Our Profile

Vreeland & Jen

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State We Live in: California
Our Religion: Catholic
Stay At Home Parent: No
Our Age Preferences: Newborn-3 Months, 3 Months – 12 Months, 1 and 2 Years, 3 and 4 Years
Our Gender Preferences: Either Gender
Our Race Preferences: Any Race, African American, African American/Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, Caucasian/African American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Hispanic, East Indian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Native American
Sibling Group: Yes
With oldest up to 3 years old
Open to Twins: Yes

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Call or text Lifetime Adoption at 1-800-923-6784.

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Hola from California! We are a sun-loving family of 3, who enjoys (and prioritizes) quality family time.

We will embrace the challenges and rewards that are attached to the adoption journey, and look forward to navigating this one-of-a-kind experience alongside you.

Our family is genuinely excited to get to know you and your aspirations for your child. We pray that we have the honor of guiding the little one through a colorful life full of love, curiosities, kindness, and fun.

¡Gracias por visitar nuestra página! Nos encantaría conocerla a usted y sus aspiraciones para su bebé. Si prefiere alguna información en Español, por favor comuníquese con Lifetime Adoption.

Our Story

We have been married for 10 vibrant years and have known each other for 17 years. We met as co-workers in NYC and were very driven in our careers, excited by the hustle and bustle of the city. We found out we had a lot in common including karaoke, family values and foodie dreams, yet disagreed on which of the Godfather movies was superior. We were instant best friends.

Fast forward 7 years and a wedding, we decided to start a family of our own and in 2016 welcomed Tobias (Toby) into the world. We’ve always wanted to have a big family and were excited to make Toby a big brother when he was just 2 years old. However, after years of unsuccessful attempts at growing our family, we finally leaned in and listened to our calling to adopt and are ready to share our hearts, home, and lives with another child through open adoption.

A few things Vreeland and Jen like to do together:

  • Show off our dance moves at family parties
  • Visit museums (art, science, historical)
  • Play board games
  • Embark on new experiences in different cities–unique playgrounds, restaurants, & theater shows
  • Watch 80s movies at bedtime

Meet Jen

Vreeland says: Jen has a patience and kindness that is very rare and sincere. Motherhood emphasized this, as she takes her time to understand Toby’s needs and helps him convert big emotions into opportunities for growth, such as managing conflict with friends. She hopes to fulfill our next child with the same sentiment of good communication and compassion. Jen is also not afraid to be silly. You can find her being the tallest “kid” at the playground slides or dressing up as a 6ft Chewbacca for Halloween. She can’t wait to indulge our next child with her fun adventures.

Jen currently works from home in the Biotechnology field where she helps rare disease patients navigate their illness through digital experiences. Her empathy plays a huge part in her role. It’s fulfilling work and our family enjoys visiting the labs where scientists are literally working on curing cancer. Her job also has very flexible hours which means there is a very healthy work/life balance that gives her time to take Toby to the zoo after school, engage in his extracurricular activities, and help with his homework.

Jen’s Interests:

  • Researching fun science/robotics experiments to try at home.
  • Planning our family’s weekends, vacations and road trips.
  • Volunteering her design & technology skills to help nonprofit organizations.
  • Practicing different styles of Martial Arts, such as Taekwondo, with our son.

Meet Vreeland

Jen says: Vreeland is a lighthearted and generous man who always puts his family first. He also has a great sense of humor. For example, he manages to fit random song verses into conversations and his dad jokes are immaculate. His late father shared endless stories about his childhood and taught Vreeland everything he knows about cars and carpentry. It’s amazing to watch him follow in his footsteps and patiently teach our son all these things. He makes every effort to create new family memories, so Toby will have stories to share for ages. We can’t wait to include our newest addition into these memories!

Vreeland works in Hospitality Sales and plays a huge part in planning large bookings for notable brands and companies. His favorite part of his job is interacting with clients and the flexibility to engage in family activities during the day. Due to his flexibility, he’s able to coach Toby’s sports teams.

“Coach Vreeland” genuinely hopes to foster a growth mindset into our next child, so he/she has the capacity to believe in themselves and the resources to make their dreams into reality.

Vreeland’s Interests:

  • Coaching for Toby’s youth sports (Flag football, basketball and soccer).
  • Trying out new recipes he learned from YouTube.
  • Taking road trips that Jen has planned.
  • Camping adventures.

Meet Tobias, our son

Tobias “Toby” is our bright and sweet 7-year-old son. He has his mom’s love of art and passion for science as well as his dad’s love of sports and THE best humor (Fun fact: He’s already written a joke book for his little brother/sister). He’s been waiting patiently for a little partner-in-crime and is ready to help out and execute his big brother duties.

Toby loves robotics and building with Legos. He recently started a business where he offered to help his classmates build complicated Lego sets in exchange for candy or Pokémon cards. His title was, “Lego Architect.” When he first heard about the dangers of Legos around small children, he did not hesitate in offering to donate all of his Legos to ensure the baby would have a safe environment to play in. We love his big heart and protective nature; we absolutely can’t wait to see his relationship with his future sibling grow strong overtime.

Toby’s Interests:

  • Picking out books at the library.
  • Making comic books.
  • Practicing his Taekwondo so he can work towards his goal of becoming black belt one day!
  • Science experiments with the family.
  • Going to Target.

Our Home in California

Our 3-bedroom home is a cozy, cottage-like retreat that is framed by art and plants, as well as flooded with light and music. Wherever the sunlight meets the floor is where you will find our 13-year-old Boston Terrier, Nina, soaking up the rays and awaiting cuddles.

