Birth Father Rights in Adoption

The father of every baby, the birth father, has legal adoption rights that are important to know and understand. It is important to understand that each state has different laws and requirements about birth father adoption legal rights and responsibilities.
Lifetime Adoption can help you speak with an attorney at no cost if you have questions about birth fathers and their adoption legal rights.
Call or text Lifetime anytime, 24/7 1-800-923-6784.
She Wants Adoption
He's Not Participating
Birth Father Stories
When He Contests Adoption
She’s Pregnant: A Guy’s View of Adoption: Podcast
You may also start your adoption plan now by answering these birth father questions or just send us an email with your adoption question.
Remember, we are here to help you and any information you share with us is completely private and confidential.
Get Help Now
This form is intended for pregnant women or women wanting to place their child for adoption.
If you wish to adopt a child into your home, please click here. If you live outside of the U.S., please click here.