch her cousins grow into the family and watch her aunt and uncle as they helped her cousins navigate through their adoption experience. Emily feels that her relationship with her cousins has given her a positive view on the many ways families can grow.

Our whole family has a positive view on adoption and what that can bring to not only the family, but more importantly the child.

Other Languages

Tymmothy speaks fluent American Sign Language (ASL), and Emily speaks communicative ASL. We look forward to teaching our child both English and ASL!

Who Does it Best...

1. Who is more dramatic? Emily
2. Who is more competitive? Tymmothy
3. Who is more likely to pick up a stray pet? Emily
4. Who is more expressive? Emily
5. Who is more likely to strike up a conversation with a stranger? Tymmothy
6. Who is more likely to eat something new? Emily
7. Who is more likely to burn something while cooking? Tymmothy
8. Who is more of a homebody? Emily
9. Who is better at singing karaoke? Tymmothy
10. Who is the better driver? Tymmothy

Fun Facts

-Emily loves chickens
-Tymmothy loves fishing
-Henry loves playing in the woods
-Grace loves to swim
-Evelyn loves reading books

In Closing

We promise to love your child unconditionally. We will bring your child into our home and give them not only loving parents, but loving siblings. With our passion for sports and outdoor activities, we will strive to create a life that is full in all ways, but mostly with love. We strive to be supportive parents in any way our children need. Whatever it is that your child finds a passion for, we will support and encourage to the fullest extent possible. Thank you for considering us as a family for your child! We look forward to learning more about you and welcome the chance to share an open adoption.

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