Lifetime Adoption > Adoption in Ohio

Adoption in Ohio

Ohio Adoption, Adoption Agencies in Ohio, Home Studies and More

Ohio skyline
If you are in the Buckeye State and are interested in adoption, Lifetime Adoption is ready to help you with your adoption journey. Are you looking for adoption agencies in Ohio? Do you need information about placing your baby for adoption? Are you considering adopting a child in Ohio? Lifetime Adoption coordinators are available to provide all of the information you need and to make sure you have all the resources you need.

Pregnant and Considering Open Adoption in Ohio

Young pregnant woman looking at a tablet while sitting cross-legged on her sofa

Upon receiving a positive pregnancy test, the initial shock can trigger a myriad of emotions, leaving you uncertain about the next steps. That’s why, it’s important to recognize that you have options. Lifetime Adoption coordinators, are available 24/7 and are ready to discuss these options with you. Whether through a call, text, or our online form, a coordinator is ready to give you the guidance you’re looking for.

You may find counseling beneficial to navigate this situation, and both peer and professional counseling services are available at no cost. These counselors can help you decide how to communicate the news to the baby’s father, family, and friends, offering valuable insights to manage all the opinions and advice you’ll encounter during this confusing time.

What is the Adoption Process in Ohio?

For those in looking for an open adoption in Ohio, understanding the adoption process is vital. With over three decades of expertise, Lifetime Adoption stands ready to assist expectant mothers. Contacting a coordinator, available around the clock, initiates a supportive dialogue tailored to your needs, providing essential resources.

As you contemplate adoption, the process involves reviewing adoptive family profiles, both sent by your coordinator and accessible online. Whether you prefer a family from Ohio or another state, with a specific faith or open to varying levels of contact, the choice is yours.

Additionally, Lifetime Adoption services extend beyond newborn adoption, focusing on toddlers, special needs children, and older children as well. Collaborating with professional counselors, adoptive parents, and birth parents facilitates the creation of an adoption plan, to ensure the well-being of both child and parent.

The prospect of the hospital experience can be daunting, but your Lifetime Adoption coordinator is dedicated to easing your concerns. Crafting a personalized hospital plan ensures that you have a say in every aspect, from who is present in the delivery room to who holds the baby first. Furthermore, a provided attorney safeguards your rights, ensuring all necessary paperwork is completed without cost to you.

Open Adoption in Ohio

Open adoption in Ohio is not a subject most people know a lot about. For instance, they usually don’t know that in an open adoption, the birth parents choose the adoptive parents and that contact after the adoption is final is common. Birth parents can receive updates, pictures, video chats, connect through social media platforms and even have visits.

To get you started, your Lifetime Adoption coordinator will have some questions for you so that she can help you through the adoption process. She will ask some questions such as:

  • Would you like to view adoptive parent profiles to choose adoptive parents, or would you like a coordinator to choose for you?
  • What kind of updates and contact would you like after the adoption is final?
  • Would you like your adoption coordinator to help you create a hospital plan?
  • Would you like the adoptive parents to be a part of your doctor visits during your pregnancy?
  • Will you need assistance with pregnancy-related expenses?

Sometimes parenting a child is not the right option for you or your child and adoption can be loving and brave choice. At Lifetime Adoption, we have families who are loving and ready to grow their family through adoption. Lifetime families are interested in open adoption so you know you are not saying goodbye forever. You work with the adoptive family to decide what kind of contact you would like. For instance, do you want to receive pictures and updates or you may even want occasional visits. It is not uncommon for our adoptive families to form a close relationship with their birth mothers.

Help With Pregnancy Expenses and More

Kelly was living on the streets of Ohio when she contacted Lifetime after she found out she was pregnant. She did not want her baby to grow up on the streets so she decided to place her baby for adoption. She was worried about the extra expenses that came along with being pregnant and wanted to make sure she was safe during her pregnancy. She researched adoption agencies in Ohio online and found Lifetime. Her Lifetime Adoption coordinator explained that in the state of Ohio, some pregnancy-related expenses may be covered by the adopting parents.

One of the most important resources provided by Lifetime Adoption at no cost to you is peer and professional counseling. Talking with someone who has been in a situation similar to you as our peer counselors have can help a lot. These birth mothers understand the adoption process and will share their experience. Professional counselors are also available and are a great resource. You will have a lot of emotions you and decision to deal with and she can also help work through those and help you create a plan for the future.

