Lifetime Adoption | States | Connecticut

Connecticut Adoption

Connecticut Adoption, Home Studies and More

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Adoption Services for
Birth Parents and Adoptive Families

Are you in the Constitution State, and are you considering adoption? Lifetime Adoption coordinators are here to explain what modern adoption looks like today. Do you feel placing your child for adoption is best for you and your baby? Are you interested in growing your family through adoption? You will find the information you need at Lifetime Adoption.

Pregnant and Considering Adoption in Connecticut

pregnant woman at window

If you have just found out you are unexpectedly pregnant, you have a lot of decisions to make. While you may ask family, the baby’s father, or friends, for advice, they may have different opinions, which can be helpful or overwhelming. Therefore, it is important before you make a decision to be sure you have all the facts about your options.

Take a couple of minutes to call, text, or complete our online form. You can talk to a Lifetime coordinator who will calmly listen to your story and provide you with all the information you need to make the right decision for you and your baby. You can learn about modern, open adoption from the Lifetime coordinators.

What is the Adoption Process in Connecticut?

Pregnant women and women or men currently parenting in Connecticut can reach out to Lifetime coordinators to learn about the adoption process. It’s easy to get started, just call, text, or access our online form. You will find an experienced, non-judgmental, supportive coordinator ready to help.

She will introduce you to adoptive family profiles online and can send profiles she feels will be a good match. You can view families in Connecticut or in most other states.

If you are currently pregnant and will be placing your newborn for adoption, your Lifetime coordinator will work with you to create a hospital plan. This will outline things such as:

  • When you want adoptive parents to arrive.
  • Who holds and feeds the baby first.
  • Who cuts the umbilical cord.
  • If you want to stay in the maternity ward or another area of the hospital.

In addition, you will have your own legal representative, who will explain all your rights regarding adoption and take care of all legal proceedings for you.

What do you do if you are struggling to parent an older child, children, or special needs child? There are Lifetime adoptive families interested in adopting a toddler, sibling group, or older child. You can have a professional counselor, at no charge, create an adoption transition plan that will help the child with the change.

Open Adoption in Connecticut
Open adoption is a wonderful way to place your baby for adoption without having to say goodbye to your child forever. Not only do you choose the adoptive parents, but you can also receive updates, pictures, and even occasional visits if that is something you are interested in. Your Lifetime coordinator will ask you some questions so she can create the perfect adoption plan for you and your child. Some questions may be:

  • What traits or characteristics are important to you in an adoptive family?
  • Do you want updates or even visits in the future?
  • Would you like to create a hospital plan?
  • Do you have pregnancy-related expenses you need help with?

It is not easy to place your baby for adoption but remember you can watch as your baby thrives in their adoptive home. We have many birth parents who have developed great relationships with the adoptive families of their baby. For example, one of our brave birth mothers was engaged and asked if her daughter might be able to attend the wedding. Not only was her daughter delighted to be there, but the adoptive parents not only attended but the adoptive father was also asked to walk the birth mother down the aisle.

Help With Pregnancy Expenses and More
Kim was in a bad relationship and was trying to get out of it when she found out she was pregnant. Now, with nowhere to go and new pregnancy-related expenses, she felt trapped but didn’t want her baby to be brought into that situation. Her Lifetime coordinator explained that in the state of Connecticut, some pregnancy-related expenses may be covered, such as:

  • Payment of expenses for birth parent counseling, including the cost of transportation.
  • Payment for the living expenses of the birth mother not to exceed $1,500 unless approved by the probate court.
  • Telephone charges
  • Maternity clothing expenses

In Connecticut, counseling of the birth mother is required within 72 hours of the birth or as soon as possible after the birth. Lifetime helps with this by having professional and peer counselors available for birth mothers at no cost to the birth mother.

Connecticut Adoptive Families

By searching our network of waiting families from across the country, Lifetime Adoption provides a greater opportunity for you to find the perfect match. When you browse these profiles, you can learn more about a family’s:

  • Lifestyle
  • Family
  • Values and religious beliefs
  • Reasons for adopting
  • Home and neighborhood
  • And much more!

Families Wanting to Adopt in Connecticut

adoptive couple

Do you envision adopting a newborn, child up to the age of 6 or sibling group in Connecticut? Trust Lifetime, one of the leaders in modern, open adoption, to help make your adoption dreams come true.

Starting the Adoption Process

To get started, complete our short online application. Filling it out does not obligate you in any way and is free. Your application will be reviewed, and then when pre-approved, you will be contacted by a Lifetime representative who will introduce you to the Lifetime Adoption process.

Our coordinators have tremendous experience guiding families through the process created by Mardie Caldwell. Mardie is the founder, and she created the Lifetime Adoption program after her experience adopting her son over three decades ago.

Adoption Laws in Connecticut
Connecticut adoption laws can be intimidating, but you will have legal representation along with your coordinator to guide you through the process. Your Lifetime Adoption coordinator will refer you to an adoption attorney in Connecticut.

Typically, in Connecticut, the timeline for legal documentation and the timeline for adoption are as follows:

Relinquishment papers cannot be filed until at least 48 hours after birth. No judgment may be entered until after the birth of the child.

Connecticut Home Studies
Required by every state is a home study which is a legal document. In general, a home study is done to confirm your ability to parent and that you have an adequate home for the child and a healthy environment. A home study must be completed before an adoption can be completed.

A home study includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Proof of income
  • Criminal history record checks, including on the child abuse and neglect registry for anyone 16 years or older living in the home
  • A home visit to confirm the home is safe and has sufficient room for a child
  • A health report for adoptive parents
Lifetime Adoption looks forward to guiding you on your adoption journey, whether you are placing your baby for adoption or are hoping to adopt a child.

Adoption By State:



Mardie Caldwell



Funding Your Adoption



Called To Adoption



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We are a Safe Haven Approved Agency.

Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Florida. (License FL 100096562)
Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Arkansas. (License AR #00050809)
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