So, here you are in the waiting place. But, not just any waiting place. You are waiting to adopt. I understand...
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How to Support Your Wife During the Adoption Wait
Often, we find that women lead the way in the adoption journey, making that initial phone call to Lifetime, ensuring...
The Bottom Line About Being Picked by a Birth Mother
Melissa perched on the edge of her chair, with a cup of hot coffee in her hands. She grabbed her phone and started to...
How Did They Adopt So Quickly?
"My husband and I have been waiting to be chosen by a birth mother for almost two years now. Meanwhile, whenever I...
Is It My Fault I’m Still in the Adoption Wait?
Today's article comes to us from Elizabeth Laing Thompson, the author of When God Says, “Wait” and When God Says,...
His Adoption Was Without a Doubt Part of God’s Plan!
Last year, adoptive couple Casey and Johanna were blessed to adopt a baby boy through Lifetime Adoption. In this...
How to Celebrate Others’ Pregnancies While You Wait to Adopt
Question: My sister just announced her second pregnancy, and my whole family is excited. I’m so happy for her, but...
Lifetime’s Adoption Webinars Help Me Wait Well!
When it comes to infant adoption, the wait is often a focus, and at times a challenge, for hopeful adoptive parents....
Waiting to Adopt: Geoff and Tracy’s Journey to Adoption
Geoff and Tracy from Texas know what it’s like to wait for a birth mother to choose them. They have been married for...