Pregnancy Options in Ohio

Abortion options in Ohio are changing. With these changes, women may need to choose different pregnancy options. There are three choices for expectant women: parent, abort if available, or place their child for adoption. As technology moves forward, women can now see what stage of growth their baby is at 12 weeks along or even earlier. When women see a beating heart, brain waves, and fingernails by week 12, it may make them reconsider abortion options, even reconsider chemical abortions. 

Modern adoption may be a great alternative to abortion in states where abortion is restricted. The expectant woman makes the choices in a modern adoption. She gets to decide who adopts her baby, what her hospital plan entails, and even how much contact she would like to have in the future. Expectant women choosing adoption can even get help with pregnancy-related expenses (rent, transportation to doctor appointments, food, and more!). If you or someone you know has found out they have an unplanned, unexpected, or unwanted pregnancy situation, adoption can be a good choice to consider. Modern adoption is a topic not many people today understand, and they simply see it as an alternative to abortion in Ohio. In reality, women from many different walks of life and situations are choosing modern adoption.

Ohio Adoptive Families

The adoption profiles below will show you waiting adoptive parents of all types and backgrounds in Ohio. When you browse these profiles, you can learn more about their:

  • Lifestyle
  • Family
  • Home and neighborhood
  • Values and religious beliefs
  • Reasons for adopting
  • And much more!

No matter what you’re looking for in an adoptive family, you deserve to find the perfect match. With waiting families from across the country, Lifetime Adoption provides more adoptive family profiles for you, giving you a greater chance of finding the right fit for your child.

Families Hoping to Grow Through OAdoption in Ohio

adoptive couple with baby
Are you hoping to adopt a newborn, toddler, or maybe an older child in Ohio? When it comes to open adoption Lifetime Adoption is one of the nationwide leaders. For over three decades, our dedicated adoption coordinators have been successfully matching birth families and adoptive families. Additionally, our coordinators put birth mothers first and treat them with the care and respect they deserve, making sure they receive all the support and resources they need.

Starting the Adoption Process

The first step in the adoption process is simple. Just fill out our short online application. Sending in your application to Lifetime is free and does not obligate you in any way. When you are pre-approved, you will be contacted by a Lifetime Adoption coordinator. She will introduce you to the Lifetime process and address all your questions. You will be given information on how to create your personal profile, referrals for home study providers, access to education, blogs, and other resources available on the Lifetime membership site. Once you submit your application, please visit our adoption financing page to learn about ways to fund your open adoption in Ohio.

Mardie Caldwell, C.O.A.P., is the founder of Lifetime Adoption. She created the unique Lifetime Adoption program after navigating the adoption of her son. For over 35 years, the Lifetime program has been a great success, offering webinars, education through our membership site, and step-by-step guidance through your adoption journey.

Adoption Laws in Ohio

To navigate the Ohio adoption laws, you will need to hire an adoption attorney. Your Lifetime Adoption coordinator will refer an attorney in Ohio to you. Your attorney will ensure all documents are filed and schedule your finalization hearing.

In Ohio, you can expect your adoption to become final generally around about six months after placement. Every adoption situation is unique, however, so your adoption attorney will make sure everything stays on track, paperwork is filed and your finalization hearing is scheduled.

Ohio Home Studies

How does the home study process work? In Ohio, a home study is a legal document which is required by the court. It is meant to show the judge that you are qualified to adopt a child. Throughout the U.S. a home study is required to adopt.

A home study will include:

  • Employment verification
  • Background checks
  • Financial verification
  • References
  • Medical reports
  • Visit to the home

Your home study will be conducted by a social worker who will run a background and criminal check and will collect information on topics such as why you are interested in adopting, what your beliefs are regarding parenting style, what your family and marital relationships are like, what your lifestyle entails, and more. She will also interview everyone anyone who is living in your home.

Adoption is a big step and if you are considering adoption in Ohio, Lifetime Adoption is ready to walk you through the process. Your coordinator will provide all the information and support you need. If you are considering placing your newborn or older child for adoption or you want to grow your family through adoption just contact Lifetime. Our Lifetime Adoption coordinators will help you navigate your adoption journey.



Mardie Caldwell



Funding Your Adoption



Called To Adoption



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We are a Safe Haven Approved Agency.

Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Florida. (License FL 100096562)
Lifetime Adoption, Inc. is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in Arkansas. (License AR #00050809)
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