Lifetime Adoption’s Birth Parents Seeking Families

by | Aug 13, 2019 | Adoptive Families Blog

bmom-listed-1Hopeful adoptive parents have much to learn when they initially begin researching adoption. As you start the adoption process, knowing how to find a birth mother to adopt from is one of the essential steps.

Before signing on with any adoption professional, it’s important to know what type of birth parents they typically work with and if it matches what you are looking for. Browsing Lifetime Adoption’s Birth Parents Seeking Families page will help you determine if our program is a good fit for your adoption dreams.

Since many hopeful adoptive parents are accustomed to adoption professionals who only work in one state, they’re often surprised to see so many birth mothers listed on this page. Ever wondered how Lifetime Adoption has so many birth parents seeking families? Join us as we delve into the services that Lifetime provides potential birth mothers and how, because of that, we help couples adopt healthy babies faster than other adoption programs!

What Kind of Support Does Lifetime Adoption Provide Birth Mothers?

Lifetime Adoption has a history and a reputation for not pressuring women to place their baby for adoption. When a woman reaches out to Lifetime to get information about how adoption works, she is never coerced into placing her baby. Many women have shared that they decided to work with us instead of another agency because they didn’t feel pressured at Lifetime Adoption.

Birth moms are drawn to Lifetime Adoption because of all that we offer in the form of services, counseling, peer support, and the wide variety of adoptive families to choose from. Lifetime Adoption is here to provide services, information, and support to each woman considering adoption, not to pressure or coerce her. Because let’s face it, most people most haven’t made an adoption plan before and didn’t plan on this. So, they don’t know what to expect.

We understand each prospective birth parent is dealing with a lot of complicated thoughts and feelings. That’s why our excellently trained and certified coordinators devote lots of time and resources to helping these women where they’re at. Lifetime believes that each birth mother needs emotional, professional, medical, and legal support throughout the adoption process. Because of this, Lifetime Adoption is available to birth mothers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, answering their questions and offering support.

Each prospective birth mother will face a range of emotions during her adoption process. Placing your baby (or child) for adoption can be very difficult. Even when a birth mom knows parenting will be impossible, and adoption is the best choice, the decision still comes with a grieving process. We believe that every birth mother navigating the complex emotions of placing can benefit from the support of professional counseling and peer support. Lifetime Adoption provides each birth mother the opportunity to speak with a professional, licensed counselor. This counselor has no vested interest in whether she ultimately chooses adoption or not. We also offer her peer support through our network of birth mothers who already placed. Chatting with someone who’s “been there, done that” has been proven to help women know what to expect during the adoption process. 

Lifetime’s Adoption Coordinators genuinely understand the needs and concerns of each birth mother and provides them with one-on-one support. This level of support has been proven to result in fewer fall-throughs and reclaims, and more successful adoptions! We put the needs of birth mothers first, which in turn benefits the adoptive families we serve.

Unfortunately, some adoption professionals do not provide potential birth parents with this extensive availability and support. They don’t work closely with birth mothers in this way because they’re not aware of the importance of counseling, or their staff is untrained. This increases the chances of a fall-through or reclaim and harms all involved. When support is not provided to birth mothers, adoptive couples are put at a higher risk of an adoption disruption.

expectant-motherDoes Lifetime Screen Birth Parents?

When a pregnant woman or mother contacts Lifetime Adoption, she will communicate with her own qualified Adoption Coordinator to learn more about her options and the adoption process. Her Adoption Coordinator evaluates her commitment to adoption and makes sure she gets the counseling, support, and other services she needs to feel confident about her adoption decision.

To move forward with an adoption plan, birth mothers complete a social and medical history form. This form includes detailed information about their health, baby’s father, family medical history, and substance use if any. The information she provides is used to help find adoptive couples who would be a good fit for the adoption opportunity.

How Does Lifetime Adoption Work With So Many Birth Mothers?

Lifetime Adoption has developed and perfected extensive outreach and marketing efforts to reach potential birth mothers all over the US. Through both traditional and online marketing methods, Lifetime is able to work with hundreds of women thinking about adoption. Our marketing and outreach efforts have a direct impact on the adoption opportunities we have available. These efforts increase the number of adoption opportunities, which limits adoptive families’ wait times.

One of the reasons that Lifetime has so many birth mothers is because we do extensive outreach and networking. Another reason is the caring and confidential one-on-one support we offer these women. Our outreach is so much bigger and better than most adoption professionals. For many hopeful adoptive parents, it’s a top reason to choose Lifetime Adoption over other adoption programs. Also, Lifetime offers more services than most programs!

Lifetime Adoption has always done lots of birth mother outreach, from back in the days of Yellow Pages ads to today’s online ads in social media sites. So that we can reach birth mothers where they are, Lifetime performs target marketing. And nowadays, where potential birth mothers are is Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and other social sites. We’re well aware of the fact that around 90% of prospective birth mothers search for families online. Lifetime’s extensive Facebook outreach strategy allows us to show adoption information to women based on age, demography, location, and a variety of other criteria.

Besides dedicating serious resources to online marketing, Lifetime also performs nationwide outreach through networking, lectures, books, and presenting adoption information at conferences for pregnancy resource clinics. Since Lifetime Adoption helps adoptive families and birth parents nationwide, we are not restricted by geography in our marketing efforts. Since we work all across the US, Lifetime Adoption has a higher number of adoption opportunities available — which, in turn, will affect your adoption wait time. The more opportunities available means a shorter adoption wait for you!

antonio-tina-babyHow Does Lifetime Adoption Find Healthy Babies Faster Than Other Programs?

Lifetime Adoption is able to locate birth mothers and healthy babies quickly for several reasons. We don’t limit ourselves to doing outreach in just one state or region. Along with our marketing efforts, Lifetime’s nationwide outreach program allows us to be efficient in locating birth mothers. We’re contacted by hundreds of pregnant women and mothers considering adoption every month.

Also, Lifetime Adoption’s staff develops special, individual relationships with each birth mother. Our Adoption Coordinators know what information and resources to provide, so the potential birth mother is well-informed but not overwhelmed. Lifetime Adoption is always readily available to birth mothers, providing 24/7 counseling services. When you factor all of these assets together, it means a shorter wait time for you, and less risk of a fall through or reclaim!

Discover how Lifetime Adoption can help your adoption dreams come true!

Take the first step today by filling out Lifetime’s free application to adopt.

Written by Heather Featherston

As Vice President of Lifetime Adoption, Heather Featherston holds an MBA and is passionate about working with those facing adoption, pregnancy, and parenting issues. Heather has conducted training for birth parent advocates, spoken to professional groups, and has appeared on television and radio to discuss the multiple aspects of adoption. She has provided one-on-one support to women and hopeful adoptive parents working through adoption decisions.

Since 2002, she has been helping pregnant women and others in crisis to learn more about adoption. Heather also trains and speaks nationwide to pregnancy clinics to effectively meet the needs of women who want to explore adoption for their child. Today, she continues to address the concerns women have about adoption and supports the needs of women who choose adoption for their child.

As a published author of the book Called to Adoption, Featherston loves to see God’s hand at work every day as she helps children and families come together through adoption.

Read more about Heather Featherston

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