For many couples, waiting to be chosen as adoptive parents can feel agonizing. There’s a certain amount of waiting to...
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Before You Adopt: Learn About Birth Mothers
As you wait for a birth mother to choose you, there may be a wide range of emotions you're experiencing from...
Before You Adopt: Prepare for Bottle Feeding On the Go
We hope that you've been able to learn about some helpful tasks and tips that you can do during your adoption wait in...
Before You Adopt: Prepare Your Pets
Adoption is your chosen path to parenthood, and as you may know, it's a process. When the wait starts to seems...
Before You Adopt: Choose a Pediatrician
Many adoptive families have shared with us that the wait to be chosen by a birth mother is stressful. Lifetime...
Before You Adopt: Travel
Waiting for most anything - especially something as important as adding to becoming parents – can feel agonizing....
Before You Adopt: Write in an Adoption Blog
The adoption wait can be an exciting, emotional, frightening, and joyful time. One thing it isn’t is predictable....
Before You Adopt: Start a Baby Registry
"How long will we be waiting to adopt a baby?!" This is one of the biggest questions that hopeful adoptive...
Before You Adopt: Talking About Your Adoption Story
Lifetime Adoption shared about the importance of getting in shape last post as part of our new blog series “Before You...