5 Fun Facts About Wisconsin Adoptive Family Adam and JoLynn

by | Mar 29, 2024 | Birth Parent Blog

Hopeful adoptive parents JoLynn and Adam playing a game of cardsI recently had the opportunity to chat with Adam and JoLynn, hopeful adoptive parents who live in Wisconsin. When you’re thinking about adoption for your child, you’re able to talk to hopeful adoptive parents before making your decision. By chatting with them and asking them questions, you can get the full picture of the adoptive couple as potential parents to your baby.
I asked Adam and JoLynn some fun questions that you won’t find in their adoption profile, and I learned that they are a outdoor-loving, active couple. They live on a hobby farm in Wisconsin, with goats, cows, and a fenced-in play area. Adam and JoLynn are excited to add another child to their family through adoption!
Adam and JoLynn share, “Being parents to Jasmine has been one of the greatest joys of our lives. The three of us are excited to nurture a baby with love and snuggles. As we have already adopted one child, we have had the amazing opportunity to visit Jasmine’s birthparents and family on multiple occasions.

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Adam and JoLynn tending the fire during a camping trip

1. Is adoption already a part of your family?

JoLynn: My grandmother placed her firstborn son for adoption, and my father found out he had a biological brother when he was 50 years old.
We have been able to meet him (my uncle) several times. The first time the four brothers met, they all wore almost the exact outfit, which was so funny to them! They had traveled from four different parts of the world, so dressing the same really was a moment for them! It has brought a unique perspective to adoption, seeing it first from another side and then adopting my daughter as well.
In our church family, several staff members have adopted children, so adoption conversations are very natural in our home and church.

2. What is a fun fact about you that usually surprises others?

Well, Adam went to a garage sale as a kid when he had to pick between band and chorus. He certainly did not want to sing… the only instrument left at the garage sale after his friends grabbed them was the flute. So, he was stuck playing the flute and was the only boy in the band playing it at the time.
Sometimes, we laugh, and one of these Christmases, we want to have him re-learn a song and play it for the Christmas service at church as a surprise.

You can get an even better glimpse into Adam and JoLynn’s lives in their video:



3. When you were a kid, what did you absolutely love to do?

JoLynn: I loved to play in the trees and the mud puddles. I would ride my bike through the trails as fast as I could, then climb trees and build forts. On a rainy day, I would sit in these huge mud puddles with my friends, building mud castles. I had short hair and loved to wear my brother’s camo shirts. So, everyone was surprised when, one year as a teen, I switched and loved all things art, music, makeup, and even high heels.
Hopeful adoptive parents JoLynn and Adam hugging

4. What is your favorite thing to cook or eat?

We love chicken lasagna! Adam’s mom makes it, so we have it a couple of times a year for special occasions. This past year, for Christmas, we actually had three different kinds of lasagna with potato cheddar bread; it was so good!
Typically, we exchange gifts for Adam’s family’s Christmas, and the kids play with their new toys. The family enjoys telling old funny stories, playing cards, zoo board games, or other ones we give for gifts that year.
Recipe below:
Cooked lasagna noodles, cooked and chopped chicken breasts (seasoned with salt and pepper), and cooked onion; add to sauce mix.
To make the sauce, mix one can of cream mushroom, one can of cream chicken, half cup mayo, half a cup of sour cream, and black olives.
Then, layer with cheddar and mozzarella cheese as you would traditional lasagna and bake at 350 for about 50 minutes.

5. What is a piece of advice that’s always stuck with you?

We both try to give others the benefit of the doubt because we have not walked in their shoes and do not know what their lives have looked like. So we do not judge others but try our best to love and support them.
We think of this like putting a puzzle together: How can you see the full picture or story of someone’s life if you only have five of the 500 pieces? So, we try to live our lives by supporting others. We do that by making meals for people who are hurting, spending time with them, praying for them, and listening.

Curious to know more about Adam and JoLynn?

You can check out their adoptive family profile online.

If you’re interested in talking to them as potential adoptive parents to your baby, just text or call Lifetime at
and we can connect you with them.


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Written by Heidi Keefer

Heidi Keefer is a Content Creator for Lifetime Adoption and has over 15 years of experience in the field of adoption. An author of thousands of articles and social media posts over the years, Heidi enjoys finding new ways to educate and captivate Lifetime’s ever-growing list of subscribers.

Heidi has a keen eye for misplaced apostrophes, comma splices, and well-turned sentences, which she has put to good use as a contributor to Lifetime’s award-winning blogs. She has written and published hundreds of adoption articles which explore the various facets of domestic infant adoption today.

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