Considering Adoption Options?

Lifetime Adoption has been helping women with adoption options and their adoption choices since 1986.

Our caring coordinators are here to help and support you every step of the way. You can call or text 1-800-923-6784 24/7. Everything is private and confidential, and there is no obligation.


Adoption Choices Lifetime Adoption Offers:

pregnancy iconHELP DAY & NIGHT
Our caring coordinators will help you every step of the way with your adoption choices. Call or text us 24/7 at 1-800-923-6784.
There is never a cost to you and all services and information are privatePRIVACY & NO COST
There is never a cost to you and all services and information are private.
Lifetime Adoption has a nationwide selection of screened and qualified adoptive familiesQUALIFIED FAMILIES
Search our families. We have a nationwide selection of screened and qualified adoptive families.
Get help with pregnancy-related medical needs and your expenses such as rent, food, phone and maternity clothesHELP WITH EXPENSES
Get help with pregnancy-related medical needs and your expenses such as rent, food, phone and maternity clothes.
You decide who adopts your baby, what happens at the hospital and future contactADOPTION CHOICES
You decide who adopts your baby, what happens at the hospital and future contact.
Speak with professional counselors or women who have been where you arFREE COUNSELING
Speak with professional counselors or women who have been where you are.

Get Help With Your Adoption Options

This form is for pregnant women or women with children wanting to begin the adoption process.
To adopt a child into your home, please click here. If you live outside of the U.S., please click here.

pregnant woman on bench on phone

Common Questions About Adoption Options:

We’ve created information about what the process is like in a variety of situations.

You can learn the steps to adoption if you are pregnant, if you want adoption for a child that is already born, or even if you want to make an adoption plan from the hospital. We are here for you 24/7 by phone or text.

Questions About Lifetime Adoption

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    Why choose Lifetime Adoption?

    This is a great question that deserves an in depth answer. The short answer is that our birth mother services are custom-designed with you in mind. We are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day with caring and experienced adoption coordinators here just for you. Our years of experience help us guide you down an adoption path that leads to placing your baby with the perfect adoptive family that you choose.

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    I’ve been working with another adoption agency but would like to switch to Lifetime. What do I do?

    Some women may first connect with an agency only to learn that they don’t have the services or families available that they need. Your first step is to call and speak to one of Lifetime’s caring coordinators. She can gather your information and help you with the next steps to make the change to Lifetime. It’s important to share all the facts of your adoption plan to date with her, so she can give you accurate advice based on your situation.

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    Why should I choose a Lifetime adoptive family?

    We understand that searching for adoptive parents who match the vision you have for your child’s life can feel overwhelming. Here are 11 reasons why it’s beneficial to consider a Lifetime adoptive family for your baby!

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    Why do I have to answer so many questions to give up my baby?

    Your answers to Lifetime’s online questionnaire help us find the best adoption situation customized to your wishes. Also, providing as much information as you can gives the adoptive family and medical personnel accurate information to assist in treating your child, should any medical issue come up. It’s important to provide accurate and complete information about your health history so that it can become a part of your child’s family health history.

    As your child grows up, he or she might start asking questions about you. So the information you share will give your child information about your interests, talents, appearance, medical, and genetic history.

    Lifetime encourages birth fathers to be involved in the adoption planning process as well. The answers he gives will allow your child to grow up with information on his or her birth father, too.

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    What kind of assistance and support does Lifetime offer women thinking about adoption?

    Lifetime provides every woman thinking about adoption with a variety of help and support, depending on their needs. Counseling, peer counseling, maternity clothes, and a listening ear 24 hours a day are some of the first things we are able to help with. Even a free downloadable book about adoption that anyone can request! We guide you through each step of the adoption planning process, including helping you decide if adoption is the right choice for your baby. Each woman has different needs, so we want to customize your adoption experience to your needs, including helping with pregnancy-related expenses (like rent, phone, utilities, and food) if you need that.

