COVID 19 and Pregnancy

by | Dec 30, 2024 | Birth Parent Blog

Woman wearing face mask looks online for information about pregnancy and COVID-19COVID-19 is concerning to everyone and can cause even greater worry if you are pregnant. Your body is going through many changes already. So you may wonder if you are tired because of your pregnancy or the COVID-19 virus. You could even be suffering from some long-term effects of COVID-19 if you had it in the past. So, if you have not started prenatal care, now is a great time to get started.
Two major hospitals, Columbia University Irving Medical Center and New York-Presbyterian Allen Hospital, are now testing all expectant mothers whether they have symptoms or not. It is known that someone can have the virus and not have any symptoms. Scientists are still studying COVID-19, and the effects on mother and baby are not clear.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the risks seem to be low, but the virus has not been around long enough to properly study it or know its long-term effects. For you and your baby’s health, it is important to take precautions and know what symptoms to look for.

Precautions to Take When Pregnant to Avoid COVID-19

Wearing a mask and social distancing are important. In 2025, prenatal care should include Covid-19 testing. Talk to your doctor about not only testing but about options for your appointments. If your pregnancy is low-risk, maybe some of your doctor visits could be on Zoom. Perhaps you could attend some childbirth classes online?

Symptoms of a Current COVID-19 Infection

Some symptoms of COVID-19 and pregnancy can be very similar. Two to 14 days after being exposed to the virus, some people experience these symptoms:

  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Fever or chills
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea or vomiting

If you experience any of the following, get help from a medical professional right away.

  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • Trouble breathing
  • Bluish lips or face
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake or stay awake

Symptoms of a Long-Term COVID-19 Infection

According to Mayo Clinic, if you or someone you know has had COVID-19 in the past, here are some symptoms to look out for:

  • Extreme tiredness, especially after activity
  • Problems with memory, often called brain fog
  • A feeling of being lightheaded or dizzy
  • Problems with taste or smell
  • Sleep problems
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Fast or irregular heartbeat
  • Digestion problems, such as loose stools, constipation or bloating

If you or anyone you have been in contact with is experiencing any of these symptoms, contact your doctor or medical professional right away. It will be important to monitor you even if you are not currently experiencing symptoms.
Taking precautions and getting prenatal care is the best way to protect yourself and your baby from the COVID-19 virus. Talk to your doctor about any concerns you have and request a test if she does not offer one. If you are not currently getting prenatal care, talk to your adoption coordinator, and she will help you get started. Do it for yourself…do it for your baby.

Written by Heather Featherston

As Vice President of Lifetime Adoption, Heather Featherston holds an MBA and is passionate about working with those facing adoption, pregnancy, and parenting issues. Heather has conducted training for birth parent advocates, spoken to professional groups, and has appeared on television and radio to discuss the multiple aspects of adoption. She has provided one-on-one support to women and hopeful adoptive parents working through adoption decisions.

Since 2002, she has been helping pregnant women and others in crisis to learn more about adoption. Heather also trains and speaks nationwide to pregnancy clinics to effectively meet the needs of women who want to explore adoption for their child. Today, she continues to address the concerns women have about adoption and supports the needs of women who choose adoption for their child.

As a published author of the book Called to Adoption, Featherston loves to see God’s hand at work every day as she helps children and families come together through adoption.

Read more about Heather Featherston

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1 Comment
  1. Ramya Ravindra Barithaya

    Nice information

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