Mardie Caldwell on How Adoption Became Her Life’s Work

photo of Mardie Caldwell, C.O.A.P. founder of Lifetime Adoption, her life's work
I remember when we decided to adopt. My personality was and is “I’ve made the decision so let’s do it – NOW!” In my life, if I wanted something, I could pick up the phone and call in an order, sign a check or ask my secretary to have it on my desk by noon. So here I sat with this overwhelming desire to be a mother and all this love to share with a child asking, “How do I complete this ‘task’ of parenthood by my deadline?”

Researching Adoption

The first week I drove myself crazy spending hours per day researching the process of adoption. Additionally the door was often slammed shut because we were too old; my husband was 40 and I was 30! Agencies turned us down because we were overweight, not married long enough, because I owned my own business and wouldn’t be a “stay at home Mom”. Sometimes it was; our income wasn’t high enough, we were not the right religion, we lived in the wrong county and the list went on. Nothing seemed to work. I had never had so many rejections in one week. So I decided that if conventional methods wouldn’t help me adopt, I would network and do it myself. And through my persistence, I found and contacted sources that led me to other sources until I found my precious son.

Mardie Caldwell, C.O.A.P., sits with a smiling new adoptive mom and her baby enjoying her life's work in supporting adoption

How Mardie Handled Her Adoption Quest

During my quest, I kept a spiral notebook of the doctors, attorneys, counselors and other professionals that helped me. I even recorded every step I took to reach my goal. Along the way, I met dozens of others trying to adopt who also met with roadblocks put up for seemingly ridiculous reasons. As I held my son in my arms, calls poured in from other couples striving for parenthood. Soon, I became an adoption coordinator by default! Many of my early adoptions were made while I was cooking dinner!

I sold my manufacturing/wholesale company and went full steam ahead as an adoption coordinator. Additionally, I applied my marketing background and the same research techniques I had used for my own adoption in 1986. Then I opened Lifetime Adoption Center and became a Certified and Bonded Open Adoption Practitioner through the National Federation for Open Adoption Education and a member of the Better Business Bureau.

Mardie Caldwell as an Adoption Coordinator

As an adoption coordinator, I’ve found that each morning could find me in a sudden flight to pick up a baby or on the telephone handling a birth mother in crisis. However, it has been an eventful and rewarding career and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

At Lifetime we’ve had adoptive families who have welcomed with open arms babies born to drug-addicted mothers. Moreover, a family who adopted their child from an HIV positive birth mother. In addition, we help with bi-racial adoptions and we help single women as adoptive mothers. We have one birth mother who chose adoption for her baby then wrote a book to share her story with the world. We have an attorney who, after adopting a child through us, became an adoption attorney – and the list goes on!

Couple sit on a blanket with their African American daughter and their newly adopted biracial baby thankful for Mardie making adoption her life's work

Lifetime Adoption Today

A huge number of adoptive families have found their children via our website. Additionally, all of the legal steps, the home study background check and necessary paperwork can be done online. Ultimately this has really sped up the process.

Birth parents and adoptive parents can take an active part in pursuing their goals. A birth mother has the opportunity to look at photos and resumes of available adoptive families in privacy. Families can search for a child with a similar heritage, physical appearance, religious background, etc. This information posted on the Internet speeds up the selection process. The term “waiting list” just about disappears and waiting in obscurity has become a thing of the past.

Today, Lifetime Adoption completes over 120 adoptions per year. We have in-house, 24 hour phone lines and receive over 300 calls a day. We love what we do. The joy and contentment on the faces of the families and birth parents we work with keeps us going through the ups and downs of working in a very emotional profession. We cry every day and laugh every day. It is our intention to answer each of your adoption questions straightforwardly and honestly. I have been there and I know it can be done.

By Mardie Caldwell, C.O.A.P., founder of Lifetime Adoption.
Adoptive mother, author, and radio talk show host.

For more information on adoption or Mardie Caldwell, please contact Lifetime Adoption, or
call (727) 493-0933.

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“Dear Mardie, As I write this letter to you I am holding my precious son in my arms. There are no words to thank you enough for everything that you have done to make our dreams come true. Whenever Bill or I had a question or many questions, there was always someone at Lifetime willing to help us. I know sometimes I was very impatient. It was very hard for me to believe that I would actually adopt a newborn baby. Bill and I tried going through the state system and with an adoption agency. We came away from both of these places crushed. With them, there was virtually no chance of us being able to adopt a sibling group much less a newborn. Even those closest to us, family and friends discouraged us. They didn’t want us to get our hopes up only to be disappointed again. But we felt that adoption was God’s plan for us. We feel that He led us to you and Lifetime. It is so very clear to us that God did his work through Lifetime to bring our son into our lives. This is so incredible! Our social worker asked if I would recommend you to others. I said YES! She could hardly believe the short time frame. You made a believer out of her! She sent for your packet of information shortly after I did. After studying the packet and seeing firsthand results, she is going to tell others seeking to adopt about the wonderful work you do at Lifetime.”
Adoptive Family



Mardie Caldwell



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We are a Safe Haven Approved Agency.

Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Florida. (License FL 100096562)
Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Arkansas. (License AR #00050809)
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