Adoption Stories Then and Now – Colby and Sarah

by | Aug 16, 2017 | Adoptive Families Blog

Colby and Sarah have an inspiring adoption story to share!We’re honored to be sharing Colby and Sarah’s inspiring adoption story today as a part of our blog series “Then and Now.” Read on to hear Colby and Sarah’s cherished adoption journey to their little boy! 

With Colby and Sarah’s adoption story, we’re privileged to hear the adoptive father’s side too! (Usually, we hear from the adoptive moms more!) Colby says: 

three photos of baby jack.jpg“If you’ve found yourself in the position we were in, you’ve no doubt heard every cliché in the book: Keep the faith, this will work out exactly how it was supposed to,’ ‘God has a plan for you and your family,’ andWhichever child you’re ultimately matched with is going to be the perfect child for you and your family.’

We spent three years hearing those things. And it’s natural to despair at times. We had deep, long talks about it all the time. About why people didn’t like us. About what we lacked as potential parents. About why it took us so long while we knew other people didn’t have to struggle like we did to get matched.

colby and son jack.jpg

Once you’re matched and you meet your child, it still takes you a little while to process all the things that had to fall into place to make this miracle happen. You had to choose adoption; you had to join up with Lifetime; birth mom had to pick you; then she had to follow through with the paperwork that’s required for private adoption.

And whether you get the call six months or six hours ahead of the match, you’ll never be prepared enough. And that’s okay.

Because all of it—the wait, the worry, the late nights sitting up wondering if your family will ever be whole—will be worth it.

I know this because of the thousand little moments that are ingrained in my memory forever because of this journey.

Colby and Sarah with their dogsI’ll never forget the call I got from my wife when we initially got matched. And I know you’re probably worried about your profile and your book and your video, but trust me: the most random thing is going to become the big selling point to your birth mom; ours was happy we had good insurance and dogs. About time those things started earning their keep (the dogs, not the insurance!) 

I’ll never forget panicked texts, phone calls and emails I got from work when my wife couldn’t find me to tell me our birth mom was in labor (I was at lunch; it was a humorous moment in hindsight).

I’ll never, ever forget driving all night to meet my wife, who had flown ahead to be with our son, and cradling him in my arms for the first time at 4:30 in the morning. I’ve never been happier at that time in the morning.

Those moments make every single struggle you’ve had to endure on this journey disappear in a blink. I promise.

I promise that you’ll look into your child’s eyes as you’re feeding them one night, or hear them say, ‘I love you’ for the first time and this is all going to make sense.

Right now, as I write this, he’s sleeping on my chest. It’s the most perfect moment I’ve had since the last perfect moment. And that’s all I ever wanted.”

Such sweet, heartfelt, and powerful words! His wife Sarah shares:

sarah and baby jack.jpgHearing other families that were successful was one of the most encouraging parts of the wait! We hope our story can be a little inspiration to others waiting, as I know as little as a two months ago we were in that place too! It helps knowing you aren’t alone! We hope our story can bring some comfort to others waiting a longer than expected time!

I appreciate Lifetime’s patience with us over the last few years! I know it was hard when there was no updates and we kept asking! Colby is always so good at putting things into words. 

colby and dogs.jpgWe could not be any happier with our sweet baby boy! If insurance and dogs got us our son, I will hug the dogs extra hard tonight lol. This picture cracks me up when I think about that statement from our son’s birth mother!”

(Here’s a recent photo of Colby, their two dogs, and their son!)



 Let Lifetime help you embark upon your own journey of infant adoption!

Call Lifetime Adoption at 1-800-923-6784 to learn about the first steps, and fill out our free online application to adopt.

Heidi Keefer

Written by Heidi Keefer

Heidi Keefer is a Content Creator for Lifetime Adoption and has over 15 years of experience in the field of adoption. An author of thousands of articles and social media posts over the years, Heidi enjoys finding new ways to educate and captivate Lifetime’s ever-growing list of subscribers.

Heidi has a keen eye for misplaced apostrophes, comma splices, and well-turned sentences, which she has put to good use as a contributor to Lifetime’s award-winning blogs. She has written and published hundreds of adoption articles which explore the various facets of domestic infant adoption today.

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