Adoption Stories Then and Now – Kalani and Becca

by | Oct 6, 2016 | Adoptive Families Blog

then_and_now_kalani_becca.jpgToday’s installment of the blog series Then and Now“, shares California adoptive parents, Kalani and Becca’s adoption story. Read about how they were blessed to adopt a baby boy!

As they began their journey with Lifetime, they shared that they knew even before they got married that they wanted children, but discovered they weren’t able to have biological children together.

“We welcome adoption as a way of expanding our family!” they exclaimed.

kalani_becca_profile.jpgIn their adoption profile for birth mothers to learn more about them, Kalani and Becca wrote, “We love the summer and taking our beach cruisers out during all seasons. We enjoy getting away every few months just to make new memories. Becca is organized and Kalani is an organized mess. We drive each other nuts but can never be apart! We laugh together but mostly at each other. We live to see the next adventure God has for us.

We promise to raise your child with unconditional love and the freedom to live and learn. We promise to set a firm foundation and to be the example he or she needs. We promise to encourage who they are and not who we want them to become. Above all else, we promise to keep our agreement we make with you.”

kalani_becca_son.jpgThrough a Lifetime infant adoption, Kalani and Becca were chosen to adopt a baby boy!

They share, “It has been a crazy beautiful journey! We’re so blessed and I know God had a part of our story. Thank you for everything!

I know that God is using you in all those adoption webinars. During our adoption wait, we had no idea then how wonderful and crazy this journey would have been. I loved that closeness that one of the birth mothers in your webinars had with the adoptive family. I specifically asked God for a young couple that we could bond with. God only grants us His will and I was blessed that my desires matched! Jameson’s birth father has the sweetest heart. Since our placement, we have spent days with our son’s birth grandparents on the birth father’s side. So many tiny amazing details in our story and it is all glory to God.

People constantly ask how we are able to be so open. Honestly, I know not all adoptive parents can be, but God has just given me His assurance and confidence that I truly have no insecurity. It’s bigger than me. I just want to show them love because God loves and blessed me with this story. We still have contact with Jameson’s birth mom and I pray in her time she will come around more.

I know without a doubt God brought us to Lifetime. I felt a pull to Lifetime that no one understood. We had many local Christian agencies near us, but what I loved about Lifetime was they put the birth families first. Now, as an adoptive-mom-in-waiting, that was hard when I was in the wait. It was during that wait I was learning about love, God’s love. I learned a selflessness that He has used for me to open up to our son’s birth family in a way that many don’t understand. What came to mind was the “seek first the kingdom of God” verse. I had to remember why I chose Lifetime and that was because there was so much emphasis on the birth parents. I would not change a thing about our story. I love all of the staffs’ hearts and willingness to be God’s hands and feet by bringing families together and letting love cover it all.”

Heidi Keefer

Written by Heidi Keefer

Heidi Keefer is a Content Creator for Lifetime Adoption and has over 15 years of experience in the field of adoption. An author of thousands of articles and social media posts over the years, Heidi enjoys finding new ways to educate and captivate Lifetime’s ever-growing list of subscribers.

Heidi has a keen eye for misplaced apostrophes, comma splices, and well-turned sentences, which she has put to good use as a contributor to Lifetime’s award-winning blogs. She has written and published hundreds of adoption articles which explore the various facets of domestic infant adoption today.

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