How long does it take to adopt through Lifetime?

Adoptive father feeds newly adopted baby, they didn't have to wait long for their adoption
How long does it take to adopt with Lifetime Adoption? With modern adoption, the birth mother chooses the adoptive parents for her baby. Various factors can affect this, including your adoption preferences, online profile, and how long your home study takes. For this reason, we cannot speculate how long it will take until a birth mother chooses you.
Lifetime has seen matches occur within a few months; others stretch to 2 years and sometimes even more. We want adoptive families to be ready to say YES when presented with an opportunity. With Lifetime, you are not just a number on a waiting list.
You may be wondering why the time frame varies so much. Many things can affect a family’s match time. A significant factor is how open the family is in their adoption preferences. If you’re more open to a broader range regarding race, age, and gender of the baby or child, the more placing parents you’ll be presented to.
In addition, your openness to future contact with the birth parents and prenatal substance use play a role. The more open you are, the more that Lifetime will be able to present you to more potential birth parents, resulting in more opportunities to be selected by a birth mother.
Before you can legally adopt, you’ll need to complete the adoption home study. The home study involves interviews with a social worker, a home check, submitting documents, an FBI check, medical appointments, and more. On average, adoptive couples complete this process within three to six months, making this an area where you can quicken the time it takes you to adopt. To expedite this process, ensure that you submit the required documents and schedule any required medical appointments as soon as possible.
Much also depends on the quality of your online profile, which combines your letter to the birth parents, photos of your life, and your adoption video. Lifetime provides each family with a coordinator who works with the family to develop the best profile possible. We also share sample profiles and adoption videos created by Lifetime adoptive families who have successfully adopted through us recently.
Our adoption experts know what a birth mother looks for when she evaluates and decides which adoptive parents to choose for her baby. We share this knowledge and experience with our contracted adoptive couples so you can timely be selected.
Additionally, Lifetime receives phone calls from women in labor at the hospital just before their baby is born. When this happens, we immediately contact the chosen adoptive parents contracted with Lifetime. The adopting couple is often asked to travel to the birth mother’s location immediately. Babies are born at all hours, and it’s important to be ready to GO when the opportunity to adopt comes calling.

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“Hi Renatta, we wanted to take a moment to send you a heartfelt THANK YOU! We cannot believe how far we have come this year. When we look back at this year, our hearts fill with joy, love and excitement. The dream of ours to adopt is happening! We are so thankful to have found Lifetime. It is hard to explain, but you and the Lifetime family make us feel “at home.” We can feel the support and encouragement always, and we feel like you somehow know the right words to say and when we need to hear them. It is a blessing to be able to go through this journey with you!”



Mardie Caldwell



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Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Florida. (License FL 100096562)
Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Arkansas. (License AR #00050809)
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