Lifetime Family’s Amazing Story Published in Magazine

by | Aug 14, 2018 | Adoptive Families Blog

Zachary and Kearsten share what it's like to adopt-photo by Sweet Trade PhotographyWe’re delighted to share with you that one of our adoptive couples, Zachary and Kearsten, have been featured in a national publication, the Coastal Virginia Magazine! The adoptive family was interviewed for a new segment called “What It’s Like” to talk about adoption.

Keep reading to see what they said about the journey to adopt their sweet baby boy, Maverick!

You may remember Zachary and Kearsten from this Lifetime blog post published last August, “Adoption Stories Then and Now.” Last summer, we shared about this happy new adoptive parents’ visit to our Florida office. 

In the article in Coastal Virginia Magazine, adoptive mom Kearsten shares how difficult it was to experience a fall-through before Maverick’s adoption. “The want to have control in all of this is so great because there’s so many variables, but you really have no control, so I had to be OK with [that]…that was a hard thing for me to do,” she says.

what-its-like2About the failed adoption, Zach says, “It’s a loss of a child essentially. Whether it’s a miscarriage or a death or what we had, it’s the loss of a child. That tears a lot of people apart for understandable reasons. For us it brought us together, even closer than we were before.”

Just one month later, the couple was chosen by a birth mother in Florida and traveled through Hurricane Irma to get to the hospital. They were very nervous about meeting the birth mother, but they ended up developing a close relationship with her.

The moment that the left the hospital is one that Zach fondly remembers. He shares that this was when the situation began to feel real for him. “As I was watching [Kearsten and Maverick] together, it was a sense of relief!”  he says. Kearsten shared with Lifetime’s Director in Florida, Linda Rotz, that they’d do everything in their adoption journey the same way. The failed adoption made them stronger and more appreciative.

Read the Coastal Virginia Magazine article in full: “What It’s Like to Adopt a Baby.”

Zach and Kearsten are planning to share Maverick’s adoption story with him early on. “As soon as he’s able to understand, he’s going to know [about his adoption]” says Zach. They’ve already started reading books about adoption to Maverick, as well as showing him photos of his birth mother. Zach continues,“I don’t want him to ever have to search for people and figure things out on his own. I want to give him the tools to be able to make his own decisions if he wants to have a relationship like that later on.”

About the article in Coastal Virginia Magazine, Kearsten says, “It’s such an awesome piece to have, and I’ll be mailing our birth mom a hard copy!”  The couple maintains a positive open adoption relationship with Maverick’s birth mother through emailing her updates and posting photos to Instagram and Facebook.


We’d love to help you get started on the path towards your adoption! Apply online to adopt today.

Written by Heidi Keefer

Heidi Keefer is a Content Creator for Lifetime Adoption and has over 15 years of experience in the field of adoption. An author of thousands of articles and social media posts over the years, Heidi enjoys finding new ways to educate and captivate Lifetime’s ever-growing list of subscribers.

Heidi has a keen eye for misplaced apostrophes, comma splices, and well-turned sentences, which she has put to good use as a contributor to Lifetime’s award-winning blogs. She has written and published hundreds of adoption articles which explore the various facets of domestic infant adoption today.

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