As you begin looking into adopting, you may wonder about the cost. It’s normal to have conflicted feelings and questions such as “why is adoption so expensive?” In this article, I’ll help you understand how support and expenses...
For many couples hoping to adopt, receiving adoption benefits from their employer is a huge advantage. In fact, some do not even realize that their employer offers adoption benefits until they ask. Employer-provided adoption benefits may be more than a growing...
If you’ve just started looking into adoption, you may have heard of the Federal Adoption Tax Credit. You might be wondering, “How does the adoption tax credit work?” or “Do we qualify for the tax credit?” This credit is an important...
Dreaming of adopting a baby in the United States? This is known as domestic adoption. At Lifetime Adoption, we specialize in helping families navigate this life-changing journey with confidence and compassion. Domestic adoption involves the placement of...
As a childless single woman in your thirties, you may start to reflect on the significance of motherhood in your life. What does motherhood truly mean to you? Does it have to be within a marriage with your ideal partner? Or is it acceptable to be with a suitable...