Adopting an Older Child

couple holding hands in nature

Adopting a child is something that many couples dream of, pray about, and wait patiently for. For many of Lifetime’s hopeful adoptive parents, adopting an older child can be likened to a calling. They were meant to love and provide for a child who is not their biological son or daughter.

The process of adopting a child takes patience and perseverance. But as Buck and Veronique’s story of adopting an older child reveals, being chosen by a birth mother who entrusts you with her child is an almost indescribable experience. For Buck and Veronique, the moment they met their child, their lives were forever changed, and they felt an instant connection that was unique. They experienced an instant bond that goes beyond genes, a love that will stand the test of time. Here’s Buck and Veronique’s adoption story:

“Almost four years ago, the Lord put on our hearts to adopt, and we gladly started the process. So we joined Lifetime and prepared all we needed to in anticipation of our baby’s arrival. We began to pray for the birth mother God had chosen for us and her baby, even though we had no idea where they could be nor when we would meet them.

It took longer than we expected, just over three years, but we chose to stay focused and to keep praying for the birth mother and her baby. We asked the Lord to protect them and guide them to us. The Lord set our hearts to open our home to the baby He had for us.

Veronique was doing dishes when the phone rang. It was Christie at Lifetime, who informed us that a birth mother wanted to talk to us as potential adoptive parents for her six-month-old baby girl! Two days later, the birth mother called us, and we connected so naturally.

child in crib

Her heart and love for her baby were so evident and beautiful. It was not easy for her to choose adoption, but she wanted a different life for her daughter than what she could provide. So, she gathered her courage to make an adoption plan. She had carefully looked at families until she saw our profile and felt we were what she had been looking for.

We were honored to be chosen and trusted to raise her baby! We enjoyed talking together very much and then we met in person three days after. She introduced her baby to us, and the connection was so real. This precious treasure of a baby smiled and laughed; she was so at ease in our arms from the very start, which was one of the things we had been praying for. Seeing our connection really confirmed to her birth mother that she was making a good choice for her baby. Two days later, she signed all the papers, and we received custody.

As you can imagine, our lives changed instantly! Of course, we had prepared for that moment as much as we could, but how can anyone be fully prepared to become parents within an hour? And we love being parents! Our baby girl is such a ray of sunshine. She is full of life and joy and, yes, energy! It is beautiful to see her grow and learn and discover. She loves nature, animals, music, and people, especially meeting other young children. She makes people smile everywhere we go.

We are very thankful to the Lord and her birth mother for choosing us to become the parents of such a treasure and for trusting us to raise her. Adoption is so beautiful; it brings redemption and a real solution for a birth mother who is not in a position to raise her child for whatever reason. However, through adoption, she can choose adoptive parents who are ready and willing to embrace their child and love and care for him or her.

Lifetime chooses their families very carefully and prepares them well. As a result, when the hopeful adoptive parents get “the call” that a birth mother has chosen them, they are ready to rise to the beautiful call of becoming parents. We really love and respect our daughter’s birth mother for her love, courage, and heart. She is an amazing person and will always be loved, respected, and prayed for in our family.

If you are in a situation where you cannot raise your child, you don’t need to worry, you can contact Lifetime, and they will help you and guide you so you will have peace of mind that your baby or child will be able to grow in a loving family.

If you are a family who God called to adopt, be faithful to your calling and be patient in prayer. That child He has set aside for you is on their way. He is faithful to His Word as we allow Him to prepare and guide us into adopting an older child in His ways.

May the Lord greatly bless you and deeply reveal to you that He is the adoptive Father to all those who choose to embrace Him as such. He will never fail you nor forsake you!”

If you’re seeking to experience the joy of becoming an adoptive parent, our team at Lifetime Adoption is here to help. Our compassionate and experienced adoption professionals will discuss your adoption goals and answer your questions. Your desire to become parents can come true — just as Buck and Veronique’s did.

Contact Lifetime today to learn more about the process of adopting an older child and ask any questions that you may have. You can also first step today and complete our free adoption application.

If you are a mother who is considering adoption for a child you are trying to parent, please call or text us at 1-800-923-6784. One of our caring coordinators will work with you confidentially and help you get the information you need to make the choice that is best for you and your child.

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Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Florida. (License FL 100096562)
Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Arkansas. (License AR #00050809)
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