Our home is nestled within a quiet suburban neighborhood across the street from a beautiful park and lively river, which are great for biking and walks. Our front yard is THE place to witness a variety of hummingbirds and a really cool place for little scientists to explore praying mantis and ladybugs. Our favorite part is the lavender during the spring/summer.

Our spacious backyard is a relaxing haven shaded by 5 large trees, which come in handy for dry summers and BBQs. Every Spring we witness fledglings learning to fly right from our backyard. This year we had Mourning Doves.

Some great things about our neighborhood:

  • We have access to a members-only clubhouse that is open year-round equipped with a heated pool and tennis court.
  • We are walking distance to an award-winning Montessori School our son attended.
  • The nearby river is known to seasonally have sea lion sightings.
  • The community is tight-knit and regularly holds family-friendly events such as Easter Egg hunting.

Our Promise to You

We are committed to providing your child with a safe haven within our home and family. We offer our unconditional love, patience, unwavering support, and the room and space to grow into their calling and develop their passions.

We will all (our family, you, if you choose, and your child) walk together in this experience and take the time and effort needed to enrich this child’s life with unconditional love and a strong familial foundation.

Lastly, we look forward to embracing your child’s culture and mending it into the fabric of our diverse family.

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. Please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

More About Vreeland

Education: Bachelor's Degree
Profession: Hospitality Executive
Stay-At-Home: No, but works from home
Racial Background: Filipino

His Favorites:

Family recipe: Jen's Empanadas!
Seasonal activity: Handing out gifts to our neighbors during the holidays
Family tradition: Annual flag football game against the cousins after Thanksgiving Lunch
Sport you've played: Football
Song you can play all day: "Award Tour," Tribe Called Quest
Pastime: Sharing jokes & stories over a campfire & under the stars
School subject: History

More About Jen

Education: Master's Degree (in progress)
Profession: Producer within the Biotechnology field
Stay-At-Home: No, but works from home
Racial Background: Puerto Rican

Her Favorites:

Family recipe: Vree's Chicken Adobo!
Seasonal activity: Handing out candy in our themed costumes during Halloween night. (Last year as Chewbacca & Darth Vader!)
Family tradition: Karaoke and dancing at every family function
Sport you've played: Competitive Martial Arts
Song you can play all day: "Uptown Funk," Bruno Mars
Pastime: Exploring tide pools & building sandcastles
School subject: STEM, Biology

More About Our Family

Why we are adopting

Early in our relationship, we had recurring discussions about having a large family. Three was the magic number, and we agreed there’d be at least one child we welcome to our family through adoption. We feel strongly that all children deserve love and to be cared for unconditionally. When we could no longer produce another child, we knew this was a calling that we were meant to honor.

We are committed to providing a safe haven for our children as well as extending our unconditional love, patience, and unwavering support. We also look forward to offering them the room and space to grow into their potential and develop their passions.

Typical weekend with us…

Our weekends are centered around our family — if we can't do it together, we're not interested! A typical weekend with us would include supporting family at youth sports games, cooking together, road trips to the coolest playgrounds near and far, potlucks at family events, and exploring nature science in the fruitful state of California. Some of our favorite local places to visit are hiking in Lake Tahoe and tide pools at Monterey. We can’t wait to bring your child along on our little adventures.

Cultural Traditions

As a mixed family, we practice many of the Filipino and Puerto Rican traditions, including celebrating 3 Kings Day and learning traditional Filipino dances like the Bamboo dance.

In an effort to fortify Toby’s connection to family history, we have plans in the future to visit our families in Puerto Rico and Philippines. Each own farms and are just as happy to welcome our new addition to the family.

We look forward to sharing in your child's culture as well, and help safeguard his/her sense of identity so they may grow up to appreciate their heritage.

Our Extended Family

We are truly blessed to be surrounded by the most loving and generous family members near and far. They are all over-the-moon excited to welcome another child!

Vreeland's family all live within 30 minutes from us in California, which makes for recurring quality time. Their support for each other is unmatched and even though the majority of his side of the family are full-time students or employees, they ALWAYS make time to be there for us. We often meet up to celebrate milestones (birthdays, graduations, exams, promotions, anniversaries, etc.) and when arriving at restaurants we always need to reserve a section or room, because we roll 20-deep at times. His family is enriched with Catholic faith and when we're together on the weekends, we always make an effort to attend mass together. Our favorite past times together are camping, exploring new places in California, potluck dinners and karaoke.

Jen has family living in New York. They are extremely warm and welcoming. We make annual trips to visit family in the East Coast and our reunions are never a slow burn; when reconnecting it is like we never left. Toby's cousins are between ages 1-7 and witnessing them assemble like the Avengers and be excited to see each other is the best thing. Our East Coast families enjoy large family picnics at parks, visits to landmarks and children's museums. With Jen's family living in large cities there is plenty to see, eat and do as a family. We have the most fun itinerary during our visits!

In Closing

THANK YOU for taking the time to look through our profile today. We are in awe of how courageous you are to choose this path for you and your child. We are committed to providing your child with a safe and nurturing environment, countless happy childhood memories and a beautiful connection to each others cultures.

As current parents, we have the privilege of applying our learnings to the newest addition, while at the same time customizing our approach based on their unique needs and personality. Toby looks forward to sharing tips and tricks with his younger sibling and can’t wait for his little partner in crime. He or she will also benefit from a large supporting family who are ready to offer unconditional love, mutual respect and good humor.

We can’t wait to engage in future communication with you and a lifetime of openness to give your child the best well-rounded relationships they deserve. We hope to talk to you soon!

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