There are many ways to express your love for the gift of adoption. For some, adoption song lyrics are the perfect way...
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All I Want for Christmas Is a Baby
The holidays often emphasize the longing to add a child to a family. You may even hold back every time someone close...
Christian Adoption Agencies
Adopting a baby into your home is a loving and beautiful blessing for all involved. Lifetime Adoption, one of the top...
Adoption in the Bible
Whether you're hopeful adoptive parents or a woman thinking about adoption, you may wonder what God's word says about...
Spiritual Inspiration Art to Support Birth Mothers
Hand-Lettered Spiritual Inspiration Artwork to Benefit Lifetime Foundation Here at Lifetime, many of our staff have...
Adoption Stories Then and Now – Seth and Mary
For many Christians, adoption is a virtuous path that heeds God’s call to care for the orphans. As James 1:27 says,...
Is It My Fault I’m Still in the Adoption Wait?
Today's article comes to us from Elizabeth Laing Thompson, the author of When God Says, “Wait” and When God Says,...
Get Christian Answers to Your Adoption Questions
Are you called to adoption? Many people feel a desire to become parents, but far fewer feel a calling to become...
6 Ways to Celebrate Birth Mothers
The Saturday before Mother's Day has been traditionally honored as Birth Mother's Day throughout the US. While we...