Choose a Waiting Family:

If you are looking for adoptive parents for your baby or child, please call or text us today. Lifetime Adoption has a nationwide list of hopeful adoptive parents. We believe that the more families you have to choose from, the more likely it is that you will find the perfect match for you and your baby. Click “Search for Families” to search by the things that are important to you or browse through some of our waiting families below.

More Resources to Help With Your Adoption Choices

Our caring coordinators are here to help and support you every step of the way with your adoption options. You can call or text 1-800-923-6784 24/7. Everything is private and confidential, and there is no obligation. Learn at your pace, decide what’s best for you and your baby.

“I just got your package today and I really appreciate everything included. Definitely helps take some of the stress off. The journal was much appreciated because I was actually looking for something like that so I could write about my son. Walmart gift cards will help me with groceries a lot since times are tough. Thank you so much for everything. Each day makes me feel like this was the right choice for my son. I’m so glad to have gotten in contact with you guys.”

D., a Birth Mom

A Lifetime of Experience

pregnant woman considering her choices including open adoption
Since 1986 Lifetime Adoption has helped thousands of women find the perfect home for their children with open, domestic adoption. If you are pregnant and considering adoption, or you would like help navigating your adoption choices, let us help you! You can also look through our resources to help guide you through your adoption options.

An African American young woman holding her smart phone is pregnant and considering adoption

Modern adoption gives you many adoption options:

  1. Choose the adoptive parents for your child.
    There are adoptive families and other families available across the country, of all races, personalities, and backgrounds. You can even talk to or email with adoptive parents that interest you as you decide if they’d be a good fit for your baby. Each family waiting to adopt has been screened and had extensive background checks; they are ready to adopt. If you would prefer for Lifetime to choose a family for you, we can do that.
  1. Plan the type of contact after the adoption. You may have heard of open, semi-open, and closed adoption. Most adoptions today are open or semi-open, meaning you choose the family and establish a relationship with them that includes contact after adoption. This can be pictures and letters, visits, email, social media, or whatever you are comfortable with. Closed adoption is when there is no information exchanged. This is possible but today it is rare.
  1. Talk about how things will go at the hospital. This means you can choose who is in the delivery room, who cuts the cord, if you want to see and spend time with your baby, and more. You are in control of your hospital experience.

Adoption options are still available to you if your baby is already born. Obviously, the hospital birth has already happened but you have choices in how and when to meet the adoptive parents. And you can play an active role in establishing the transition for your baby. Adoption of a child who is already born can happen very quickly, often within just a day or two if you desire. To speed things up, you’ll want to have a copy of the child’s birth certificate and social security card if available.

You’ll meet with an attorney to review your legal rights and sign papers for the adoption. Throughout the process, you have access to help and support from Lifetime, including counseling, maternity clothes, 24-hour support, and much more.

Call or text anytime at 1-800-923-6784 to request a free informational packet on how to start the adoption process, and to speak with one of our caring adoption coordinators about your questions and situation. Click here to view and request a free adoption planning kit.

I got to meet my birth daughter for the second time since I gave her up and to see how amazing she has turned out to be fills my heart with joy.
Bressa H

Thank you Tiffany for helping me with such little notice at the last minute. I was very happy meeting with Genesis and Kyle and feel they are the best parents for Lilah. Again thank you so much for everything. You have given me a glimpse of hope in this extremely difficult time.
A Birth Mom

I want my daughter to be proud of me, so I’m planning to finish college. I’m filling out applications now. I want to be a social worker and help other women who were where I was.


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Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Florida Child Placing Agency. (License #100096562)

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Lifetime Adoption Center is a BBB Accredited Business with an A+ rating


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Florida Seal of Approval   Florida Adoption Council Logo

Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Florida Child Placing Agency. (License #100084254)

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Small Women Owned Business

Lifetime Adoption's BBB Accredited Business A+ rating

Lifetime Adoption Center is a BBB Accredited Business with an A+ rating


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