What Our Birth Mothers Say

“Wow it’s so great to hear from you!! I was just talking about YOU recently because I visited the adoptive family back in March!! It’s been my second visit with them since Covid delayed a lot of that over the last year and half. I am doing great and have kept very consistent (at least bi-weekly and monthly communication with the family)! We talked about you and just how great the overall experience was and how blessed we were to find each other! :) Thanks for checking in!”
- Birth Mom in Florida

Birth mother thinking about what she is saying about Lifetime Adoption
“Hello, Veronica! I hope you are doing well! My life is getting back on track thankfully I’ve got a wonderful job that I was lucky to have found. I’ve even been catching up with his adoptive parents on Holidays and such so I’ve been super content with how things are. Regarding the scholarship program; I’ve taken some time to look over it, but at this time I’m just not on the road to going back to school. I will continue to keep this option in mind, and am so grateful to have the opportunity given to me with Lifetime Adoption.”
- Birth Mom in California

“I want my child to have both a Mother and Father. I didn’t have a Dad and this is a gift I want to give my child.”
- Maryann in Florida

note from birth mother: I want to thank everyone at Lifetime Adoption for helping me find the perfect family for my son. It was a hard time in my life, and without the support I would not have gotten through it. Love, Mandy
“I really love my baby and have struggled with adoption, but I don’t want to bring my baby up in poverty.”
- Becky A. in Washington

“Veronica, It’s been about 2 years since I gave my little girl up for adoption. I want to thank you and everyone at lifetime for helping me find her the perfect family. I get pictures of her all the time and she is such a happy little girl. Thank you again. It was a hard, but amazing time in my life, and without the support I would not have gotten through it.”
- Stacee

“When I found out she missed her period I was really upset. We used a condom. I was in high school and she was supposed to be going away to school in the Fall. My parents wanted me to keep the baby and they would help me raise it. I was so confused. I spoke with my counselor at school and decided to let the baby be adopted…my parents were mad for a while but now they get photos and can see how happy my son is. It helped me grown up and think of someone other than myself.”
- Rick (birthfather) in Oregon

“In September I discovered I was pregnant, and facing the most difficult decision of my life. I grew up overnight with the realization of the life that grew inside of me.

I had to decide whether or not to parent my child. As a single woman, I found the realities of single parenthood to be unfair to my child. After many hours of prayer and soul-searching, I decided to make an adoption plan for my baby.

I took the time to research prospective families with Lifetime and found a family whom I truly loved. Together we finished my pregnancy, sharing the joys of the life growing inside me. I had chosen my baby’s mother to be my labor coach. She went to every doctor’s appointment with me and then we would go to lunch afterwards. During the time we spent together, we got to know one another very well and became good friends. I felt that it was important to have spent the time and effort to get to know my child’s parents.

On April 5th, I delivered a beautiful, healthy baby girl. The time spent in the hospital was almost magical; together with my daughter’s parents, I was able to care for her. We spent two days in the hospital sharing with friends and family the beautiful child I had created. It was a time of love and laughter. Emotions ran high in those few hours, but the one most present was LOVE! Not only the love I felt from the family who was adopting my daughter, but the staff at Lifetime and the hospital staff around me.”

- Paula

“This is my second adoption. It was easier the second time. I knew what to expect. My advice to other women facing unplanned pregnancies would be to think what is best for their child. Don’t think about, “oh how could I do this?” Don’t ruin your kid’s life, because you’ll end up ruining your own too. My first adoption was a family with no children. They were very nice to me and I get photos and updates. That was four years ago. My second, well, I knew my life was still unstable and the father was not someone I was going to stay with forever. I remembered Lifetime never judged me. When I called they helped me find a family for my child right away. They didn’t give me a bad time about being pregnant again and even asked the first family if they were interested in this baby for me first. Now I get photos and phone calls from the family. They live in the same state and even told me I could see my son if I wanted. I don’t want to confuse him so I decided not to until he was older and could make the choice of if he wants to meet me or not. I don’t want to interfere in either of the families’ lives. I know my kids are happy and so I’m not waking up in the middle of the night wondering where they are and if they are okay. My life is getting better, but I still couldn’t have given the kids the life that they have now with their adoptive families. I just don’t have enough to give except lots of love and that’s why I chose adoption. I hope this helps another birth mother.”
- Sherry in Texas

“I am so glad I went through with my pregnancy. I will never have any regrets and I know my child will have a good future.”
– Casey in California

“I could raise my daughter but she would have to be in childcare all day while I work. I just don’t want that for her.”
- Marie in California

“The moment my baby was born, I asked the nurse to let the adoptive mother hold him first. The joy and the tears she had was a memory that will comfort me always.”
- Rhonda B. in Nebraska

“I was raised in a dysfunctional home where my parents fought a lot. My dad was a drunk and my mother just put up with him. I don’t want my child to live a childhood like I did.”
– Shantele in Louisiana

“I don’t know how I would have been able to get through the last few months without your help. The Lifetime staff has been there for me and Michael and our other children. I can’t thank you enough for your help in finding the perfect family for our daughter. God bless you all.”
- Nicki and Michael in Tennessee

“I always knew this baby was for this family. I was just the incubator. When the time is right in my life, I will have a child of my own. This pregnancy has really helped me learn about myself.”
- Kelly in Southern California

“If I hadn’t chosen adoption, I wouldn’t have seen the joy it brought to a couple that couldn’t have children. Wow! I know adoption was the right option. It scares me to think I almost missed the opportunity to give my child and this family a wonderful gift. Thanks.”
– Lisa in Kansas

“I want my child to grow up with other brothers and sisters. That is why I want a family with other children. I can also see what kind of parents they have been to their other children before I decide to place with them.”
- Donna in Idaho

“It was so important to me that my baby be raised in a Christian home. Thank you for giving me such a good selection of families to pick from. I never knew there were so many families waiting to adopt.”
- Amanda in New Jersey

“When I first found out I was pregnant I just cried on the phone every time I would call your office. You always listened and I never felt any pressure. When I was ready I found a family that had the same interests I had. Thanks for sending me my child’s parents and putting up with weeks of tears from me. I’m better now and then on with my life.”
– L.S. in Michigan

“When I got pregnant last time, I had an abortion. This time was different…I decided on adoption. The adoption decision has been a better one and helped me with the guilt from my abortion.”
- Sue in Texas

“When I saw the adoptive parents’ profile and photographs I knew that this was the family for my child. I knew I was making the right decision when I spoke to them. I have a real peace about this.”
– Lori P. in Nevada

Get Help Now

This form is intended for pregnant women or women wanting to place their child for adoption.
If you wish to adopt a child into your home, please click here. If you live outside of the U.S., please click here.

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We are a Safe Haven Approved Agency.

Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Florida. (License FL 100096562)
Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Arkansas. (License AR #00050809)
Copyright © | Lifetime Adoption