Adoption Stories Then and Now – Casey and Lisa

by | Sep 22, 2016 | Adoptive Families Blog

then_and_now_casey_and_lisa-1.jpgToday’s installment of the blog series Then and Now“, shares Nebraska adoptive parents, Casey and Lisa’s adoption story. Read about how they were blessed to adopt a baby girl!

As they began their journey with Lifetime, they shared they’d be struggling with the answer as to why they were unable to conceive a child. Adoption was the answer that God provided them, so that they might help a child in need.

casey_and_lisa_profile.jpgIn their adoption profile for birth mothers to learn more about them, Casey and Lisa wrote, “We’re extremely excited about the opportunity God has put in front of us and can’t wait to start expanding our family! We both have Bachelor’s degrees and are currently working on completing our Master’s degrees. We look forward to sharing our desire to learn with our children. 

We attend our local church and are new to the community. We love to do anything that’s active, and spend a lot of time outdoors playing with our pets and enjoying our large yard. Lisa loves spending time with her 23 year old Arabian horse and Casey loves golfing.”

gracie.jpgThrough a Lifetime infant adoption, Casey and Lisa were chosen to adopt a baby girl!

They share, “Gracie is so perfect and she brings joy to our family each and every day. She was worth the wait and throughout our story a lot of little things happened that helped us to know that God had his hand in every piece of the adoption.

Thanks so much for helping us to add Gracie to our family, we cannot thank you all enough. She has blessed our lives in so many ways!  Thank you, thank you, thank you for the amazing work you do!”

Written by Heidi Keefer

Heidi Keefer is a Content Creator for Lifetime Adoption and has over 15 years of experience in the field of adoption. An author of thousands of articles and social media posts over the years, Heidi enjoys finding new ways to educate and captivate Lifetime’s ever-growing list of subscribers.

Heidi has a keen eye for misplaced apostrophes, comma splices, and well-turned sentences, which she has put to good use as a contributor to Lifetime’s award-winning blogs. She has written and published hundreds of adoption articles which explore the various facets of domestic infant adoption today.

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