Lifetime Adoption > Adopting a Child > How Does Adoption Work?

How Does Adoption Work?

A portrait of a happy adoptive family We understand that whatever led you to adoption, you probably have a lot of questions, like “How does the adoption process work?” “How do we start the adoption process?” Since 1986, Lifetime Adoption has been walking families through the adoption process and we’re here for you too! We will help you through the nerves and excitement and get you on the right path to bringing home your new baby.

1: Start the Adoption Process by Filling Out a Free Application

Apply: Start by submitting your free application. Expect a response within 1-5 business days.

Dive into our exclusive Adoption Education materials and schedule a meeting with a Lifetime coordinator to discuss your adoption desires and questions. We will answer questions like, “How does the adoption process work?” and any other questions you have. Upon acceptance into Lifetime’s Proven Program, your journey officially begins.

2: Begin Your Adoption Program

Initiate Your Program: Now that you’ve officially become a Lifetime Family, you’ll receive all of the support and guidance for your next steps.

Partner with Lifetime’s suggested home study providers to select a licensed social worker and kickstart your home study process.

With our support, resources, and guidance, complete your adoption website profile and video, laying the groundwork for Lifetime to present you to birth parents.

3: Wait to Be Chosen By a Birth Mom

Reach Potential Birth Moms: Through Lifetime’s nationwide outreach program, your family profile is shared with birth moms matching your adoption criteria.

While waiting, prepare your home and heart for your future child. Access our exclusive listening library and educational opportunities covering adoption comprehensively, and stay engaged through regular check-ins and Adoption Support Webinars.

4: Match With a Birth Mom

Learn About Your Match: Learn about the woman who has chosen you as the family for her baby.
Receive medical information regarding her pregnancy and baby.

Connect with her through phone or video call, agree to the match, and under Lifetime’s guidance, establish a healthy relationship foundation with your child’s birth mom.

5: Retain a Legal Professional

Secure Legal Guidance: Use Lifetime Adoption’s recommended legal professionals to ensure ethical and legal compliance throughout the adoption process. Our ongoing support ensures clarity for both you and the birth mom as you navigate the legal aspects step-by-step.

6: Travel for the Placement of Your Baby

Meet Birth Mom: Travel to meet the birth mom in person. By this stage, she’s more than a stranger—she’s your child’s birth mom, eager to introduce you to your baby.

Embrace the opportunity to bond with your baby and await clearance to return home together.

7: Finalize Your Adoption

Complete Legal Formalities: Work with your home study social worker to fulfill post-placement requirements. With guidance from your attorney, petition the court for adoption and attend the adoption hearing.

Celebrate the culmination of your journey as your adoption is finalized, marking the official start of your family’s new chapter. Lifetime Adoption’s caring adoption coordinators can help you work through all aspects of adoption — from finding a suitable family to support groups, adoption attorneys, dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, and more. Get in touch today to get started.

Start Your FREE Application
Now that you understand the process and we’ve answered “How does the adoption process work?” all that’s left to do now is to get started by submitting your free application.

Get More Information About How the Adoption Process Works

If you live outside of the United States, please click here.

“We know it’ll happen, in God’s time. If you need a little giggle, here’s one for you. Every morning when we load up in the car and head to school, the boys and I pray for our day. Our prayer each day includes the baby that will join our family soon, his or her mother, their health, etc. One day last week, my oldest asked if I think it will be a boy or a girl. I said I don’t know, but I actually kind of feel like it will be a girl. Our 6-year-old, chimed in without missing a beat, “it WILL be a girl, wanna know how I know? Girls take FOOOOREVER to do ANYTHING, like when mom gets ready to go in the morning and takes so long or when Auntie is coming over and it takes so long or (so and so) at school is supposed to be doing something, girls don’t hurry up for anything and this baby is taking her sweet time being born so it’s gonna be a girl, that’s why it’s taking so long.”
Amanda and Daniel

Infographic How does the adoption process work



Mardie Caldwell



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Called To Adoption



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We are a Safe Haven Approved Agency.

Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Florida. (License FL 100096562)
Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Arkansas. (License AR #00050809)
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