Success rate higher than most other adoption organizations, why?

Our attention to detail has helped our adoption organization maintain such a high adoption success rate since 1986.
In the world of adoption, finding the right adoptive family for our birth parents and their children is the most important part of our business – completing adoptions where the birth family and adoptive parents have the same goal – the care and well-being of this little child.
Lifetime Adoption has such a high adoption success rate because it maintains many paths to finding the right match for each family. This includes a wide variety of services that other adoption professionals, both adoption agencies and adoption attorneys simply cannot provide. Lifetime provides services like Live Chat for birth mothers, 24-hour availability staffed by our own staff members (not just after-hours personnel), free adoption informational meetings, a program to help birth mothers get on their feet, ongoing education through live webinars and private membership sites, and many websites designed to reach birth mothers where they are.
When families are on a budget and time is critical, Lifetime proves time and again we can make your adoption happen. We have the best families to select from across the country and around the world. We are aware of the needs of our clients and have been where you are today. We have a fully staffed Adoption Center taking calls daily from women seeking families and families wishing to adopt. Our staff includes adoptive parents, birth mothers and caring individuals devoted to your adoption needs.
The ultimate benefit is the security in the competence of our experienced, qualified caring staff to screen prospective birth parents to help keep you safe and secure. We want to help you with your Adoption for a Lifetime.
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